ignorance Lev_04_02 /^{ignorance /against any of
the commandments of the LORD concerning things which ought not
to be done , and shall do against any of them :

ignorance Lev_04_22 /^{ignorance /against any of
the commandments of the LORD his God concerning things which
should not be done , and is guilty ;

ignorance Lev_04_13 /^{ignorance /and the thing be
hid from the eyes of the assembly , and they have done somewhat
against any of the commandments of the LORD concerning things
which should not be done , and are guilty ;

ignorance Num_15_25 /^{ignorance /and they shall
bring their offering , a sacrifice made by fire unto the LORD ,
and their sin offering before the LORD , for their ignorance :

ignorance Num_15_28 /^{ignorance /before the LORD ,
to make an atonement for him; and it shall be forgiven him.

ignorance Num_15_29 /^{ignorance /both for him
that is born among the children of Israel , and for the stranger
that sojourneth among them.

ignorance Act_17_30 /${ignorance /God winked at ;
but now commandeth all men every where to repent :

ignorance Lev_05_15 /^{ignorance /in the holy
things of the LORD ; then he shall bring for his trespass unto
the LORD a ram without blemish out of the flocks , with thy
estimation by shekels of silver , after the shekel of the
sanctuary , for a trespass offering :

ignorance 1Pe_02_15 /${ignorance /of foolish men :

ignorance Eph_04_18 /${ignorance /that is in them ,
because of the blindness of their heart :

ignorance Num_15_27 /^{ignorance /then he shall
bring a she goat of the first year for a sin offering .

ignorance Lev_05_18 /^{ignorance /wherein he erred
and wist it not, and it shall be forgiven him.

ignorance Lev_04_27 /^{ignorance /while he doeth
somewhat against any of the commandments of the LORD concerning
things which ought not to be done , and be guilty ;

ignorance Num_15_24 /^{ignorance /without the
knowledge of the congregation , that all the congregation shall
offer one young bullock for a burnt offering , for a sweet
savour unto the LORD , with his meat offering , and his drink
offering , according to the manner , and one kid of the goats
for a sin offering .

ignorance Act_03_17 /${ignorance /ye did it, as
did also your rulers .
