Root Words and their word stems. This helps you see all related words in the English.
Root Words and their word stems
15 * idol
2 - idolater
5 - idolaters
1 - idolatries
1 - idolatrous
5 - idolatry
98 - idols
18 * ignorance
17 - ignorant
4 - ignorantly
100 * image
1 - imagery
71 - images
14 * imagination
6 - imaginations
12 - imagine
3 - imagined
1 - imagineth
1 * imprisoned
2 - imprisonment
1 - imprisonments
3 * impute
8 - imputed
2 - imputeth
2 - imputing
16 * incline
13 - inclined
1 - inclineth
88 * increase
49 - increased
1 - increasest
15 - increaseth
1 - increasing
10 * inhabit
33 - inhabitant
202 - inhabitants
32 - inhabited
2 - inhabiters
1 - inhabitest
2 - inhabiteth
1 - inhabiting
62 * inherit
239 - inheritance
1 - inheritances
6 - inherited
1 - inheriteth
1 - inheritor
5 * innocency
38 - innocent
2 - innocents
52 * inquire
34 - inquired
1 - inquirest
2 - inquiry
3 - inquisition
9 * instruct
19 - instructed
1 - instructing
33 - instruction
2 - instructor
1 - instructors
4 * intend
1 - intended
1 - intendest
3 - intending
9 * intercession
1 - intercessions
1 - intercessor
8 * interpret
46 - interpretation
2 - interpretations
11 - interpreted
4 - interpreter
1 - interpreting
2 * invade
5 - invaded
1 - invasion
1 * invent
1 - invented
5 - inventions
1 - inventors
25 * inward
3 - inwardly
20 - inwards
47 * ishmael
1 - ishmaelite
2 - ishmaelites
1 - ishmaiah
1 - ishmeelite
4 - ishmeelites
2566 * israel
4 - israelite
18 - israelites
3 - israelitish
40 * issue
7 - issued
2 - issues