ahab came into his house heavy <1KI21 -:4 >

all his father's house heard <1SA22 -:1 >

all his house died together <1CH10 -:6 >

all thy house into

all thy house shall be saved

an house for his kingdom <2CH2 -:12 >

an house for his kingdom <2CH2 -:1 >

an house not made with hands <2CO5 -:1 >

an house since <1CH17 -:5 >

banquet house

be clothed upon with our house which is from heaven <2CO5 -:2 >

because it went evil with his house <1CH7 -:23 >

because there was no house built unto <1KI3 -:2 >

because they were brought into joseph's house

because thou sore longedst after thy father's house 30 >

before all his house <2SA6 -:21 >

bless his house <1CH16 -:43 >

breaking bread from house

bring him back with thee into thine house <1KI13 -:18 >

bring thee into my mother's house

build an house <1CH28 -:2 >

build an house <1KI8 -:16 >

build an house <2CH2 -:4 >

build an house <2CH6 -:5 >

build an house for <1CH22 -:6 >

build an house for <1CH28 -:10 >

build an house for <1KI8 -:17 >

build an house for <2CH2 -:1 >

build an house for <2CH6 -:7 >

build an house for my name <2CH6 -:8 >

build an house unto <1CH22 -:7 >

build an house unto <1KI5 -:5 >

build an house unto my name <1KI8 -:18 >

build an house unto our god

build him an house <1CH14 -:1 >

build him an house <2CH2 -:3 >

build him an house <2CH2 -:6 >

build him an house <2CH36 -:23 >

build him an house at jerusalem

build it an house

build thee an house <1KI2 -:36 >

build thee an house for thine holy name <1CH29 -:16 >

build this house

build this house

build this house

build this house

buildeth his house by unrighteousness

building his own house <1KI3 -:1 >

built him an house

but solomon built him an house

but solomon was building his own house thirteen years <1KI7 -:
1 >

but they could not show their father's house

but they could not show their father's house

but thou shalt go unto my father's house

certain woman named martha received him into her house :38 >

chief house among

david my father could not build an house unto <1KI5 -:3 >

david unto her house which <1KI9 -:24 >

didst thou not go down unto thine house <2SA11 -:10 >

draught house unto this day <2KI10 -:27 >

eli's house shall not be purged with sacrifice nor offering for
ever <1SA3 -:14 >

