Bible Translation Phrases for Individual word studies

Bible Translation Phrase lists
-adiaphthoria- ......... shewing uncorruptness 0090 -adiaphthoria- >

-anachoreo- ......... and departed 0402 -anachoreo- >

-anachoreo- ......... and went 0402 -anachoreo- >

-anachoreo- ......... And when they were departed 0402 -anachoreo- >

-anachoreo- ......... And when they were gone 0402 -anachoreo- >

-anachoreo- ......... aside 0402 -anachoreo- >

-anachoreo- ......... he departed 0402 -anachoreo- >

-anachoreo- ......... he turned 0402 -anachoreo- >

-anachoreo- ......... it , he withdrew 0402 -anachoreo- >

-anachoreo- ......... of it , he departed 0402 -anachoreo- >

-anachoreo- ......... place 0402 -anachoreo- >

-anachoreo- ......... they departed 0402 -anachoreo- >

-anachoreo- ......... unto them , Give 0402 -anachoreo- >

-anachoreo- ......... with him aside 0402 -anachoreo- >

-anachoreo- ......... withdrew 0402 -anachoreo- >

-aphorao- ......... Looking 0872 -aphorao- >

-aphorao- ......... soon as I shall see 0872 -aphorao- >

-aphorizo- ......... and he shall separate 0873 -aphorizo- >

-aphorizo- ......... and separated 0873 -aphorizo- >

-aphorizo- ......... and sever 0873 -aphorizo- >

-aphorizo- ......... cause 0873 -aphorizo- >

-aphorizo- ......... divideth 0873 -aphorizo- >

-aphorizo- ......... from them , and separated 0873 -aphorizo- >

-aphorizo- ......... Separate 0873 -aphorizo- >

-aphorizo- ......... separated 0873 -aphorizo- >

-aphorizo- ......... them , and be ye separate 0873 -aphorizo- >

-aphorizo- ......... they shall separate 0873 -aphorizo- >

-aphorme- ......... for an occasion 0874 -aphorme- >

-aphorme- ......... occasion 0874 -aphorme- >

-aphorme- ......... you occasion 0874 -aphorme- >

-apochoreo- ......... departeth 0672 -apochoreo- >

-apochoreo- ......... departing 0672 -apochoreo- >

-apochoreo- ......... you : depart 0672 -apochoreo- >

-apochorizo- ......... asunder 0673 -apochorizo- >

-apochorizo- ......... departed 0673 -apochorizo- >

-apochorizo- ......... sharp between them , that they departed 0673 -apochorizo- >

-apophortizomai- ......... was to unlade 0670 -apophortizomai- >

-chora- ......... all the country 5561 -chora- >

-chora- ......... and of the region 5561 -chora- >

-chora- ......... and the region 5561 -chora- >

-chora- ......... country 5561 -chora- >

-chora- ......... fields 5561 -chora- >

-chora- ......... in that land 5561 -chora- >

-chora- ......... in the land 5561 -chora- >

-chora- ......... in the region 5561 -chora- >

-chora- ......... of that country 5561 -chora- >

-chora- ......... on the fields 5561 -chora- >

-chora- ......... out ; and let not them that are in the countries 5561 -chora- >

