
Hittites Interlinear Index Study

Hittites GEN 015 020 And the {Hittites} <02850 +Chittiy > , and
the Perizzites <06522 +P@rizziy > , and the Rephaims <07497
+rapha> > ,

Hittites EXO 003 008 And I am come <03381 +yarad > down <03381
+yarad > to deliver <05337 +natsal > them out of the hand <03027
+yad > of the Egyptians <04714 +Mitsrayim > , and to bring
<05927 + them up out of that land <00776 +>erets > unto a
good <02896 +towb > land <00776 +>erets > and a large <07342
+rachab > , unto a land <00776 +>erets > flowing <02100 +zuwb >
with milk <02461 +chalab > and honey <01706 +d@bash > ; unto the
place <04725 +maqowm > of the Canaanites <03669 +K@na ,
and the {Hittites} <02850 +Chittiy > , and the Amorites <00567
+>Emoriy > , and the Perizzites <06522 +P@rizziy > , and the
Hivites <02340 +Chivviy > , and the Jebusites <02983 +Yebuwciy >

Hittites EXO 003 017 And I have said <00559 +>amar > , I will
bring <05927 + you up out of the affliction <06040 + > of Egypt <04714 +Mitsrayim > unto the land <00776 +>erets > of
the Canaanites <03669 +K@na , and the {Hittites} <02850
+Chittiy > , and the Amorites <00567 +>Emoriy > , and the
Perizzites <06522 +P@rizziy > , and the Hivites <02340 +Chivviy
> , and the Jebusites <02983 +Yebuwciy > , unto a land <00776
+>erets > flowing <02100 +zuwb > with milk <02461 +chalab > and
honey <01706 +d@bash > .

Hittites EXO 013 005 And it shall be when <03588 +kiy > the LORD
<03068 +Y@hovah > shall bring <00935 +bow> > thee into <00413
+>el > the land <00776 +>erets > of the Canaanites <03669
+K@na , and the {Hittites} <02850 +Chittiy > , and the
Amorites <00567 +>Emoriy > , and the Hivites <02340 +Chivviy > ,
and the Jebusites <02983 +Yebuwciy > , which <00834 +>aher > he
sware <07650 +shaba< > unto thy fathers <1> to give <05414
+nathan > thee , a land <00776 +>erets > flowing <02100 +zuwb >
with milk <02461 +chalab > and honey <01706 +d@bash > , that
thou shalt keep <05647 + this <02088 +zeh > service
<05656 + in this <02088 +zeh > month <02320 +chodesh > .

Hittites EXO 023 023 For mine Angel <04397 +mal>ak > shall go
<03212 +yalak > before <06440 +paniym > thee , and bring <00935
+bow> > thee in unto the Amorites <00567 +>Emoriy > , and the
{Hittites} <02850 +Chittiy > , and the Perizzites <06522
+P@rizziy > , and the Canaanites <03669 +K@na , the
Hivites <02340 +Chivviy > , and the Jebusites <02983 +Yebuwciy >
: and I will cut <03582 +kachad > them off .

Hittites NUM 013 029 The Amalekites <06003 + dwell
<03427 +yashab > in the land <00776 +>erets > of the south
<05045 +negeb > : and the {Hittites} <02850 +Chittiy > , and the
Jebusites <02983 +Yebuwciy > , and the Amorites <00567 +>Emoriy
> , dwell <03427 +yashab > in the mountains <02022 +har > : and
the Canaanites <03669 +K@na dwell <03427 +yashab > by the
sea <03220 +yam > , and by the coast <03027 +yad > of Jordan
<03383 +Yarden > .

Hittites DEU 007 001 . When <03588 +kiy > the LORD <03068
+Y@hovah > thy God <00430 +>elohiym > shall bring <00935 +bow> >
thee into <00413 +>el > the land <00776 +>erets > whither thou
goest <00935 +bow> > to possess <03423 +yarash > it , and hath
cast <05390 +n@shiyqah > out many <07227 +rab > nations <01471
+gowy > before <06440 +paniym > thee , the {Hittites} <02850
+Chittiy > , and the Girgashites <01622 +Girgashiy > , and the
Amorites <00567 +>Emoriy > , and the Canaanites <03669
+K@na , and the Perizzites <06522 +P@rizziy > , and the
Hivites <02340 +Chivviy > , and the Jebusites <02983 +Yebuwciy >
, seven <07651 +sheba< > nations <01471 +gowy > greater <07227
+rab > and mightier <06099 + than thou ;

