hurtful , 1TI , 6:9

hurtful , EZR , 4:15

hurtful , PS , 144:10


hurtful 0983 # blaberos {blab-er-os'}; from 984; injurious: --


hurtful Interlinear Index Study

hurtful EZR 004 015 That search <01240 +b@qar > may be made in
the book <05609 +c@phar > of the records <01799 +dikrown > of
thy fathers <2> : so shalt thou find <07912 +sh@kach > in the
book <05609 +c@phar > of the records <01799 +dikrown > , and
know <03046 +y@da< > that this <01791 +dek > city <07149 +qirya>
> [ is ] a rebellious <04779 +marad > city <07149 +qirya> > ,
and {hurtful} <05142 +n@zaq > unto kings <04430 +melek > and
provinces <04083 +m@diynah > , and that they have moved <05648
+ sedition <00849 +>eshtadduwr > within <04481 +min > the
same <01459 +gav > of old <05957 + time <03118 +yowm > :
for which <01836 +den > cause was this <01791 +dek > city <07149
+qirya> > destroyed <02718 +charab > .

hurtful PSA 144 010 [ It is he ] that giveth <05414 +nathan >
salvation <08668 +t@shuw unto kings <04428 +melek > : who
delivereth <06475 +patsah > David <01732 +David > his servant
<05650 + from the {hurtful} <07451 +ra< > sword <02719
+chereb > .

hurtful 1TI 006 009 But they that will <1014 -boo -lom -ahee ->
be rich <4147 -plouteo -> fall into <1519 -eis -> temptation
<3986 -peirasmos -> and a snare <3803 -pagis -> , and [ into
<1519 -eis -> ] many <4183 -polus -> foolish <0453 -anoetos ->
and {hurtful} <0983 -blaberos -> lusts <1939 -epithumia -> ,
which <3748 -hostis -> drown <1036 -buthizo -> men <0444 -
anthropos -> in destruction <3639 -olethros -> and perdition
<0684 -apoleia -> .


hurtful lusts <1TI6 -:9 >

hurtful sword

hurtful unto kings

* hurtful , 0983 ,

- hurtful , 5142 , 7451 ,

* hurtful , 0983 blaberos ,


hurtful -0983 {hurtful},


hurtful -5142 damage , endamage , hurt , {hurtful} ,

hurtful -7451 adversities , adversity , affliction , afflictions
, and , bad , calamities , cities , displeasure , distress ,
evil , evils , friend , great , grief , grievous , harm , heavy ,
hurt , {hurtful} , ill , mischief , mischiefs , mischievous ,
misery , naught , naughty , noisome , out , sad , sadly , sore ,
sorrow , temples , them , trouble , troubles , wicked , wickedly
, wickedness , worse , worst , wretchedness , wrong ,


hurtful 0983 ** blaberos ** {hurtful}.


hurtful ......... and hurtful 0983 -blaberos->



hurtful 0983 # blaberos {blab-er-os'}; from 984; injurious: --


hurtful 006 009 ITi /${hurtful /lusts , which
drown men in destruction and perdition .

hurtful 144 010 Psa /^{hurtful /sword .

hurtful 004 015 Ezr /^{hurtful /unto kings and
provinces , and that they have moved sedition within the same of
old time : for which cause was this city destroyed .


hurtful 3 -


hurtful It is he] that giveth salvation unto kings:
who delivereth David his servant from the {hurtful} sword.

hurtful <1TI6 -9> But they that will be rich fall into
temptation and a snare, and into] many foolish and {hurtful}
lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition.

hurtful That search may be made in the book of the
records of thy fathers: so shalt thou find in the book of the
records, and know that this city [is] a rebellious city, and
{hurtful} unto kings and provinces, and that they have moved

within the same of old time: for which cause was this city