-chora- ......... out of the country 5561 -chora- >

-chora- ......... the coasts 5561 -chora- >

-chora- ......... the country 5561 -chora- >

-chora- ......... The ground 5561 -chora- >

-chora- ......... the land 5561 -chora- >

-chora- ......... the region 5561 -chora- >

-chora- ......... the regions 5561 -chora- >

-chora- ......... their country 5561 -chora- >

-chora- ......... their own country 5561 -chora- >

-chora- ......... unto a country 5561 -chora- >

-Chorazin- ......... unto thee , Chorazin 5523 -Chorazin- >

-choregeo- ......... giveth 5524 -choregeo- >

-choregeo- ......... minister 5524 -choregeo- >

-choreo- ......... containing 5562 -choreo- >

-choreo- ......... could not contain 5562 -choreo- >

-choreo- ......... depart 5562 -choreo- >

-choreo- ......... departed 5562 -choreo- >

-choreo- ......... goeth 5562 -choreo- >

-choreo- ......... it , let him receive 5562 -choreo- >

-choreo- ......... let him depart 5562 -choreo- >

-choreo- ......... place 5562 -choreo- >

-choreo- ......... Receive 5562 -choreo- >

-choreo- ......... receive 5562 -choreo- >

-choreo- ......... room 5562 -choreo- >

-choreo- ......... separate 5562 -choreo- >

-choreo- ......... shall separate 5562 -choreo- >

-choreo- ......... she depart 5562 -choreo- >

-choreo- ......... should come 5562 -choreo- >

-choreo- ......... them that they should not depart 5562 -choreo- >

-choreo- ......... to depart 5562 -choreo- >

-choreo- ......... to receive 5562 -choreo- >

-choreo- ......... to separate 5562 -choreo- >

-chorion- ......... a field 5564 -chorion- >

-chorion- ......... as that field 5564 -chorion- >

-chorion- ......... of ground 5564 -chorion- >

-chorion- ......... of lands 5564 -chorion- >

-chorion- ......... of the land 5564 -chorion- >

-chorion- ......... that is to say , The field 5564 -chorion- >

-chorion- ......... the land 5564 -chorion- >

-chorion- ......... to a place 5564 -chorion- >

-chorion- ......... to the parcel 5564 -chorion- >

-chorion- ......... were possessions 5564 -chorion- >

-chorion- ......... with them unto a place 5564 -chorion- >

-choris- ......... And without 5565 -choris- >

-choris- ......... and without 5565 -choris- >

-choris- ......... as kings without 5565 -choris- >

-choris- ......... as not without 5565 -choris- >

-choris- ......... as we are , yet without 5565 -choris- >

-choris- ......... Beside 5565 -choris- >

-choris- ......... beside 5565 -choris- >

-choris- ......... But without 5565 -choris- >

-choris- ......... by him ; and without 5565 -choris- >

-choris- ......... by itself 5565 -choris- >

-choris- ......... For without 5565 -choris- >

-choris- ......... for without 5565 -choris- >

-choris- ......... not without 5565 -choris- >

-choris- ......... that without 5565 -choris- >

-choris- ......... thing for us , that they without 5565 -choris- >

-choris- ......... things without 5565 -choris- >

-choris- ......... time without 5565 -choris- >

-choris- ......... without 5565 -choris- >

-choris- ......... ye be without 5565 -choris- >

-choris- ......... ye were without 5565 -choris- >

-chorizo- ......... asunder 5563 -chorizo- >

-chorizo- ......... departed 5563 -chorizo- >

-chorizo- ......... put 5563 -chorizo- >

-choros- ......... and dancing 5525 -choros- >

-choros- ......... and north 5566 -choros- >

-choros- ......... west 5566 -choros- >

-chortasma- ......... sustenance 5527 -chortasma- >

-chortazo- ......... and filled 5526 -chortazo- >

-chortazo- ......... and were filled 5526 -chortazo- >

-chortazo- ......... as to fill 5526 -chortazo- >

-chortazo- ......... be filled 5526 -chortazo- >

-chortazo- ......... filled 5526 -chortazo- >

-chortazo- ......... for they shall be filled 5526 -chortazo- >

-chortazo- ......... for ye shall be filled 5526 -chortazo- >

-chortazo- ......... satisfy 5526 -chortazo- >

-chortazo- ......... to be fed 5526 -chortazo- >

-chortazo- ......... to be full 5526 -chortazo- >