every city or house divided against itself shall not stand

every house is shut up

for every house is builded by some

for her house inclineth unto death

for mine house shall be called an house

great house there are not only vessels <2TI2 -:20 >

great house with breaches

greater house he ceiled with fir tree <2CH3 -:5 >

have built an house for <1KI8 -:20 >

he buildeth his house as

he hath violently taken away an house which he builded not

he shall build an house for my name <2SA7 -:13 >

he shall build an house for my name <1CH22 -:10 >

he shall build an house unto my name <1KI5 -:5 >

he went unto his father's house at ophrah

her mother's house these things

his father's house three months

his father's house twenty <1CH12 -:28 >

his house after him

his house arose <2SA12 -:17 >

his house at jerusalem <2SA20 -:3 >

his house at ramah <1SA25 -:1 >

his house before thee

his house for love

his house heavy <1KI20 -:43 >

his house is increased

his house justified

his house mourning

his house shall depart

his house three months <1CH13 -:14 >

his house until

his house where he dwelt <1KI7 -:8 >

his house with great plagues because

his house with his javelin <1SA19 -:9 >

his neighbour next unto his house take

his own house upon his bed <2SA4 -:11 >

house all

house appointed for all living

house as

house be builded

house be divided against itself

house be not made unclean

house be worthy

house beelzebub

house being angry said

house burnt he with fire <2KI25 -:9 >

house by

house cannot stand

house certain

house clean

house cometh

house droppeth through

house eastward

house eastward over against <1KI7 -:39 >

house falleth

house fell upon

house finished throughout all <1KI6 -:38 >

house for <2CH6 -:10 >

house for

house for ever

house for my name <2CH6 -:9 >

house from

house had known

house had known what hour

house hath more honour than

house he asked them

house he built chambers round about <1KI6 -:5 >

house he made narrowed rests round about <1KI6 -:6 >

house he made windows <1KI6 -:4 >

house he overlaid with gold <1KI6 -:30 >

house his disciples asked him again

house is risen up

house naked

house on every side

house on every side

house or city

house round

house round about <1KI6 -:5 >

house round about

house round about

house round about

house round about

house round about upon me by night

house round about with carved figures <1KI6 -:29 >

house seven days

house seven times

house shall be brought unto

house shall boil

house shall come

house shall tremble

house shall wash his clothes

house shall wash his clothes

house since <2SA7 -:6 >

house standeth

house stood

house there within

house thereof

house top

house tops <2KI19 -:26 >

house two birds

house two pillars <2CH3 -:15 >

house unto my name <1KI8 -:19 >

house was filled with

house was filled with

house was filled with smoke

house was full

house was great

house was plastered

house went still upward round about

house where

house where

house where he entereth

house where they were sitting

house wherewith <2CH35 -:21 >

house which <2CH2 -:5 >

house which <2CH2 -:9 >

house which <2CH6 -:34 >

house which is called by my name

house which is called by my name

house which king solomon built for <1KI6 -:2 >

house which solomon <2CH35 -:3 >

house with

house with beams <1KI6 -:9 >

house with blindness

house with hollow streaks

house with planks <1KI6 -:15 >

house with precious stones for beauty <2CH3 -:6 >

house within <1KI6 -:18 >

house within <1KI6 -:19 >

house within with boards <1KI6 -:15 >

house within with pure gold <1KI6 -:21 >

how much less this house which <2CH6 -:18 >

if balak would give me his house full

if balak would give me his house full

into whatsoever house ye enter

is come into thine house like rachel

ivory house which he made <1KI22 -:39 >

king's house over him with fire <1KI16 -:18 >

king's house unto

king's house with all <2SA11 -:9 >

king's house within <2KI7 -:11 >

let his house be made

let thy house be like

let timber be pulled down from his house

little house with clefts

lord's house shall be established

lord's house shall be like

lord's house shall now shortly be brought again from babylon

lord's house should be built

lord's house upon

lord's house which

make not my father's house an house

make this house like shiloh

man's house where her lord

men which were sent from cornelius had made inquiry for simon's

micah's house were gathered together

might build an house for <2CH2 -:12 >

mine house have they seen <2KI20 -:15 >

mine house have they seen

most holy house he made two cherubims <2CH3 -:10 >

my father's house are many mansions

my father's house were but dead men before my lord <2SA19 -:28

my house have

my house is

my house is mine heir

my house may be filled

my house shall be built

my house shall be called

my house shall be called

neither shalt thou bring an abomination into thine house -:26 >

neither shalt thou covet thy neighbour's house

one house divided

one house shall it be eaten

passover at thy house with my disciples

provide for mine own house also

royal house which

same house remain

saul also sent messengers unto david's house <1SA19 -:11 >

shalt thou build me an house for me <2SA7 -:5 >

she brought him into her father's house

she returned unto her house <2SA11 -:4 >

shearing house <2KI10 -:12 >

shearing house <2KI10 -:14 >

shechem's house

should build him an house <2CH2 -:6 >

shut thyself within thine house

so esther was taken unto king ahasuerus into his house royal

so god shake out every man from his house

so he brought him into his house

solomon made also an house for pharaoh's daughter <1KI7 -:8 >

son over his own house

sparrow hath found an house

