about an hundred pound

about four hundred men <1KI22 -:6 >

about six hundred men <1SA13 -:15 >

about six hundred men <1SA14 -:2 >

about six hundred thousand on foot

above five hundred brethren at once <1CO15 -:6 >

abraham was an hundred years old

adam after he had begotten seth were eight hundred years -:4 >

all an hundred thirty

among them two hundred singing men

an hundred baths

an hundred baths

an hundred bunches <2SA16 -:1 >

an hundred chariots <2SA8 -:4 >

an hundred clusters <1SA25 -:18 >

an hundred cubits <1KI7 -:2 >

an hundred cubits

an hundred cubits

an hundred cubits

an hundred cubits

an hundred cubits

an hundred cubits

an hundred cubits

an hundred cubits broad

an hundred cubits eastward

an hundred cubits long

an hundred cubits long

an hundred cubits long

an hundred cubits long for one side

an hundred fifty

an hundred forty

an hundred fourscore

an hundred measures

an hundred measures

an hundred measures

an hundred men

an hundred rams <2CH29 -:32 >

an hundred round about

an hundred seventy

an hundred shall leave ten

an hundred sheep <1KI4 -:23 >

an hundred sockets

an hundred talents <2CH36 -:3 >

an hundred talents <2KI23 -:33 >

an hundred talents

an hundred thirty

an hundred thirty

an hundred thirty

an hundred thousand

an hundred thousand

an hundred thousand

an hundred thousand

an hundred thousand men <1CH21 -:5 >

an hundred thousand rams <2KI3 -:4 >

an hundred threescore

an hundred throughout all

an hundred twenty

an hundred twenty

an hundred twenty

an hundred twenty

an hundred twenty

an hundred twenty

an hundred twenty

an hundred years old

an hundred years old shall be accursed

arphaxad lived after he begat salah four hundred

array against him with eight hundred thousand chosen men <2CH13
-:3 >

assyrians an hundred fourscore <2KI19 -:35 >

baal four hundred <1KI18 -:19 >

benjamin an hundred <2CH11 -:1 >

benjamin he gave three hundred

but an hundred foreskins <1SA18 -:25 >

but as it were two hundred cubits

but six hundred men turned

buy two hundred pennyworth

cainan lived after he begat mahalaleel eight hundred 13 >

caught three hundred foxes

child shall die an hundred years old

destroyed five hundred men

destroyed five hundred men

eber lived after he begat peleg four hundred

eight hundred forty

eight hundred twenty

enoch walked with god after he begat methuselah three hundred

enoch were three hundred sixty

enos lived after he begat cainan eight hundred

even weighed unto their hand six hundred

evil four hundred years

five hundred broad

five hundred measures

five hundred measures

five hundred men <1CH4 -:42 >

five hundred oxen <2CH35 -:9 >

five hundred reeds

five hundred reeds

five hundred reeds

five hundred she asses

five hundred sheep

five hundred sheep

five hundred thousand men <2SA24 -:9 >

five hundred yoke

for an hundred pieces

for he had nine hundred chariots

for it might have been sold for more than three hundred pence

for lifting up his spear against three hundred <1CH11 -:20 >

for six hundred thousand

for two hundred abode behind <1SA30 -:10 >

four hundred chariots <1KI10 -:26 >

four hundred chariots <2CH1 -:14 >

four hundred cubits <2CH25 -:23 >

four hundred cubits <2KI14 -:13 >

four hundred fifty

four hundred lambs

four hundred men <1SA30 -:10 >

four hundred men with him

four hundred pomegranates for <1KI7 -:42 >

four hundred pomegranates on <2CH4 -:13 >

four hundred shekels

four hundred shekels

four hundred shekels

four hundred thirty

four hundred thirty

four hundred thousand chosen men <2CH13 -:3 >

four hundred thousand footmen

four hundred threescore <1CH21 -:5 >

four hundred threescore

gate an hundred cubits

god an hundred bullocks

gold an hundred talents

having an hundred sheep

he had seven hundred wives <1KI11 -:3 >

he hired also an hundred thousand mighty men <2CH25 -:6 >

he lifted up his spear against three hundred <2SA23 -:18 >

he lifted up his spear against three hundred slain <1CH11 -:11

he made an hundred basins <2CH4 -:8 >