-chortazo- ......... were filled 5526 -chortazo- >

-chortos- ......... grass 5528 -chortos- >

-chortos- ......... hay 5528 -chortos- >

-chortos- ......... is as grass 5528 -chortos- >

-chortos- ......... of grass 5528 -chortos- >

-chortos- ......... of the grass 5528 -chortos- >

-chortos- ......... the blade 5528 -chortos- >

-chortos- ......... the grass 5528 -chortos- >

-chortos- ......... The grass 5528 -chortos- >

-diachorizomai- ......... to pass , as they departed 1316 -diachorizomai- >

-diaphoros- ......... a more excellent 1313 -diaphoros- >

-diaphoros- ......... and divers 1313 -diaphoros- >

-diaphoros- ......... differing 1313 -diaphoros- >

-diaphthora- ......... corruption 1312 -diaphthora- >

-diaphthora- ......... to corruption 1312 -diaphthora- >

-ekchoreo- ......... of it depart 1633 -ekchoreo- >

-epautophoroi- ......... act 1888 -epautophoroi- >

-epautophoroi- ......... in the very 1888 -epautophoroi- >

-epichoregeo- ......... add 2023 -epichoregeo- >

-epichoregeo- ......... having nourishment 2023 -epichoregeo- >

-epichoregeo- ......... he that ministereth 2023 -epichoregeo- >

-epichoregeo- ......... ministered 2023 -epichoregeo- >

-epichoregeo- ......... shall be ministered 2023 -epichoregeo- >

-epichoregeo- ......... that ministereth 2023 -epichoregeo- >

-epichoregia- ......... and the supply 2024 -epichoregia- >

-epichoregia- ......... supplieth 2024 -epichoregia- >

-euphoreo- ......... brought 2164 -euphoreo- >

-euphoreo- ......... forth 2164 -euphoreo- >

-euphoreo- ......... plentifully 2164 -euphoreo- >

-euruchoros- ......... and broad 2149 -euruchoros- >

-hora- ......... an hour 5610 -hora- >

-hora- ......... And from that hour 5610 -hora- >

-hora- ......... and hour 5610 -hora- >

-hora- ......... and that hour 5610 -hora- >

-hora- ......... and the time 5610 -hora- >

-hora- ......... And when the day 5610 -hora- >

-hora- ......... at an hour 5610 -hora- >

-hora- ......... at the time 5610 -hora- >

-hora- ......... But the hour 5610 -hora- >

-hora- ......... but the time 5610 -hora- >

-hora- ......... for a season 5610 -hora- >

-hora- ......... for an hour 5610 -hora- >

-hora- ......... for in one hour 5610 -hora- >

-hora- ......... for in such an hour 5610 -hora- >

-hora- ......... for the hour 5610 -hora- >

-hora- ......... for the time 5610 -hora- >

-hora- ......... from that hour 5610 -hora- >

-hora- ......... from you for a short 5610 -hora- >

-hora- ......... he of them the hour 5610 -hora- >

-hora- ......... her hour 5610 -hora- >

-hora- ......... his hour 5610 -hora- >

-hora- ......... hour 5610 -hora- >

-hora- ......... hours 5610 -hora- >

-hora- ......... In that hour 5610 -hora- >

-hora- ......... in that instant 5610 -hora- >

-hora- ......... it is high time 5610 -hora- >

-hora- ......... it were but for a season 5610 -hora- >

-hora- ......... me , the hour 5610 -hora- >

-hora- ......... no , not for an hour 5610 -hora- >

-hora- ......... not for him , and in an hour 5610 -hora- >

-hora- ......... on him ; for his hour 5610 -hora- >

-hora- ......... that his hour 5610 -hora- >

-hora- ......... the eventide 5610 -hora- >

-hora- ......... the hour 5610 -hora- >

-hora- ......... The hour 5610 -hora- >

-hora- ......... the time 5610 -hora- >

-hora- ......... thee from the hour 5610 -hora- >

-hora- ......... time 5610 -hora- >

-hora- ......... to him ; for the hour 5610 -hora- >

-hora- ......... unto you , The hour 5610 -hora- >

-hora- ......... you in that hour 5610 -hora- >

-horaios- ......... beautiful 5611 -horaios- >

-horaios- ......... Beautiful 5611 -horaios- >

-horaios- ......... How beautiful 5611 -horaios- >

-horaios- ......... the Beautiful 5611 -horaios- >

-horama- ......... a vision 3705 -horama- >

-horama- ......... And a vision 3705 -horama- >

-horama- ......... at the sight 3705 -horama- >

-horama- ......... by a vision 3705 -horama- >

-horama- ......... in a vision 3705 -horama- >

