husbands Joh_04_18 /${husbands /and he whom thou
now hast is not thy husband : in that saidst thou truly .
husbands Eze_16_45 /^{husbands /and their
children : your mother was an Hittite , and your father an
Amorite .
husbands Col_03_18 /${husbands /as it is fit in
the Lord .
husbands Eph_05_22 /${husbands /as unto the Lord .
husbands 1Co_14_35 /${husbands /at home : for it
is a shame for women to speak in the church .
husbands 1Pe_03_07 /${husbands /dwell with them
according to knowledge , giving honour unto the wife , as unto
the weaker vessel , and as being heirs together of the grace of
life ; that your prayers be not hindered .
husbands Est_01_20 /^{husbands /honour , both to
great and small .
husbands Eph_05_24 /${husbands /in every thing .
husbands Est_01_17 /^{husbands /in their eyes ,
when it shall be reported , The king Ahasuerus commanded Vashti
the queen to be brought in before him, but she came not.
Husbands Col_03_19 /${Husbands /love your wives ,
and be not bitter against them .
Husbands Eph_05_25 /${Husbands /love your wives ,
even as Christ also loved the church , and gave himself for it ;
husbands Rut_01_13 /^{husbands /nay, my daughters
; for it grieveth me much for your sakes that the hand of the
LORD is gone out against me.
husbands 1Ti_03_12 /${husbands /of one wife ,
ruling their children and their own houses well .
husbands 1Pe_03_01 /${husbands /that , if any
obey not the word , they also may without the word be won by the
conversation of the wives ;
husbands Tit_02_05 /${husbands /that the word of
God be not blasphemed .
husbands Jer_29_06 /^{husbands /that they may
bear sons and daughters ; that ye may be increased there, and
not diminished .
husbands Tit_02_04 /${husbands /to love their
children ,