Hittites DEU 020 017 But thou shalt utterly destroy <02763
+charam > them ; [ namely ] , the {Hittites} <02850 +Chittiy > ,
and the Amorites <00567 +>Emoriy > , the Canaanites <03669
+K@na , and the Perizzites <06522 +P@rizziy > , the
Hivites <02340 +Chivviy > , and the Jebusites <02983 +Yebuwciy >
; as the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > thy God <00430 +>elohiym > hath
commanded <06680 +tsavah > thee :

Hittites JOS 001 004 From the wilderness <04057 +midbar > and
this <02088 +zeh > Lebanon <03844 +L@banown > even unto the
great <01419 +gadowl > river <05104 +nahar > , the river <05104
+nahar > Euphrates <06578 +P@rath > , all <03605 +kol > the land
<00776 +>erets > of the {Hittites} <02850 +Chittiy > , and unto
the great <01419 +gadowl > sea <03220 +yam > toward the going
<03996 +mabow> > down <03996 +mabow> > of the sun <08121
+shemesh > , shall be your coast <01366 +g@buwl > .

Hittites JOS 003 010 And Joshua <03091 +Y@howshuwa< > said
<00559 +>amar > , Hereby <02063 +zo>th > ye shall know <03045
+yada< > that the living <02416 +chay > God <00410 +>el > [ is ]
among <07130 +qereb > you , and [ that ] he will without fail
drive <03423 +yarash > out from before <06440 +paniym > you the
Canaanites <03669 +K@na , and the {Hittites} <02850
+Chittiy > , and the Hivites <02340 +Chivviy > , and the
Perizzites <06522 +P@rizziy > , and the Girgashites <01622
+Girgashiy > , and the Amorites <00567 +>Emoriy > , and the
Jebusites <02983 +Yebuwciy > .

Hittites JOS 012 008 In the mountains <02022 +har > , and in the
valleys <08219 +sh@phelah > , and in the plains <06160 + > , and in the springs <00794 +>ashedah > , and in the
wilderness <04057 +midbar > , and in the south <05045 +negeb >
country ; the {Hittites} <02850 +Chittiy > , the Amorites <00567
+>Emoriy > , and the Canaanites <03669 +K@na , the
Perizzites <06522 +P@rizziy > , the Hivites <02340 +Chivviy > ,
and the Jebusites <02983 +Yebuwciy > :

Hittites JOS 024 011 And ye went <05674 + over <05674
+ Jordan <03383 +Yarden > , and came <00935 +bow> > unto
Jericho <03405 +Y@riychow > : and the men <01167 +ba of
Jericho <03405 +Y@riychow > fought <03898 +lacham > against you ,
the Amorites <00567 +>Emoriy > , and the Perizzites <06522
+P@rizziy > , and the Canaanites <03669 +K@na , and the
{Hittites} <02850 +Chittiy > , and the Girgashites <01622
+Girgashiy > , the Hivites <02340 +Chivviy > , and the Jebusites
<02983 +Yebuwciy > ; and I delivered <05414 +nathan > them into
your hand <03027 +yad > .

Hittites JUDG 001 026 And the man <00376 +>iysh > went <03212
+yalak > into the land <00776 +>erets > of the {Hittites} <02850
+Chittiy > , and built <01129 +banah > a city <05892 + ,
and called <07121 +qara> > the name <08034 +shem > thereof Luz
<03870 +Luwz > : which <01931 +huw> > [ is ] the name <08034
+shem > thereof unto this <02088 +zeh > day <03117 +yowm > .

Hittites JUDG 003 005 And the children <01121 +ben > of Israel
<03478 +Yisra>el > dwelt <03427 +yashab > among <07130 +qereb >
the Canaanites <03669 +K@na , {Hittites} <02850 +Chittiy
> , and Amorites <00567 +>Emoriy > , and Perizzites <06522
+P@rizziy > , and Hivites <02340 +Chivviy > , and Jebusites
<02983 +Yebuwciy > :

Hittites 1KI 009 020 [ And ] all <03605 +kol > the people <05971
+ [ that were ] left <03498 +yathar > of the Amorites
<00567 +>Emoriy > , {Hittites} <02850 +Chittiy > , Perizzites
<06522 +P@rizziy > , Hivites <02340 +Chivviy > , and Jebusites
<02983 +Yebuwciy > , which <00834 +>aher > [ were ] not of the
children <01121 +ben > of Israel <03478 +Yisra>el > ,

Hittites 1KI 010 029 And a chariot <04818 +merkabah > came
<05927 + up and went <03318 +yatsa> > out of Egypt <04714
+Mitsrayim > for six <08337 +shesh > hundred <03967 +me>ah > [
shekels ] of silver <03701 +keceph > , and an horse <05483 +cuwc
> for an hundred <03967 +me>ah > and fifty <02572 +chamishshiym
> : and so for all <03605 +kol > the kings <04428 +melek > of
the {Hittites} <02850 +Chittiy > , and for the kings <04428
+melek > of Syria <00758 +>Aram > , did they bring <03318
+yatsa> > [ them ] out by their means <03027 +yad > .