-horama- ......... the vision 3705 -horama- >

-horama- ......... vision 3705 -horama- >

-horao- ......... And he that saw 3708 -horao- >

-horao- ......... And I saw 3708 -horao- >

-horao- ......... and seeth 3708 -horao- >

-horao- ......... And they shall see 3708 -horao- >

-horao- ......... and we have seen 3708 -horao- >

-horao- ......... as have not seen 3708 -horao- >

-horao- ......... as seeing 3708 -horao- >

-horao- ......... for , See 3708 -horao- >

-horao- ......... For I perceive 3708 -horao- >

-horao- ......... hath not seen 3708 -horao- >

-horao- ......... hath seen 3708 -horao- >

-horao- ......... have I not seen 3708 -horao- >

-horao- ......... have seen 3708 -horao- >

-horao- ......... he hath not seen 3708 -horao- >

-horao- ......... he hath seen 3708 -horao- >

-horao- ......... he that hath seen 3708 -horao- >

-horao- ......... he unto me , See 3708 -horao- >

-horao- ......... him , and have seen 3708 -horao- >

-horao- ......... him , having seen 3708 -horao- >

-horao- ......... I have seen 3708 -horao- >

-horao- ......... man hath seen 3708 -horao- >

-horao- ......... me hath seen 3708 -horao- >

-horao- ......... off , beholding 3708 -horao- >

-horao- ......... old , and hast thou seen 3708 -horao- >

-horao- ......... See 3708 -horao- >

-horao- ......... see 3708 -horao- >

-horao- ......... seen 3708 -horao- >

-horao- ......... Take heed 3708 -horao- >

-horao- ......... that he had seen 3708 -horao- >

-horao- ......... that she had seen 3708 -horao- >

-horao- ......... that we have seen 3708 -horao- >

-horao- ......... they had seen 3708 -horao- >

-horao- ......... they saw 3708 -horao- >

-horao- ......... thou hast seen 3708 -horao- >

-horao- ......... unto him , See 3708 -horao- >

-horao- ......... unto him , We have seen 3708 -horao- >

-horao- ......... unto them , Take heed 3708 -horao- >

-horao- ......... we have seen 3708 -horao- >

-horao- ......... we see 3708 -horao- >

-horao- ......... when they saw 3708 -horao- >

-horao- ......... ye have seen 3708 -horao- >

-horao- ......... Ye see 3708 -horao- >

-horao- ......... ye see 3708 -horao- >

-horasis- ......... in sight 3706 -horasis- >

-horasis- ......... in the vision 3706 -horasis- >

-horasis- ......... visions 3706 -horasis- >

-horasis- ......... was to look 3706 -horasis- >

-horatos- ......... visible 3707 -horatos- >

-horion- ......... coasts 3725 -horion- >

-horion- ......... from the coasts 3725 -horion- >

-horion- ......... in the borders 3725 -horion- >

-horion- ......... of the coasts 3725 -horion- >

-horion- ......... out of their coasts 3725 -horion- >

-horion- ......... the coasts 3725 -horion- >

-horion- ......... them out of their coasts 3725 -horion- >

-horizo- ......... And declared 3724 -horizo- >

-horizo- ......... and hath determined 3724 -horizo- >

-horizo- ......... as it was determined 3724 -horizo- >

-horizo- ......... by the determinate 3724 -horizo- >

-horizo- ......... determined 3724 -horizo- >

-horizo- ......... he hath ordained 3724 -horizo- >

-horizo- ......... he limiteth 3724 -horizo- >

-horizo- ......... was ordained 3724 -horizo- >

-horkizo- ......... I adjure 3726 -horkizo- >

-horkizo- ......... I charge 3726 -horkizo- >

-horkizo- ......... We adjure 3726 -horkizo- >

-horkomosia- ......... an oath 3728 -horkomosia- >

-horkomosia- ......... but this with an oath 3728 -horkomosia- >

-horkomosia- ......... of the oath 3728 -horkomosia- >

-horkos- ......... and an oath 3727 -horkos- >

-horkos- ......... it by an oath 3727 -horkos- >

-horkos- ......... nevertheless for the oath s 3727 -horkos- >

-horkos- ......... oath 3727 -horkos- >

-horkos- ......... oaths 3727 -horkos- >

-horkos- ......... The oath 3727 -horkos- >

-horkos- ......... with an oath 3727 -horkos- >

-horkos- ......... yet for his oath s 3727 -horkos- >

-hormao- ......... and ran 3729 -hormao- >

-hormao- ......... ran 3729 -hormao- >