he took six hundred chosen chariots

he took with him seven hundred men <2KI3 -:26 >

hid an hundred men <1KI18 -:13 >

his head at two hundred shekels after <2SA14 -:26 >

hundred men

hundred talents

hundred talents

hundred talents which <2CH25 -:9 >

hundred twenty

is an hundred years old

israel an hundred thousand lambs <2KI3 -:4 >

israel eight hundred thousand valiant men <2SA24 -:9 >

israel five hundred thousand chosen men <2CH13 -:17 >

israel for an hundred talents <2CH25 -:6 >

israel were three hundred thousand <1SA11 -:8 >

jacob was an hundred forty

jared lived after he begat enoch eight hundred years 19 >

jared lived an hundred sixty

jared were nine hundred sixty

jews seven hundred forty

judah three hundred talents <2KI18 -:14 >

judah three hundred thousand <2CH14 -:8 >

king solomon made two hundred targets <1KI10 -:16 >

king solomon made two hundred targets <2CH9 -:15 >

lamech lived after he begat noah five hundred ninety 30 >

lamech lived an hundred eighty

lamech were seven hundred seventy

lord an hundred thousand talents <1CH22 -:14 >

lord make his people an hundred times so many more as they
<1CH21 -:3 >

made an hundred pomegranates <2CH3 -:16 >

make ready two hundred soldiers

man have an hundred sheep

me for an hundred foreskins <2SA3 -:14 >

measured five hundred reeds with

men an hundred thousand <1CH5 -:21 >

nahor lived after he begat terah an hundred

nine hundred chariots

nine hundred forty

nine hundred seventy

nine hundred seventy

nine hundred twenty

noah was five hundred years old

number three hundred thousand

obadiah took an hundred prophets <1KI18 -:4 >

one hundred priests' garments

one hundred thousand talents <1CH29 -:7 >

one owed five hundred pence

one year was six hundred threescore <1KI10 -:14 >

peleg lived after he begat reu two hundred

place six hundred shekels <1CH21 -:25 >

prophets four hundred men <2CH18 -:5 >

retained those three hundred men

reu lived after he begat serug two hundred

salah lived after he begat eber four hundred

same year an hundred talents <2CH27 -:5 >

save four hundred young men <1SA30 -:17 >

serug lived after he begat nahor two hundred years >

set this before an hundred men <2KI4 -:43 >

seth lived after he begat enos eight hundred

seven hundred chariots <2SA10 -:18 >

seven hundred chief fathers <1CH26 -:32 >

seven hundred chosen men lefthanded

seven hundred forty

seven hundred he goats <2CH17 -:11 >

seven hundred horsemen <2SA8 -:4 >

seven hundred oxen <2CH15 -:11 >

seven hundred rams <2CH17 -:11 >

seven hundred seventy

seven hundred thirty

seven hundred thirty

seven hundred twenty

seven hundred twenty

seven thousand three hundred thirty

seven thousand three hundred thirty

shechem for an hundred pieces

sheep two hundred <1CH5 -:21 >

sheep was six hundred

shem lived after he begat arphaxad five hundred years 11 >

shield two hundred thousand <2CH17 -:17 >

ship two hundred threescore

silver vessels an hundred talents

sinner do evil an hundred times

six hundred <1CH12 -:35 >

six hundred <1CH12 -:26 >

six hundred <1CH9 -:6 >

six hundred <1KI10 -:16 >

six hundred <2CH2 -:17 >

six hundred <2CH2 -:2 >

six hundred <2CH26 -:12 >

six hundred <2CH35 -:8 >

six hundred <2CH9 -:15 >

six hundred

six hundred

six hundred

six hundred

six hundred

six hundred

six hundred

six hundred

six hundred

six hundred fifty

six hundred fifty

six hundred fifty

six hundred forty

six hundred forty

six hundred forty

six hundred furlongs

six hundred men <1SA27 -:2 >

six hundred men <1SA30 -:9 >

six hundred men

six hundred men appointed with their weapons

six hundred men appointed with weapons

six hundred men which came after him from gath <2SA15 -:18 >

six hundred overseers <2CH2 -:18 >

six hundred oxen <2CH29 -:33 >

six hundred shekels <1SA17 -:7 >

six hundred sixty

six hundred talents <2CH3 -:8 >

six hundred thousand

six hundred thousand

six hundred thousand footmen

six hundred threescore

six hundred threescore

six hundred twenty

