Bible Greek and Hebrew Dictionaries combined for Word Studies

Genesis Chapter 1

hit 4672 ## matsa& {maw-tsaw'}; a primitive root; properly, to come forth to, i.e. appear or exist; transitively, to attain, i.e. find or acquire; figuratively, to occur, meet or be present: -- + be able, befall, being, catch, X certainly, (cause to) come (on, to, to hand), deliver, be enough (cause to) find(-ing, occasion, out), get (hold upon), X have (here), be here, {hit}, be left, light (up-)on, meet (with), X occasion serve, (be) present, ready, speed, suffice, take hold on.

keep 5299 # hupopiazo {hoop-o-pee-ad'-zo}; from a compound of 5259 and a derivative of 3700; to hit under the eye (buffet or disable an antagonist as a pugilist), i.e. (figuratively) to tease or annoy (into compliance), subdue (one's passions): -- {keep} under, weary.

smite 3817 # paio {pah'-yo}; a primary verb; to hit (as if by a single blow and less violently than 5180); specifically to sting (as a scorpion): -- {smite}, strike.

strike 3817 # paio {pah'-yo}; a primary verb; to hit (as if by a single blow and less violently than 5180); specifically to sting (as a scorpion): -- smite, {strike}.

under 5299 # hupopiazo {hoop-o-pee-ad'-zo}; from a compound of 5259 and a derivative of 3700; to hit under the eye (buffet or disable an antagonist as a pugilist), i.e. (figuratively) to tease or annoy (into compliance), subdue (one's passions): -- keep {under}, weary.

weary 5299 # hupopiazo {hoop-o-pee-ad'-zo}; from a compound of 5259 and a derivative of 3700; to hit under the eye (buffet or disable an antagonist as a pugilist), i.e. (figuratively) to tease or annoy (into compliance), subdue (one's passions): -- keep under, {weary}.

whit 3367 # medeis {may-dice'}; including the irregular feminine medemia {may-dem-ee'-ah}; and the neuter meden {may-den'}; from 3361 and 1520; not even one (man, woman, thing): -- any (man, thing), no (man), none, not (at all, any man, a {whit}), nothing, + without delay.

whit 3632 ## kaliyl {kaw-leel'}; from 3634; complete; as noun, the whole (specifically, a sacrifice entirely consumed); as adverb, fully: -- all, every {whit}, flame, perfect(-ion), utterly, whole burnt offering (sacrifice), wholly.

whit 3650 # holos {hol'-os}; a primary word; "whole" or "all", i.e. complete (in extent, amount, time or degree), especially (neuter) as noun or adverb: -- all, altogether, every {whit}, + throughout, whole.