-hormao- ......... they rushed 3729 -hormao- >

-horme- ......... there was an assault 3730 -horme- >

-hormema- ......... with violence 3731 -hormema- >

-horothesia- ......... and the bounds 3734 -horothesia- >

-hupochoreo- ......... And he withdrew 5298 -hupochoreo- >

-hupochoreo- ......... aside 5298 -hupochoreo- >

-hupochoreo- ......... them , and went 5298 -hupochoreo- >

-karpophoreo- ......... and bringeth 2592 -karpophoreo- >

-karpophoreo- ......... beareth 2592 -karpophoreo- >

-karpophoreo- ......... being fruitful 2592 -karpophoreo- >

-karpophoreo- ......... bringeth 2592 -karpophoreo- >

-karpophoreo- ......... forth 2592 -karpophoreo- >

-karpophoreo- ......... forth fruit 2592 -karpophoreo- >

-karpophoreo- ......... fruit 2592 -karpophoreo- >

-karpophoreo- ......... it , and bring 2592 -karpophoreo- >

-karpophoreo- ......... that we should bring 2592 -karpophoreo- >

-karpophoreo- ......... to bring 2592 -karpophoreo- >

-karpophoros- ......... and fruitful 2593 -karpophoros- >

-kathorao- ......... are clearly 2529 -kathorao- >

-kathorao- ......... seen 2529 -kathorao- >

-methorios- ......... the borders 3181 -methorios- >

-Nachor- ......... which was the son of Nachor 3493 -Nachor- >

-Onesiphoros- ......... of Onesiphorus 3683 -Onesiphoros- >

-perichoros- ......... about 4066 -perichoros- >

-perichoros- ......... and unto the region 4066 -perichoros- >

-perichoros- ......... of the country 4066 -perichoros- >

-perichoros- ......... region 4066 -perichoros- >

-perichoros- ......... round 4066 -perichoros- >

-perichoros- ......... that country 4066 -perichoros- >

-perichoros- ......... that lieth round 4066 -perichoros- >

-perichoros- ......... the country 4066 -perichoros- >

-perichoros- ......... the region 4066 -perichoros- >

-phoreo- ......... And as we have borne 5409 -phoreo- >

-phoreo- ......... bear 5409 -phoreo- >

-phoreo- ......... for he beareth 5409 -phoreo- >

-phoreo- ......... they that wear 5409 -phoreo- >

-phoreo- ......... to him that weareth 5409 -phoreo- >

-phoreo- ......... wearing 5409 -phoreo- >

-Phoron- ......... forum 5410 -Phoron- >

-phoros- ......... tribute 5411 -phoros- >

-phoros- ......... ye tribute 5411 -phoros- >

-phortion- ......... and my burden 5413 -phortion- >

-phortion- ......... burden 5413 -phortion- >

-phortion- ......... burdens 5413 -phortion- >

-phortion- ......... not the burdens 5413 -phortion- >

-phortion- ......... with burdens 5413 -phortion- >

-phortizo- ......... and are heavy laden 5412 -phortizo- >

-phortizo- ......... for ye lade 5412 -phortizo- >

-phortos- ......... of the lading 5414 -phortos- >

-Phortounatos- ......... and Fortunatus 5415 -Phortounatos- >

-phosphoros- ......... and the day 5459 -phosphoros- >

-phosphoros- ......... star 5459 -phosphoros- >

-phthora- ......... and destroyed 5356 -phthora- >

-phthora- ......... are to perish 5356 -phthora- >

-phthora- ......... corruption 5356 -phthora- >

-phthora- ......... doth corruption 5356 -phthora- >

-phthora- ......... in corruption 5356 -phthora- >

-phthora- ......... of corruption 5356 -phthora- >

-phthora- ......... the corruption 5356 -phthora- >

-plerophoreo- ......... And being fully 4135 -plerophoreo- >

-plerophoreo- ......... believed 4135 -plerophoreo- >

-plerophoreo- ......... full 4135 -plerophoreo- >

-plerophoreo- ......... known 4135 -plerophoreo- >

-plerophoreo- ......... make 4135 -plerophoreo- >

-plerophoreo- ......... man be fully 4135 -plerophoreo- >

-plerophoreo- ......... might be fully 4135 -plerophoreo- >

-plerophoreo- ......... persuaded 4135 -plerophoreo- >

-plerophoreo- ......... proof 4135 -plerophoreo- >

-plerophoreo- ......... which are most surely 4135 -plerophoreo- >

-plerophoria- ......... assurance 4136 -plerophoria- >

-plerophoria- ......... in full 4136 -plerophoria- >

-plerophoria- ......... of the full 4136 -plerophoria- >

-plerophoria- ......... to the full 4136 -plerophoria- >

