Bible Greek and Hebrew Dictionaries combined for Word Studies

Genesis Chapter 1

Abishur 0051 ## &Abiyshuwr {ab-ee-shoor'}; from 1 and 7791; father of (the) wall (i.e. perhaps mason); Abishur, an Israelite: -- {Abishur}.

Ashur 0806 ## &Ashchuwr {ash-khoor'}; probably from 7835; black; Ashchur, an Israelite: -- {Ashur}.

Ashurite 0839 ## &ashur {ash-oor'}; contracted for 8391; the cedar tree or some other light elastic wood: -- {Ashurite}.

Asshur 0804 ## &Ashshuwr {ash-shoor'}; or &Ashshur {ash-shoor'}; apparently from 833 (in the sense of successful); Ashshur, the second son of Shem; also his descendants and the country occupied by them (i.e. Assyria), its region and its empire: -- {Asshur}, Assur, Assyria, Assyrians. See 838.

Assur 0804 ## &Ashshuwr {ash-shoor'}; or &Ashshur {ash-shoor'}; apparently from 833 (in the sense of successful); Ashshur, the second son of Shem; also his descendants and the country occupied by them (i.e. Assyria), its region and its empire: -- Asshur, {Assur}, Assyria, Assyrians. See 838.

Assyria 0804 ## &Ashshuwr {ash-shoor'}; or &Ashshur {ash-shoor'}; apparently from 833 (in the sense of successful); Ashshur, the second son of Shem; also his descendants and the country occupied by them (i.e. Assyria), its region and its empire: -- Asshur, Assur, {Assyria}, Assyrians. See 838.

Assyrians 0804 ## &Ashshuwr {ash-shoor'}; or &Ashshur {ash-shoor'}; apparently from 833 (in the sense of successful); Ashshur, the second son of Shem; also his descendants and the country occupied by them (i.e. Assyria), its region and its empire: -- Asshur, Assur, Assyria, {Assyrians}. See 838.

attire 7196 ## qishshur {kish-shoor'}; from 7194; an (ornamental) girdle (for women): -- {attire}, headband.

burning 2746 ## charchur {khar-khoor'}; from 2787; fever (as hot); -- extreme {burning}.

choice 0970 ## bachuwr {baw-khoor'}; or bachur {baw-khoor'}; participle passive of 977; properly, selected, i.e. a youth (often collective): -- ({choice}) young (man), chosen, X hole.

chosen 0970 ## bachuwr {baw-khoor'}; or bachur {baw-khoor'}; participle passive of 977; properly, selected, i.e. a youth (often collective): -- (choice) young (man), {chosen}, X hole.

extreme 2746 ## charchur {khar-khoor'}; from 2787; fever (as hot); -- {extreme} burning.

Geshur 1650 ## G@shuwr {ghesh-oor'}; from an unused root (meaning to join); bridge; Geshur, a district of Syria: -- {Geshur}, Geshurite.

going 0838 ## &ashur {aw-shoor'}; or ashshur {ash-shoor'}; from 833 in the sense of going; a step: -- {going}, step.

Harhur 2744 ## Charchuwr {khar-khoor'}; a fuller form of 2746; inflammation; Charchur, one of the Nethinim: -- {Harhur}.

headband 7196 ## qishshur {kish-shoor'}; from 7194; an (ornamental) girdle (for women): -- attire, {headband}.

hole 0970 ## bachuwr {baw-khoor'}; or bachur {baw-khoor'}; participle passive of 977; properly, selected, i.e. a youth (often collective): -- (choice) young (man), chosen, X {hole}.

hole 2352 ## chuwr {khoor}; or (shortened) chur {khoor}; from an unused root probably meaning to bore; the crevice of a serpent; the cell of a prison: -- {hole}.

Hur 1133 ## Ben-Chuwr {ben-khoor'}; from 1121 and 2354; son of Chur; Ben-Chur, an Israelite: -- the son of {Hur}.

Hur 2354 ## Chuwr {khoor}; the same as 2353 or 2352; Chur, the name of four Israelites and one Midianite: -- {Hur}.

man 0970 ## bachuwr {baw-khoor'}; or bachur {baw-khoor'}; participle passive of 977; properly, selected, i.e. a youth (often collective): -- (choice) young ({man}), chosen, X hole.

Pashur 6583 ## Pashchuwr {pash-khoor'}; probably from 6582; liberation; Pashchur, the name of four Israelites: -- {Pashur}.

Sethur 5639 ## C@thuwr {seth-oor'}; from 5641; hidden; Sethur, an Israelite: -- {Sethur}.

Shur 7793 ## Shuwr {shoor}; the same as 7791; Shur, a region of the Desert: -- {Shur}.

spoke 2840 ## chishshur {khish-shoor'}; from an unused root meaning to bind together; combined, i.e. the nave or hub of a wheel (as holding the spokes together): -- {spoke}.

step 0838 ## &ashur {aw-shoor'}; or ashshur {ash-shoor'}; from 833 in the sense of going; a step: -- going, {step}.

young 0970 ## bachuwr {baw-khoor'}; or bachur {baw-khoor'}; participle passive of 977; properly, selected, i.e. a youth (often collective): -- (choice) {young} (man), chosen, X hole.

Zacchur 2139 ## Zakkuwr {zaw-koor'}; from 2142; mindful; Zakkur, the name of seven Israelites: -- Zaccur, {Zacchur}.