Hittites 1KI 011 001 . But king <04428 +melek > Solomon <08010
+Sh@lomoh > loved <00157 +>ahab > many <07227 +rab > strange
<05237 +nokriy > women <00802 +>ishshah > , together with the
daughter <01323 +bath > of Pharaoh <06547 +Par , women of
the Moabites <04125 +Mow>abiy > , Ammonites <05984 + ,
Edomites <00130 +>Edomiy > , Zidonians <06722 +Tsiydoniy > , [
and ] {Hittites} <02850 +Chittiy > ;

Hittites 2KI 007 006 For the Lord <00136 +>Adonay > had made the
host <04264 +machaneh > of the Syrians <00758 +>Aram > to hear
<08085 +shama< > a noise <06963 +qowl > of chariots <07393
+rekeb > , and a noise <06963 +qowl > of horses <05483 +cuwc > ,
[ even ] the noise <06963 +qowl > of a great <01419 +gadowl >
host <02428 +chayil > : and they said <00559 +>amar > one <00376
+>iysh > to another <00250 +>Ezrachiy > , Lo <02009 +hinneh > ,
the king <04428 +melek > of Israel <03478 +Yisra>el > hath hired
<07936 +sakar > against <05921 + us the kings <04428 +melek
> of the {Hittites} <02850 +Chittiy > , and the kings <04428
+melek > of the Egyptians <04714 +Mitsrayim > , to come <00935
+bow> > upon us .

Hittites 2CH 001 017 And they fetched <05927 + up , and
brought <03318 +yatsa> > forth <03318 +yatsa> > out of Egypt
<04714 +Mitsrayim > a chariot <04818 +merkabah > for six <08337
+shesh > hundred <03967 +me>ah > [ shekels ] of silver <03701
+keceph > , and an horse <05483 +cuwc > for an hundred <03967
+me>ah > and fifty <02572 +chamishshiym > : and so brought
<03318 +yatsa> > they out [ horses <05483 +cuwc > ] for all
<03605 +kol > the kings <04428 +melek > of the {Hittites} <02850
+Chittiy > , and for the kings <04428 +melek > of Syria <00758
+>Aram > , by their means <03027 +yad > .

Hittites 2CH 008 007 [ As for ] all <03605 +kol > the people
<05971 + [ that were ] left <03498 +yathar > of the
{Hittites} <02850 +Chittiy > , and the Amorites <00567 +>Emoriy
> , and the Perizzites <06522 +P@rizziy > , and the Hivites
<02340 +Chivviy > , and the Jebusites <02983 +Yebuwciy > , which
<00834 +>aher > [ were ] not of Israel <03478 +Yisra>el > ,

Hittites EZR 009 001 . Now when <03588 +kiy > these <00428 +>el -
leh > things were done <03615 +kalah > , the princes <08269
+sar > came <05066 +nagash > to me , saying <00559 +>amar > ,
The people <05971 + of Israel <03478 +Yisra>el > , and the
priests <03548 +kohen > , and the Levites <03881 +Leviyiy > ,
have not separated <00914 +badal > themselves from the people
<05971 + of the lands <00776 +>erets > , [ doing ]
according to their abominations <08441 +tow , [ even ]
of the Canaanites <03669 +K@na , the {Hittites} <02850
+Chittiy > , the Perizzites <06522 +P@rizziy > , the Jebusites
<02983 +Yebuwciy > , the Ammonites <05984 + , the
Moabites <04124 +Mow>ab > , the Egyptians <04713 +Mitsriy > ,
and the Amorites <00567 +>Emoriy > .