-potamophoretos- ......... away of the flood 4216 -potamophoretos- >

-potamophoretos- ......... her to be carried 4216 -potamophoretos- >

-Prochoros- ......... and Prochorus 4402 -Prochoros- >

-prosphora- ......... and offering 4376 -prosphora- >

-prosphora- ......... and offerings 4376 -prosphora- >

-prosphora- ......... for us an offering 4376 -prosphora- >

-prosphora- ......... offering 4376 -prosphora- >

-prosphora- ......... that an offering 4376 -prosphora- >

-prosphora- ......... that the offering 4376 -prosphora- >

-prosphora- ......... the offering 4376 -prosphora- >

-stenochoreo- ......... in us , but ye are straitened 4729 -stenochoreo- >

-stenochoreo- ......... not distressed 4729 -stenochoreo- >

-stenochoreo- ......... Ye are not straitened 4729 -stenochoreo- >

-stenochoria- ......... and anguish 4730 -stenochoria- >

-stenochoria- ......... distress 4730 -stenochoria- >

-stenochoria- ......... in distresses 4730 -stenochoria- >

-telesphoreo- ......... him , and the publicans 5052 -telesphoreo- >

-telesphoreo- ......... him not : but the publicans 5052 -telesphoreo- >

-telesphoreo- ......... of publicans 5052 -telesphoreo- >

-telesphoreo- ......... publicans 5052 -telesphoreo- >

-telesphoreo- ......... the publicans 5052 -telesphoreo- >

-telesphoreo- ......... to perfection 5052 -telesphoreo- >

-telesphoreo- ......... unto you , That the publicans 5052 -telesphoreo- >

-telesphoreo- ......... with publicans 5052 -telesphoreo- >

-thanatephoros- ......... of deadly 2287 -thanatephoros- >

-thorax- ......... as it were breastplates 2382 -thorax- >

-thorax- ......... breastplates 2382 -thorax- >

-thorax- ......... the breastplate 2382 -thorax- >

-thorubeo- ......... a noise 2350 -thorubeo- >

-thorubeo- ......... and set 2350 -thorubeo- >

-thorubeo- ......... make 2350 -thorubeo- >

-thorubeo- ......... making 2350 -thorubeo- >

-thorubeo- ......... on an uproar 2350 -thorubeo- >

-thorubeo- ......... Trouble 2350 -thorubeo- >

-thorubeo- ......... ye this ado 2350 -thorubeo- >

-thorubos- ......... a tumult 2351 -thorubos- >

-thorubos- ......... for the tumult 2351 -thorubos- >

-thorubos- ......... the tumult 2351 -thorubos- >

-thorubos- ......... the uproar 2351 -thorubos- >

-thorubos- ......... there be an uproar 2351 -thorubos- >

-thorubos- ......... with tumult 2351 -thorubos- >

-tropophoreo- ......... he their manners 5159 -tropophoreo- >

-tropophoreo- ......... suffered 5159 -tropophoreo- >

Abhor ......... Abhor 0655 -apostugeo->

abhorrest ......... thou that abhorrest 0948 -bdelusso->

anchor ......... as an anchor 0045 -agkura->

anchors ......... anchors 0045 -agkura->

anchors ......... anchors out of the foreship 4408 -prora->

anchors ......... up the anchors 0045 -agkura->

author ......... is not the author of confusion 0181 -akatastasia->

author ......... the author 0159 -aitios->

author ......... the author 0747 -archegos->

authorities ......... and authorities 1849 -exousia->

authority ......... and authority 1849 -exousia->

authority ......... authority 0831 -authenteo->

authority ......... authority 1849 -exousia->

authority ......... authority 1850 -exousiazo->

authority ......... authority 2003 -epitage->

authority ......... authority 2715 -katexousiazo->

authority ......... for with authority 1849 -exousia->

authority ......... him authority 1849 -exousia->

authority ......... of great authority 1413 -dunastes->

authority ......... of our authority 1849 -exousia->

authority ......... that are in authority 5247 -huperoche->

authority ......... thou authority 1849 -exousia->

authority ......... with authority 1849 -exousia->

Chorazin ......... unto thee , Chorazin 5523 -Chorazin->

exhort ......... and exhort 3870 -parakaleo->

exhort ......... But exhort 3870 -parakaleo->

exhort ......... exhort 3870 -parakaleo->

Exhort ......... Exhort servants 1401 -doulos->