six hundred twenty

six hundred twenty

six hundred twenty

six hundred years old when

six thousand seven hundred

six thousand seven hundred

slew three hundred men at shushan

some an hundred

some an hundred

south an hundred cubits

south two hundred

spearmen two hundred

sweet calamus two hundred

syrians an hundred thousand footmen <1KI20 -:29 >

terah were two hundred

their brethren two hundred thousand <2CH28 -:8 >

them an hundred chariots <1CH18 -:4 >

them by their families were two thousand seven hundred 36 >

there went up after david about four hundred men <1SA25 -:13 >

there were with him about four hundred men <1SA22 -:2 >

they had two hundred forty

they shall afflict them four hundred years

they were found an hundred <2CH2 -:17 >

they were two hundred <1KI20 -:15 >

thousand seven hundred

thousand seven hundred

thousand seven hundred seventy

thousand shall leave an hundred

thousand three hundred

thousand three hundred

thousand two hundred

thousand two hundred

thousand two hundred

thousand two hundred fifty

thousand two hundred fifty

thousand two hundred fifty

thousand two hundred fifty

thousand two hundred forty

thousand two hundred forty

thousand two hundred twenty

three hundred <1KI5 -:16 >

three hundred <2CH9 -:16 >

three hundred <2SA2 -:31 >

three hundred <2SA21 -:16 >

three hundred

three hundred

three hundred

three hundred

three hundred

three hundred

three hundred

three hundred

three hundred blew

three hundred chariots <2CH14 -:9 >

three hundred concubines <1KI11 -:3 >

three hundred cubits

three hundred days

three hundred forty

three hundred forty

three hundred men

three hundred men

three hundred men

three hundred ninety

three hundred ninety

three hundred seventy

three hundred seventy

three hundred shields <1KI10 -:17 >

three hundred shields <2CH9 -:16 >

three hundred thousand <2CH26 -:13 >

three hundred twenty

three hundred twenty

three hundred twenty

three hundred years

three thousand nine hundred

took thence four hundred <2CH8 -:18 >

took two hundred loaves <1SA25 -:18 >

two hundred <1CH12 -:32 >

two hundred <1CH7 -:11 >

two hundred <1CH7 -:9 >

two hundred <1CH9 -:22 >

two hundred <1KI7 -:20 >

two hundred <2CH14 -:8 >

two hundred <2CH8 -:10 >

two hundred

two hundred

two hundred

two hundred

two hundred

two hundred

two hundred

two hundred

two hundred

two hundred

two hundred

two hundred

two hundred abode by <1SA25 -:13 >

two hundred cakes <1SA25 -:18 >

two hundred ewes

two hundred forty

two hundred forty

two hundred forty

two hundred fourscore

two hundred lambs <2CH29 -:32 >

two hundred men <1SA30 -:21 >

two hundred pennyworth

two hundred pound

two hundred rams

two hundred she goats

two hundred shekels

two hundred thousand footmen <1SA15 -:4 >

two hundred thousand thousand

two hundred twenty

two hundred twenty

two thousand an hundred seventy

two thousand an hundred seventy

two thousand eight hundred

two thousand three hundred

two thousand three hundred

two thousand three hundred twenty

two thousand two hundred

unto an hundred talents

valour three hundred thousand <2CH17 -:14 >

was six hundred thousand

was sixteen thousand seven hundred

was two hundred fourscore <1CH25 -:7 >

were numbered four hundred thousand men

were numbered were six hundred thousand

were three hundred men

west two hundred

when he was about an hundred years old

which owed him an hundred pence

which was four hundred

which were numbered seven hundred chosen men

why was not this ointment sold for three hundred pence :5 >

wise man than an hundred stripes into

with absalom went two hundred men out <2SA15 -:11 >

with five hundred

with him an hundred <2CH17 -:18 >

with him an hundred

with him an hundred

with him an hundred forty

with him four hundred men

with him three hundred males

with him two hundred <2CH17 -:15 >

with him two hundred

with him two hundred males

with him two hundred thousand mighty men <2CH17 -:16 >

with twelve hundred chariots <2CH12 -:3 >
