dishonoureth 1Co_11_05 /${dishonoureth /her head :
for that is even all one as if she were shaven .

dishonoureth 1Co_11_10 /${dishonoureth /his head .

dishonoureth Mic_07_06 /^{dishonoureth /the father ,
the daughter riseth up against her mother , the daughter in law
against her mother in law ; a man's enemies are the men of his
own house .

honoureth Pro_14_31 /^{honoureth /him hath mercy
on the poor .

honoureth Pro_12_09 /^{honoureth /himself, and
lacketh bread .

honoureth Mal_01_06 /^{honoureth /his father , and
a servant his master : if then I be a father , where is mine
honour ? and if I be a master , where is my fear ? saith the
LORD of hosts unto you, O priests , that despise my name . And
ye say , Wherein have we despised thy name ?

honoureth Joh_08_54 /${honoureth /me ; of whom ye
say , that he is your God :

honoureth Mar_07_06 /${honoureth /me with their
lips , but their heart is far from me .

honoureth Mat_15_08 /${honoureth /me with their
lips ; but their heart is far from me .

honoureth Joh_05_23 /${honoureth /not the Father
which hath sent him .

honoureth Joh_05_23 /${honoureth /not the Son
honoureth not the Father which hath sent him .

honoureth Psa_15_04 /^{honoureth /them that fear
the LORD . He that sweareth to his own hurt , and changeth not.
