Hodijah Neh_10_13 /^{Hodijah /Bani , Beninu .

Hodijah Neh_10_18 /^{Hodijah /Hashum , Bezai ,

Hodijah Neh_10_10 /^{Hodijah /Kelita , Pelaiah ,
Hanan ,

Hodijah Neh_08_07 /^{Hodijah /Maaseiah , Kelita ,
Azariah , Jozabad , Hanan , Pelaiah , and the Levites , caused
the people to understand the law : and the people stood in their
place .

Hodijah Neh_09_05 /^{Hodijah /Shebaniah , and
Pethahiah , said , Stand up and bless the LORD your God for ever
and ever : and blessed be thy glorious name , which is exalted
above all blessing and praise .