exhort ......... I exhort 3867 -paraineo->

exhort ......... I exhort 3870 -parakaleo->

exhort ......... to exhort 3870 -parakaleo->

exhort ......... unto you , and exhort 3870 -parakaleo->

exhort ......... we exhort 3870 -parakaleo->

exhort ......... you I exhort 3870 -parakaleo->

exhortation ......... and exhortation 3874 -paraklesis->

exhortation ......... exhortation 3870 -parakaleo->

exhortation ......... exhortation 3874 -paraklesis->

exhortation ......... For our exhortation 3874 -paraklesis->

exhortation ......... of exhortation 3874 -paraklesis->

exhortation ......... the exhortation 3874 -paraklesis->

exhortation ......... things in his exhortation 3870 -parakaleo->

exhortation ......... to exhortation 3874 -paraklesis->

exhorted ......... and exhorted 3870 -parakaleo->

exhorted ......... exhorted 3870 -parakaleo->

exhorted ......... we exhorted and comforted 3888 -paramutheomai->

exhorteth ......... he that exhorteth 3870 -parakaleo->

exhorting ......... and exhorting 3870 -parakaleo->

exhorting ......... exhorting 3870 -parakaleo->

exhorting ......... exhorting 4389 -protrepomai->

exhorting ......... is ; but exhorting 3870 -parakaleo->

horn ......... up an horn 2768 -keras->

horns ......... and upon his horns 2768 -keras->

horns ......... horns 2768 -keras->

horse ......... even unto the horse 2462 -hippos->

horse ......... horse 2462 -hippos->

horse ......... the horse 2462 -hippos->

horse ......... upon the horse 2462 -hippos->

horsemen ......... and horsemen 2460 -hippeus->

horsemen ......... of the horsemen 2461 -hippikon->

horsemen ......... the horsemen 2460 -hippeus->

horses ......... and horses 2462 -hippos->

horses ......... horses 2462 -hippos->

horses ......... in the horses 2462 -hippos->

horses ......... of horses 2462 -hippos->

horses ......... of the horses 2462 -hippos->

horses ......... the horses 2462 -hippos->

horses ......... unto horses 2462 -hippos->

Nachor ......... which was the son of Nachor 3493 -Nachor->

Onesiphorus ......... of Onesiphorus 3683 -Onesiphoros->

Prochorus ......... and Prochorus 4402 -Prochoros->

shore ......... shore 0123 -aigialos->

shore ......... shore 5491 -cheilos->

shore ......... the shore 0123 -aigialos->

shore ......... to shore 0123 -aigialos->

shore ......... to the shore 4358 -prosormizo->

shore ......... with a shore 0123 -aigialos->

shorn ......... be shorn 2751 -keiro->

shorn ......... having shorn 2751 -keiro->

shorn ......... to be shorn 2751 -keiro->

short ......... a short 3641 -oligos->

short ......... a short 4932 -suntemno->

short ......... but a short 3641 -oligos->

short ......... from you for a short 5610 -hora->

short ......... is short 4958 -sustello->

short ......... it short 4932 -suntemno->

short ......... short 5302 -hustereo->

shortened ......... had shortened 2856 -koloboo->

shortened ......... he hath shortened 2856 -koloboo->

shortened ......... shall be shortened 2856 -koloboo->

shortened ......... should be shortened 2856 -koloboo->

shortly ......... I shall shortly 2112 -eutheos->

shortly ......... shortly 5030 -tacheos->

shortly ......... shortly 5032 -tachion->

shortly ......... shortly 5034 -tachos->

shortly ......... that shortly 5031 -tachinos->

shortly ......... to you shortly 5030 -tacheos->

shortly ......... unto thee shortly 5032 -tachion->

thorn ......... to me a thorn 4647 -skolops->

thorns ......... and the thorns 0173 -akantha->

thorns ......... For of thorns 0173 -akantha->

thorns ......... of thorns 0173 -akantha->

thorns ......... of thorns 0174 -akanthinos->

thorns ......... the thorns 0173 -akantha->

thorns ......... thorns 0173 -akantha->

whore ......... the whore 4204 -porne->

whore ......... whore 4204 -porne->

whoremonger ......... whoremonger 4205 -pornos->

whoremongers ......... and whoremongers 4205 -pornos->

whoremongers ......... but whoremongers 4205 -pornos->

whoremongers ......... For whoremongers 4205 -pornos->