fishhook 5518 ## ciyr {seer}; or (feminine) ciyrah {see-raw'};
or cirah (Jeremiah 52:18) {see-raw'}; from a primitive root
meaning to boil up; a pot; also a thorn (as springing up
rapidly); by implication, a hook: -- caldron, {fishhook}, pan,
([wash-])pot, thorn.[ql

fleshhook 4207 ## mazleg {maz-layg'}; or (feminine) mizlagah
{miz-law-gaw'}; from an unused root meaning to draw up; a fork: -
- {fleshhook}.[ql

hook 0100 ## >agmown {ag-mone'}; from the same as 98; a marshy
pool [others from a different root, a kettle]; by implication a
rush (as growing there); collectively a rope of rushes: --
bulrush, caldron, {hook}, rush. [ql

hook 1729 ## duwgah {doo-gaw'}; feminine from the same as 1728;
properly, fishery, i.e. a hook for fishing: -- fish [{hook}]. [ql

hook 2053 ## vav {vaw}; probably a hook (the name of the sixth
Heb. letter): -- {hook}. [ql

hook 2397 ## chach {khawkh}; once (Ezek. 29:4) chachiy {khakh-
ee'}; from the same as 2336; a ring for the nose (or lips): --
bracelet, chain, {hook}. [ql

hook 2443 ## chakkah {khak-kaw'}; probably from 2442; a hook (as
adhering): -- angle, {hook}. [ql

hook 6793 ## tsinnah {tsin-naw'}; feminine of 6791; a hook (as
pointed); also a (large) shield (as if guarding by prickliness);
also cold (as piercing): -- buckler, cold, {hook}, shield,

hook 8240 ## shaphath {shaw-fawth'}; from 8239; a (double) stall
(for cattle); also a (two-pronged) hook (for flaying animals on):
-- {hook}, pot.[ql

hook 0044 # agkistron {ang'-kis-tron}; from the same as 43; a
hook (as bent): -- {hook}.[ql

pruning-hook 4211 ## mazmerah {maz-may-raw'}; from 2168; a
pruning-knife: -- {pruning-hook}.[ql
