Root Words and their word stems. This helps you see all related words in the English.
Root Words and their word stems
185 * hold
12 - holden
6 - holdest
9 - holdeth
9 - holding
21 - holds
3 * holiest
1 - holily
43 - holiness
611 - holy
2 - holyday
7 * honest
3 - honestly
1 - honesty
146 * honour
30 - honourable
9 - honoured
1 - honourest
9 - honoureth
1 - honours
129 * hope
11 - hoped
1 - hopeth
2 - hoping
43 * horse
5 - horseback
1 - horsehoofs
1 - horseleach
2 - horseman
59 - horsemen
109 - horses
31 * hot
1 - hotly
1 - hottest
2026 * house
61 - household
4 - householder
7 - households
136 - houses
7 - housetop
7 - housetops
29 * howl
1 - howled
6 - howling
1 - howlings