Hittites NEH 009 008 And foundest <04372 +mikceh > his heart
<03824 +lebab > faithful <00539 +>aman > before <06440 +paniym >
thee , and madest <03772 +karath > a covenant <01285 +b@riyth >
with him to give <05414 +nathan > the land <00776 +>erets > of
the Canaanites <03669 +K@na , the {Hittites} <02850
+Chittiy > , the Amorites <00567 +>Emoriy > , and the Perizzites
<06522 +P@rizziy > , and the Jebusites <02983 +Yebuwciy > , and
the Girgashites <01622 +Girgashiy > , to give <05414 +nathan > [
it , I say ] , to his seed <02233 +zera< > , and hast performed
<06965 +quwm > thy words <01697 +dabar > ; for thou [ art ]
righteous <06662 +tsaddiyq > :


- hittites , 2850 ,

Hittites GEN 015 020 And the {Hittites} <02850 +Chittiy > ,
and the Perizzites <06522 +P@rizziy > , and the Rephaims
<07497 +rapha> > ,

Hittites EXO 003 008 And I am come <03381 +yarad > down <03381
+yarad > to deliver <05337 +natsal > them out of the hand
<03027 +yad > of the Egyptians <04714 +Mitsrayim > , and to
bring <05927 + them up out of that land <00776 +>erets
> unto a good <02896 +towb > land <00776 +>erets > and a large
<07342 +rachab > , unto a land <00776 +>erets > flowing
<02100 +zuwb > with milk <02461 +chalab > and honey <01706
+d@bash > ; unto the place <04725 +maqowm > of the Canaanites
<03669 +K@na , and the {Hittites} <02850 +Chittiy > ,
and the Amorites <00567 +>Emoriy > , and the Perizzites <06522
+P@rizziy > , and the Hivites <02340 +Chivviy > , and the
Jebusites <02983 +Yebuwciy > .

Hittites EXO 003 017 And I have said <00559 +>amar > , I will
bring <05927 + you up out of the affliction <06040
+ of Egypt <04714 +Mitsrayim > unto the land <00776
+>erets > of the Canaanites <03669 +K@na , and the
{Hittites} <02850 +Chittiy > , and the Amorites <00567
+>Emoriy > , and the Perizzites <06522 +P@rizziy > , and the
Hivites <02340 +Chivviy > , and the Jebusites <02983
+Yebuwciy > , unto a land <00776 +>erets > flowing <02100
+zuwb > with milk <02461 +chalab > and honey <01706 +d@bash > .

Hittites EXO 013 005 And it shall be when <03588 +kiy > the
LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > shall bring <00935 +bow> > thee into
<00413 +>el > the land <00776 +>erets > of the Canaanites
<03669 +K@na , and the {Hittites} <02850 +Chittiy > ,
and the Amorites <00567 +>Emoriy > , and the Hivites <02340
+Chivviy > , and the Jebusites <02983 +Yebuwciy > , which
<00834 +>aher > he sware <07650 +shaba< > unto thy fathers <1>
to give <05414 +nathan > thee , a land <00776 +>erets >
flowing <02100 +zuwb > with milk <02461 +chalab > and honey
<01706 +d@bash > , that thou shalt keep <05647 + this
<02088 +zeh > service <05656 + in this <02088 +zeh >
month <02320 +chodesh > .

Hittites EXO 023 023 For mine Angel <04397 +mal>ak > shall go
<03212 +yalak > before <06440 +paniym > thee , and bring
<00935 +bow> > thee in unto the Amorites <00567 +>Emoriy > ,
and the {Hittites} <02850 +Chittiy > , and the Perizzites
<06522 +P@rizziy > , and the Canaanites <03669 +K@na ,
the Hivites <02340 +Chivviy > , and the Jebusites <02983
+Yebuwciy > : and I will cut <03582 +kachad > them off .

Hittites NUM 013 029 The Amalekites <06003 + dwell
<03427 +yashab > in the land <00776 +>erets > of the south
<05045 +negeb > : and the {Hittites} <02850 +Chittiy > , and
the Jebusites <02983 +Yebuwciy > , and the Amorites <00567
+>Emoriy > , dwell <03427 +yashab > in the mountains <02022
+har > : and the Canaanites <03669 +K@na dwell <03427
+yashab > by the sea <03220 +yam > , and by the coast <03027
+yad > of Jordan <03383 +Yarden > .

