Bible Greek and Hebrew Dictionaries combined for Word Studies

Genesis Chapter 1

Hupham 2349 ## Chuwpham {khoo-fawm'}; from the same as 2348; protection: Chupham, an Israelite: -- {Hupham}.

Shephuphan 8197 ## Sh@phuwpham {shef-oo-fawm'}; or Sh@phuwphan {shef-oo-fawn'}; from the same as 8207; serpent-like; Shephupham or Shephuphan, an Israelite: -- {Shephuphan}, Shupham.

Shupham 8197 ## Sh@phuwpham {shef-oo-fawm'}; or Sh@phuwphan {shef-oo-fawn'}; from the same as 8207; serpent-like; Shephupham or Shephuphan, an Israelite: -- Shephuphan, {Shupham}.