abhor -0887 {abhor} , abhorred , abomination , loathsome ,
odious , stank , stink , stinketh , stinking ,

abhor -1602 {abhor} , abhorred , cast , faileth , lothed ,
lotheth , vilely ,

abhor -2194 {abhor} , abhorred , abominable , angry , defied ,
defy , indignation ,

abhor -3988 {abhor} , abhorred , abhorreth , away , become ,
cast , contemn , contemneth , despise , despised , despiseth ,
disdained , loathe , loathsome , melt , refuse , refused ,
refuseth , reject , rejected , reprobate ,

abhor -5006 {abhor} , abhorred , abhorreth , anger , blaspheme ,
blasphemed , contemn , contemned , despise , despised ,
despiseth , flourish , great , provoke , provoked ,

abhor -8374 {abhor} ,

abhor -8581 {abhor} , abhorred , abhorreth , abominable ,
abominably , committed ,

abhorred -0887 abhor , {abhorred} , abomination , loathsome ,
odious , stank , stink , stinketh , stinking ,

abhorred -0973 {abhorred} ,

abhorred -1602 abhor , {abhorred} , cast , faileth , lothed ,
lotheth , vilely ,

abhorred -2194 abhor , {abhorred} , abominable , angry , defied ,
defy , indignation ,

abhorred -3988 abhor , {abhorred} , abhorreth , away , become ,
cast , contemn , contemneth , despise , despised , despiseth ,
disdained , loathe , loathsome , melt , refuse , refused ,
refuseth , reject , rejected , reprobate ,

abhorred -5006 abhor , {abhorred} , abhorreth , anger ,
blaspheme , blasphemed , contemn , contemned , despise ,
despised , despiseth , flourish , great , provoke , provoked ,

abhorred -5010 {abhorred} , void ,

abhorred -6973 {abhorred} , abhorrest , distressed , grieved ,
loatheth , weary ,

abhorred -8262 {abhorred} , abominable , abomination , detest ,

abhorred -8581 abhor , {abhorred} , abhorreth , abominable ,
abominably , committed ,

abhorrest -6973 abhorred , {abhorrest} , distressed , grieved ,
loatheth , weary ,

abhorreth -2092 {abhorreth} ,

abhorreth -3988 abhor , abhorred , {abhorreth} , away , become ,
cast , contemn , contemneth , despise , despised , despiseth ,
disdained , loathe , loathsome , melt , refuse , refused ,
refuseth , reject , rejected , reprobate ,

abhorreth -5006 abhor , abhorred , {abhorreth} , anger ,
blaspheme , blasphemed , contemn , contemned , despise ,
despised , despiseth , flourish , great , provoke , provoked ,

abhorreth -8581 abhor , abhorred , {abhorreth} , abominable ,
abominably , committed ,

abhorring -1860 {abhorring} , contempt ,

achor -5911 {achor} ,

authority -7235 abundance , abundantly , {authority} , brought ,
continued , enlarge , exceedingly , full , great , greater ,
grow , heap , increase , increased , increasest , increaseth ,
into , long , many , more , much , multiplied , multipliedst ,
multiplieth , multiply , multiplying , nourished , over ,
plenteous , plenty , process , sore , store , them , throughly ,
yieldeth ,

authority -8633 {authority} , power , strength ,

bechorath -1064 {bechorath} ,

bethhoron -1032 {bethhoron} ,

caphthorim -3732 {caphthorim} , caphtorim , caphtorims ,

chorashan -3565 {chorashan} ,

elihoreph -0456 {elihoreph} ,

hor -2023 {hor} ,

horam -2036 {horam} ,

horeb -2722 {horeb} ,

horem -2765 {horem} ,

horhagidgad -2735 {horhagidgad} ,

hori -2753 {hori} ,

horims -2752 {horims} , horite , horites ,

horite -2752 horims , {horite} , horites ,

horites -2752 horims , horite , {horites} ,

hormah -2767 {hormah} ,

horn -7161 hill , {horn} , horns ,

horn -7162 cornet , {horn} , horns ,

hornet -6880 {hornet} , hornets ,

hornets -6880 hornet , {hornets} ,

horns -3104 {horns} , jubile , ram , rams , trumpet ,

horns -7160 {horns} , shone ,

horns -7161 hill , horn , {horns} ,

horns -7162 cornet , horn , {horns} ,

horonaim -2773 {horonaim} ,

horonite -2772 {horonite} ,

horrible -2152 {horrible} , horror , terrible ,

horrible -7588 {horrible} , noise , pomp , rushing , tumult ,
tumultuous ,

horrible -8186 {horrible} ,

horribly -8175 afraid , come , feared , {horribly} , hurleth ,
take , tempestuous , whirlwind ,

horribly -8178 {horribly} , sore , storm ,

horror -0367 dread , fear , {horror} , idols , terrible , terror
, terrors ,

horror -2152 horrible , {horror} , terrible ,

horror -6427 fearfulness , {horror} , trembling ,

horse -5483 crane , {horse} , horseback , horses ,

horseback -5483 crane , horse , {horseback} , horses ,

horseback -7392 bring , brought , carried , gat , {horseback} ,
put , ridden , ride , rider , riders , rideth , riding , rode ,
set ,