Hittites DEU 007 001 . When <03588 +kiy > the LORD <03068
+Y@hovah > thy God <00430 +>elohiym > shall bring <00935 +bow>
> thee into <00413 +>el > the land <00776 +>erets > whither
thou goest <00935 +bow> > to possess <03423 +yarash > it ,
and hath cast <05390 +n@shiyqah > out many <07227 +rab >
nations <01471 +gowy > before <06440 +paniym > thee , the
{Hittites} <02850 +Chittiy > , and the Girgashites <01622
+Girgashiy > , and the Amorites <00567 +>Emoriy > , and the
Canaanites <03669 +K@na , and the Perizzites <06522
+P@rizziy > , and the Hivites <02340 +Chivviy > , and the
Jebusites <02983 +Yebuwciy > , seven <07651 +sheba< > nations
<01471 +gowy > greater <07227 +rab > and mightier <06099
+ than thou ;

Hittites DEU 020 017 But thou shalt utterly destroy <02763
+charam > them ; [ namely ] , the {Hittites} <02850
+Chittiy > , and the Amorites <00567 +>Emoriy > , the
Canaanites <03669 +K@na , and the Perizzites <06522
+P@rizziy > , the Hivites <02340 +Chivviy > , and the
Jebusites <02983 +Yebuwciy > ; as the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah >
thy God <00430 +>elohiym > hath commanded <06680 +tsavah >
thee :



hittites -2850 hittite , {hittites} ,






Hittites 003 005 Jug /^{Hittites /and Amorites ,
and Perizzites , and Hivites , and Jebusites :

Hittites 001 026 Jug /^{Hittites /and built a
city , and called the name thereof Luz : which is the name
thereof unto this day .

Hittites 001 017 IICh /^{Hittites /and for the
kings of Syria , by their means .

Hittites 010 029 IKi /^{Hittites /and for the
kings of Syria , did they bring them out by their means .

Hittites 013 005 Exo /^{Hittites /and the
Amorites , and the Hivites , and the Jebusites , which he sware
unto thy fathers to give thee, a land flowing with milk and
honey , that thou shalt keep this service in this month .

Hittites 003 017 Exo /^{Hittites /and the
Amorites , and the Perizzites , and the Hivites , and the
Jebusites , unto a land flowing with milk and honey .

Hittites 008 007 IICh /^{Hittites /and the
Amorites , and the Perizzites , and the Hivites , and the
Jebusites , which were not of Israel ,

Hittites 003 008 Exo /^{Hittites /and the
Amorites , and the Perizzites , and the Hivites , and the
Jebusites .

Hittites 020 017 Deu /^{Hittites /and the
Amorites , the Canaanites , and the Perizzites , the Hivites ,
and the Jebusites ; as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee:

Hittites 007 001 Deu /^{Hittites /and the
Girgashites , and the Amorites , and the Canaanites , and the
Perizzites , and the Hivites , and the Jebusites , seven nations
greater and mightier than thou;

Hittites 027 011 Jos /^{Hittites /and the
Girgashites , the Hivites , and the Jebusites ; and I delivered
them into your hand .

Hittites 003 010 Jos /^{Hittites /and the Hivites
, and the Perizzites , and the Girgashites , and the Amorites ,
and the Jebusites .

Hittites 013 029 Num /^{Hittites /and the
Jebusites , and the Amorites , dwell in the mountains : and the
Canaanites dwell by the sea , and by the coast of Jordan .

Hittites 007 006 IIKi /^{Hittites /and the kings
of the Egyptians , to come upon us.

Hittites 023 023 Exo /^{Hittites /and the
Perizzites , and the Canaanites , the Hivites , and the
Jebusites : and I will cut them off .

Hittites 015 020 Gen /^{Hittites /and the
Perizzites , and the Rephaims ,

Hittites 001 004 Jos /^{Hittites /and unto the
great sea toward the going down of the sun , shall be your coast

Hittites 009 020 IKi /^{Hittites /Perizzites ,
Hivites , and Jebusites , which were not of the children of
Israel ,

Hittites 012 008 Jos /^{Hittites /the Amorites ,
and the Canaanites , the Perizzites , the Hivites , and the
Jebusites :

Hittites 009 008 Neh /^{Hittites /the Amorites ,
and the Perizzites , and the Jebusites , and the Girgashites ,
to give it, I say, to his seed , and hast performed thy words ;
for thou art righteous :

Hittites 009 001 Ezr /^{Hittites /the Perizzites ,
the Jebusites , the Ammonites , the Moabites , the Egyptians ,
and the Amorites .