spiritual house <1PE2 -:5 >

spread forth his hands toward this house <1KI8 -:38 >

strong man's house

strong man's house

summer house

sure house <1SA2 -:35 >

sure house <1SA25 -:28 >

sword shall never depart from thine house <2SA12 -:10 >

than an house full

their eldest brother's house

their eldest brother's house

their father's house <1CH7 -:2 >

their father's house

their house <1CO16 -:19 >

their house <1SA1 -:19 >

their house

then go into mine house <2SA11 -:11 >

then he will spoil his house

then he will spoil his house

then thou shalt also judge my house

then thou shalt bring it unto thine own house

there is no house

these went into micah's house

they built david an house <2SA5 -:11 >

they shall search thine house <1KI20 -:6 >

they went into an house

thine eyes may be open toward this house night <1KI8 -:29 >

thine eyes may be open upon this house day <2CH6 -:20 >

thine house <1KI1 -:53 >

thine house <1SA2 -:31 >

thine house <1SA22 -:14 >

thine house <1SA25 -:6 >

thine house <1SA25 -:35 >

thine house <2KI20 -:15 >

thine house <2KI20 -:17 >

thine house <2SA14 -:8 >

thine house <2SA7 -:16 >

thine house

thine house

thine house

thine house

thine house

thine house

thine house

thine house

thine house

thine house divers measures

thine house for ever <1SA2 -:32 >

thine house hath eaten me up

thine house hath eaten me up

thine house shall come <1SA2 -:36 >

thine house shall die <1SA2 -:33 >

thine house shall eat

thine house shall go into captivity

thine own house <1KI12 -:16 >

thine own house <1KI14 -:12 >

thine own house <2SA12 -:11 >

thine own house

this house <1KI8 -:43 >

this house <1KI8 -:31 >

this house <1KI8 -:33 >

this house <1KI9 -:7 >

this house <1KI9 -:8 >

this house <2CH20 -:9 >

this house <2CH33 -:7 >

this house <2CH6 -:22 >

this house <2CH6 -:24 >

this house <2CH6 -:29 >

this house <2CH6 -:32 >

this house <2CH7 -:20 >

this house <2CH7 -:21 >

this house <2KI21 -:7 >

this house

this house

this house

this house

this house

this house

this house

this house

this house

this house

this house

this house kings sitting upon

this house shall be like shiloh

this house shall become

this house than

this house was finished on

this house was laid before their eyes

this house which thou art <1KI6 -:12 >

this latter house shall be greater than

this man is come into mine house

thou bring not blood upon thine house

thou shalt be over my house

thou shalt build an house

thou shalt not build an house for my name <1CH28 -:3 >

thou shalt not build an house unto my name <1CH22 -:8 >

thou shalt not build me an house <1CH17 -:4 >

thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house

thou shalt not cut off thy kindness from my house for ever
<1SA20 -:15 >

thou shalt not go into his house

thou wilt build him an house <1CH17 -:25 >

through wisdom is an house builded

thy brother amnon's house <2SA13 -:7 >

thy father's house <1KI18 -:18 >

thy father's house <1SA2 -:31 >

thy father's house <1SA22 -:22 >

thy father's house <2CH21 -:13 >

thy father's house

thy father's house for us

thy father's house shall be destroyed

thy father's house with fire

thy father's house with thee shall bear

thy house <1SA2 -:30 >

thy house <2SA11 -:8 >

thy house

thy house

thy house

thy house

thy house

thy house

thy house

thy house

thy house

thy house

thy house

thy house

thy house by cutting off many people

thy house into

thy lord's house

thy lord's house silver or gold

thy servant's house for <1CH17 -:17 >

thy servant's house for <2SA7 -:19 >

took them into his house

toward his house <2CH24 -:16 >

treasure house

treasure house

troubleth his own house shall inherit

turn into his house

wander from my father's house

wandering about from house <1TI5 -:13 >

we stand before this house <2CH20 -:9 >

we will burn thine house upon thee with jug

went away from him unto her father's house

went back unto his house

went into his house

what house will ye build me

what place soever ye enter into an house

when he had brought them into his house

when he was come into his house

when jesus was come into peter's house

when ye come into an house

which are at home at my house

which are entered into thine house

which built his house upon

which built his house upon

which gave him an house <1KI11 -:18 >

which neither have storehouse nor barn

which took me from my father's house

who destroyed this house

who hath made me an house <1KI2 -:24 >

who left his house

whole house <2KI9 -:8 >

whole house <2SA3 -:19 >

whole house

whole house

whole house

whole house

whole house

whole house

whole house

whole house he overlaid with gold <1KI6 -:22 >

whose house

whose house are we

whose house is by

whose house joined hard

why build ye not me an house <2SA7 -:7 >

why have ye not built me an house <1CH17 -:6 >

wide house

wide house

wide house

widow at thy father's house

will build thee an house <2SA7 -:27 >

will encamp about mine house because

will fill this house with glory

will go into thy house with burnt offerings

will judge his house for ever for <1SA3 -:13 >

will make thine house like <1KI21 -:22 >

will make thy house like <1KI16 -:3 >

will not build up his brother's house

will return into my house from whence

will return unto my house whence

will walk within my house with

winter house with

wisdom hath builded her house

with his house this day

withdraw thy foot from thy neighbour's house

woman was taken into pharaoh's house

women's house

worketh deceit shall not dwell within my house

would not have suffered his house

ye are risen up against my father's house this day

ye will also show kindness unto my father's house

your house is left unto you desolate

your house is left unto you desolate