horseleach -5936 {horseleach} ,

horseman -6571 {horseman} , horsemen ,

horseman -7395 chariot , driver , {horseman} ,

horsemen -6571 horseman , {horsemen} ,

horses -5483 crane , horse , horseback , {horses} ,

horses -5484 {horses} ,

inkhorn -7083 {inkhorn} ,

jehoram -3088 {jehoram} ,

nachor -5152 {nachor} , nahor , nahors ,

nahor -5152 nachor , {nahor} , nahors ,

nahors -5152 nachor , nahor , {nahors} ,

pethor -6604 {pethor} ,

shihor -7883 {shihor} , sihor ,

shihorlibnath -7884 {shihorlibnath} ,

shore -2348 coast , coasts , haven , {shore} , side ,

shore -7097 after , border , borders , brim , brink , coast ,
coasts , edge , end , ends , frontiers , outmost , outside ,
{shore} , side , some , utmost , uttermost ,

shore -8193 band , bank , binding , border , brim , brink , edge
, language , lip , lips , prating , {shore} , side , speech ,
talk , vain ,

shorn -7094 cut , {shorn} ,

short -2465 age , {short} , world ,

short -7114 cuttest , discouraged , grieved , harvestman ,
lothed , mower , much , reap , reaped , reaper , reapers ,
reapest , reapeth , reaping , {short} , shortened , shorter ,
straitened , troubled , vexed ,

short -7138 allied , approach , at , come , hand , kin ,
kinsfolk , kinsmen , more , near , nearer , neighbour ,
neighbours , newly , next , nigh , ready , {short} , shortly ,

shortened -7114 cuttest , discouraged , grieved , harvestman ,
lothed , mower , much , reap , reaped , reaper , reapers ,
reapest , reapeth , reaping , short , {shortened} , shorter ,
straitened , troubled , vexed ,

shorter -7114 cuttest , discouraged , grieved , harvestman ,
lothed , mower , much , reap , reaped , reaper , reapers ,
reapest , reapeth , reaping , short , shortened , {shorter} ,
straitened , troubled , vexed ,

shortly -4116 carried , fearful , haste , hasted , hasten ,
hastened , hasteneth , hasteth , hastily , hasty , quickly ,
rash , ready , {shortly} , soon , speed , speedily , straightway
, suddenly , swift ,

shortly -4120 hastily , quickly , {shortly} , soon , speed ,
speedily , swiftly ,

shortly -7138 allied , approach , at , come , hand , kin ,
kinsfolk , kinsmen , more , near , nearer , neighbour ,
neighbours , newly , next , nigh , ready , short , {shortly} ,

sihor -7883 shihor , {sihor} ,

thorn -2336 brambles , stead , thistle , thistles , {thorn} ,
thorns ,

thorn -4534 hedge , {thorn} ,

thorn -5285 {thorn} , thorns ,

thorn -6975 {thorn} , thorns ,

thorns -0329 atad , bramble , {thorns} ,

thorns -2312 brier , {thorns} ,

thorns -2336 brambles , stead , thistle , thistles , thorn ,
{thorns} ,

thorns -3068 all , also , began , god , him , his , in , jehovah
, josiah , lord , nor , of , simeon , slept , stone , that , the
, {thorns} ,

thorns -5285 thorn , {thorns} ,

thorns -5518 caldron , caldrons , pans , pot , pots , {thorns} ,

thorns -5544 brier , {thorns} ,

thorns -6791 {thorns} ,

thorns -6975 thorn , {thorns} ,

thorns -7063 {thorns} ,

thorns -7898 marble , {thorns} ,

thoroughly -3190 accepted , amend , aright , benefit , best ,
better , cheer , cheerful , comely , diligent , diligently , do ,
dresseth , earnestly , favour , give , good , merry , please ,
pleased , shewed , skilfully , small , sweet , {thoroughly} ,
tired , trimmest , very , well ,

thoroughly -7495 cure , heal , healed , healeth , made ,
physician , physicians , repaired , {thoroughly} , whole ,

whore -2181 commit , committed , committest , fornication ,
harlot , harlots , {whore} , whoredom , whoredoms , whores ,
whoring , whorish ,

whore -6948 harlot , harlots , {whore} ,

whoredom -2181 commit , committed , committest , fornication ,
harlot , harlots , whore , {whoredom} , whoredoms , whores ,
whoring , whorish ,

whoredom -2183 {whoredom} , whoredoms ,

whoredom -2184 {whoredom} , whoredoms ,

whoredom -8457 fornication , fornications , {whoredom} ,
whoredoms ,

whoredoms -2181 commit , committed , committest , fornication ,
harlot , harlots , whore , whoredom , {whoredoms} , whores ,
whoring , whorish ,

whoredoms -2183 whoredom , {whoredoms} ,

whoredoms -2184 whoredom , {whoredoms} ,

whoredoms -8457 fornication , fornications , whoredom ,
{whoredoms} ,

whores -2181 commit , committed , committest , fornication ,
harlot , harlots , whore , whoredom , whoredoms , {whores} ,
whoring , whorish ,

whoring -2181 commit , committed , committest , fornication ,
harlot , harlots , whore , whoredom , whoredoms , whores ,
{whoring} , whorish ,

whorish -2181 commit , committed , committest , fornication ,
harlot , harlots , whore , whoredom , whoredoms , whores ,
whoring , {whorish} ,
