humble, knowledge, look, (+ well), X me, open(-ly), + (not)
please, presence, + regard, resemblance, sight, X thee, X them,
+ think, X us, well, X you(-rselves).[ql

humble 1792 ## daka> {daw-kaw'}; a primitive root (compare 1794);
to crumble; transitively, to bruise (literally or figuratively):
-- beat to pieces, break (in pieces), bruise, contrite, crush,
destroy, {humble}, oppress, smite. [ql

humble 3665 ## kana< {kaw-nah'}; a primitive root; properly, to
bend the knee; hence, to humiliate, vanquish: -- bring down
(low), into subjection, under, {humble} (self), subdue. [ql

humble 5869 ## eye (literally or figuratively); by analogy, a fountain (as the
eye of the landscape): -- affliction, outward appearance, +
before, + think best, colour, conceit, + be content, countenance,
+ displease, eye([-brow], [-d], -sight), face, + favour,
fountain, furrow [from the margin], X him, + {humble}, knowledge,
look, (+ well), X me, open(-ly), + (not) please, presence, +
regard, resemblance, sight, X thee, X them, + think, X us, well,
X you(-rselves).[ql

humble 6031 ## rather ident. with 6030 through the idea of looking down or
browbeating]; to depress literally or figuratively, transitive
or intransitive (in various applications, as follows): -- abase
self, afflict(-ion, self), answer [by mistake for 6030], chasten
self, deal hardly with, defile, exercise, force, gentleness,
{humble} (self), hurt, ravish, sing [by mistake for 6030], speak
[by mistake for 6030], submit self, weaken, X in any wise.[ql

humble 6035 ## (gentle) or circumstances (needy, especially saintly): --
{humble}, lowly, meek, poor. Compare 6041.[ql

humble 6041 ## circumstances [practically the same as 6035, although the margin
constantly disputes this, making 6035 subjective and 6041
objective]: -- afflicted, {humble}, lowly, needy, poor.[ql

humble 7511 ## raphac {raw-fas'}; a primitive root; to trample,
i.e. prostrate: -- {humble} self, submit self.[ql

humble 7743 ## shuwach {shoo'-akh}; a primitive root; to sink,
literally or figuratively: -- bow down, incline, {humble}.[ql

humble 7807 ## shach {shakh}; from 7817; sunk, i.e. downcast: --
+ {humble}.[ql

humble 7817 ## shachach {shaw-khakh'}; a primitive root; to sink
or depress (reflexive or causative): -- bend, bow (down), bring
(cast) down, couch, {humble} self, be (bring) low, stoop.[ql

humble 8213 ## shaphel {shaw-fale'}; a primitive root; to
depress or sink (expec. figuratively, to humiliate, intransitive
or transitive): -- abase, bring (cast, put) down, debase,
{humble} (self), be (bring, lay, make, put) low(-er).[ql

humble 8214 ## sh@phal (Aramaic) {shef-al'}; corresponding to
8213: -- abase, {humble}, put down, subdue.[ql

humble 8217 ## shaphal {shaw-fawl'}; from 8213; depressed,
literally or figuratively: -- base(-st), {humble}, low(-er, -ly).

humble 5011 # tapeinos {tap-i-nos'}; of uncertain derivation;
depressed, i.e. (figuratively) humiliated (in circumstances or
disposition): -- base, cast down, {humble}, of low degree
(estate), lowly.[ql

humble 5013 # tapeinoo {tap-i-no'-o}; from 5011; to depress;
figuratively, to humiliate (in condition or heart): -- abase,
bring low, {humble} (self).[ql

humbleness 5012 # tapeinophrosune {tap-i-nof-ros-oo'-nay}; from
a compound of 5011 and the base of 5424; humiliation of mind, i.
e. modesty: -- {humbleness} of mind, humility (of mind,
loneliness (of mind).[ql
