an arrow shot out

archers shot at king josiah <2CH35 -:23 >

can one go upon hot coals

he hath shot up his top among

he shot an arrow beyond him <1SA20 -:36 >

he shot out lightnings

her blossoms shot forth

hot burning

hot displeasure

hot iron <1TI4 -:2 >

hot thunderbolts

let not thine anger be hot against me

lord was hot against israel

lord was hot against israel

lord was hot against israel

lord was hot against israel

my heart was hot within me

my wrath may wax hot against them

or shot through

put hot bread <1SA21 -:6 >

shooters shot from off <2SA11 -:24 >

shot at <1SA20 -:20 >

shot forth her branches toward him

shot forth sprigs

sun be hot <1SA11 -:9 >

sun be hot

sun waxed hot

they are all hot as an oven

this our bread we took hot

thou art neither cold nor hot

thy hot displeasure

thy hot displeasure

we have shot at them

when he shot forth

when it is hot

while his heart is hot

why doth thy wrath wax hot against thy people

would thou wert cold or hot
