Immediately Mat_24_29 /${Immediately /after the
tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened , and the
moon shall not give her light , and the stars shall fall from
heaven , and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken :

immediately Act_16_26 /${immediately /all the doors
were opened , and every one's bands were loosed .

immediately Luk_01_64 /${immediately /and his tongue
loosed, and he spake , and praised God .

immediately Mar_04_15 /${immediately /and taketh
away the word that was sown in their hearts .

immediately Joh_21_03 /${immediately /and that night
they caught nothing .

immediately Luk_19_11 /${immediately /appear .

immediately Luk_19_40 /${immediately /cry out .

immediately Mar_02_12 /${immediately /he arose ,
took up the bed , and went forth before them all ; insomuch that
they were all amazed , and glorified God , saying , We never saw
it on this fashion .

immediately Mar_04_29 /${immediately /he putteth in
the sickle , because the harvest is come .

immediately Luk_18_43 /${immediately /he received
his sight , and followed him , glorifying God : and all the
people , when they saw it, gave praise unto God .

immediately Mar_10_52 /${immediately /he received
his sight , and followed Jesus in the way .

immediately Luk_05_25 /${immediately /he rose up
before them , and took up that whereon he lay , and departed to
his own house , glorifying God .

immediately Mar_06_50 /${immediately /he talked with
them , and saith unto them , Be of good cheer : it is I ; be not
afraid .

immediately Luk_08_44 /${immediately /her issue of
blood stanched .

immediately Mar_01_28 /${immediately /his fame
spread abroad throughout all the region round about Galilee .

immediately Act_03_07 /${immediately /his feet and
ankle bones received strength .

immediately Mat_08_03 /${immediately /his leprosy
was cleansed .

immediately Gal_01_16 /${immediately /I conferred
not with flesh and blood :

immediately Rev_04_02 /${immediately /I was in the
spirit : and , behold , a throne was set in heaven , and one sat
on the throne .

immediately Luk_06_49 /${immediately /it fell ; and
the ruin of that house was great .

immediately Mar_04_05 /${immediately /it sprang up ,
because it had no depth of earth :

immediately Mat_14_31 /${immediately /Jesus
stretched forth his hand , and caught him , and said unto him ,
O thou of little faith , wherefore didst thou doubt ?

immediately Mar_05_30 /${immediately /knowing in
himself that virtue had gone out of him , turned him about in
the press , and said , Who touched my clothes ?

immediately Mat_04_22 /${immediately /left the ship
and their father , and followed him .

immediately Joh_13_30 /${immediately /out : and it
was night .

immediately Mar_04_16 /${immediately /receive it
with gladness ;

immediately Act_17_10 /${immediately /sent away Paul
and Silas by night unto Berea : who coming thither went into the
synagogue of the Jews .

immediately Luk_04_39 /${immediately /she arose and
ministered unto them .

immediately Luk_13_13 /${immediately /she was made
straight , and glorified God .

immediately Act_12_23 /${immediately /the angel of
the Lord smote him , because he gave not God the glory : and he
was eaten of worms , and gave up the ghost .

immediately Act_17_14 /${immediately /the brethren
sent away Paul to go as it were to the sea : but Silas and
Timotheus abode there still .

immediately Mat_26_74 /${immediately /the cock crew .

immediately Joh_18_27 /${immediately /the cock crew .

immediately Mar_01_31 /${immediately /the fever left
her , and she ministered unto them .

immediately Mar_06_27 /${immediately /the king sent
an executioner , and commanded his head to be brought : and he
went and beheaded him in the prison ,

immediately Mar_01_42 /${immediately /the leprosy
departed from him , and he was cleansed .

immediately Luk_05_13 /${immediately /the leprosy
departed from him .

immediately Joh_05_09 /${immediately /the man was
made whole , and took up his bed , and walked : and on the same
day was the sabbath .

immediately Joh_06_21 /${immediately /the ship was
at the land whither they went .

immediately Mar_01_12 /${immediately /the Spirit
driveth him into the wilderness .

immediately Mat_20_34 /${immediately /their eyes
received sight , and they followed him .

immediately Act_09_18 /${immediately /there fell
from his eyes as it had been scales : and he received sight
forthwith , and arose , and was baptized .

immediately Act_13_11 /${immediately /there fell on
him a mist and a darkness ; and he went about seeking some to
lead him by the hand .

immediately Mar_05_02 /${immediately /there met him
out of the tombs a man with an unclean spirit ,

immediately Act_11_11 /${immediately /there were
three men already come unto the house where I was , sent from
Caesarea unto me .

Immediately Act_10_33 /${Immediately /therefore I
sent to thee ; and thou hast well done that thou art come . Now
therefore are we all here present before God , to hear all
things that are commanded thee of God .

immediately Mar_04_17 /${immediately /they are
offended .

immediately Act_21_32 /${immediately /took soldiers
and centurions , and ran down unto them : and when they saw the
chief captain and the soldiers , they left beating of Paul .

immediately Act_16_10 /${immediately /we endeavoured
to go into Macedonia , assuredly gathering that the Lord had
called us for to preach the gospel unto them .

immediately Mar_02_08 /${immediately /when Jesus
perceived in his spirit that they so reasoned within themselves ,
he said unto them , Why reason ye these things in your hearts ?

immediately Mar_14_43 /${immediately /while he yet
spake , cometh Judas , one of the twelve , and with him a great
multitude with swords and staves , from the chief priests and
the scribes and the elders .

immediately Luk_22_60 /${immediately /while he yet
spake , the cock crew .