hittites And the {Hittites}, and the Perizzites,
and the Rephaims,

hittites And I am come down to deliver them out of the
hand of the Egyptians, and to bring them up out of that land
unto a good land and a large, unto a land flowing with milk and
honey; unto the place of the Canaanites, and the {Hittites}, and

the Amorites, and the Perizzites, and the Hivites, and the

hittites And I have said, I will bring you up out of
the affliction of Egypt unto the land of the Canaanites, and the
{Hittites}, and the Amorites, and the Perizzites, and the
Hivites, and the Jebusites, unto a land flowing with milk and

hittites And it shall be when the LORD shall bring
thee into the land of the Canaanites, and the {Hittites}, and
the Amorites, and the Hivites, and the Jebusites, which he sware
unto thy fathers to give thee, a land flowing with milk and

that thou shalt keep this service in this month.

hittites For mine Angel shall go before thee, and
bring thee in unto the Amorites, and the {Hittites}, and the
Perizzites, and the Canaanites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites:
and I will cut them off.

hittites The Amalekites dwell in the land of the
south: and the {Hittites}, and the Jebusites, and the Amorites,
dwell in the mountains: and the Canaanites dwell by the sea, and
by the coast of Jordan.

hittites When the LORD thy God shall bring thee into
the land whither thou goest to possess it, and hath cast out
many nations before thee, the {Hittites}, and the Girgashites,
and the Amorites, and the Canaanites, and the Perizzites, and
the Hi

vites, and the Jebusites, seven nations greater and mightier
than thou;

hittites But thou shalt utterly destroy them;
[namely], the {Hittites}, and the Amorites, the Canaanites, and
the Perizzites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites; as the LORD thy
God hath commanded thee:

hittites From the wilderness and this Lebanon even
unto the great river, the river Euphrates, all the land of the
{Hittites}, and unto the great sea toward the going down of the
sun, shall be your coast.

hittites And Joshua said, Hereby ye shall know that
the living God [is] among you, and [that] he will without fail
drive out from before you the Canaanites, and the {Hittites},
and the Hivites, and the Perizzites, and the Girgashites, and
the A

morites, and the Jebusites.

hittites In the mountains, and in the valleys, and in
the plains, and in the springs, and in the wilderness, and in
the south country; the {Hittites}, the Amorites, and the
Canaanites, the Perizzites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites:

hittites And ye went over Jordan, and came unto
Jericho: and the men of Jericho fought against you, the Amorites,
and the Perizzites, and the Canaanites, and the {Hittites}, and
the Girgashites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites; and I delivered

them into your hand.

hittites And the man went into the land of the
{Hittites}, and built a city, and called the name thereof Luz:
which [is] the name thereof unto this day.

hittites And the children of Israel dwelt among the
Canaanites, {Hittites}, and Amorites, and Perizzites, and
Hivites, and Jebusites:

hittites <1KI9 -20> And] all the people [that were] left of the
Amorites, {Hittites}, Perizzites, Hivites, and Jebusites, which
[were] not of the children of Israel,

hittites <1KI10 -29> And a chariot came up and went out of Egypt
for six hundred [shekels] of silver, and an horse for an hundred
and fifty: and so for all the kings of the {Hittites}, and for
the kings of Syria, did they bring [them] out by their means.

hittites <1KI11 -1> But king Solomon loved many strange women,
together with the daughter of Pharaoh, women of the Moabites,
Ammonites, Edomites, Zidonians, [and] {Hittites};

hittites <2KI7 -6> For the Lord had made the host of the Syrians
to hear a noise of chariots, and a noise of horses, [even] the
noise of a great host: and they said one to another, Lo, the
king of Israel hath hired against us the kings of the {Hittites},

and the kings of the Egyptians, to come upon us.

hittites <2CH1 -17> And they fetched up, and brought forth out
of Egypt a chariot for six hundred [shekels] of silver, and an
horse for an hundred and fifty: and so brought they out [horses]
for all the kings of the {Hittites}, and for the kings of Syria,

by their means.

hittites <2CH8 -7> As for] all the people [that were] left of
the {Hittites}, and the Amorites, and the Perizzites, and the
Hivites, and the Jebusites, which [were] not of Israel,

hittites Now when these things were done, the princes
came to me, saying, The people of Israel, and the priests, and
the Levites, have not separated themselves from the people of
the lands, [doing] according to their abominations, [even] of

Canaanites, the {Hittites}, the Perizzites, the Jebusites, the
Ammonites, the Moabites, the Egyptians, and the Amorites.

hittites And foundest his heart faithful before thee,
and madest a covenant with him to give the land of the
Canaanites, the {Hittites}, the Amorites, and the Perizzites,
and the Jebusites, and the Girgashites, to give [it, I say], to
his seed,

and hast performed thy words; for thou [art] righteous:
