Bible Word Index with Strong's Number

Language Tranliteration of original language words

hires 33_MIC_01_07 And all (03605 +kol ) the graven (06456 +p@ciyl ) images thereof shall be beaten (03807 +kathath ) to pieces , and all (03605 +kol ) the {hires} (00868 +)ethnan ) thereof shall be burned (08313 +saraph ) with the fire (00784 +)esh ) , and all (03605 +kol ) the idols (06091 +(atsab ) thereof will I lay (07760 +suwm ) desolate (08077 +sh@mamah ):for she gathered (06908 +qabats ) [ it ] of the hire (00868 +)ethnan ) of an harlot (02181 +zanah ) , and they shall return (07725 +shuwb ) to the hire (00868 +)ethnan ) of an harlot (02181 +zanah ) .

hirest 26_EZE_16_33 They give (05414 +nathan ) gifts (05078 +nedeh ) to all (03605 +kol ) whores (02181 +zanah ):but thou givest (05414 +nathan ) thy gifts (05083 +nadan ) to all (03605 +kol ) thy lovers (00157 +)ahab ) , and {hirest} (07806 +shazar ) them , that they may come (00935 +bow) ) unto thee on every (05437 +cabab ) side (05439 +cabiyb ) for thy whoredom (08457 +taznuwth ) .

sapphires 23_ISA_54_11 . O thou afflicted (06041 +(aniy ) , tossed with tempest (05590 +ca(ar ) , [ and ] not comforted (05162 +nacham ) , behold (02009 +hinneh ) , I will lay (07257 +rabats ) thy stones (68) with fair (06320 +puwk ) colours (06320 +puwk ) , and lay thy foundations (03245 +yacad ) with {sapphires} (05601 +cappiyr ) .

sapphires 18_JOB_28_06 The stones (68) of it [ are ] the place (04725 +maqowm ) of {sapphires} (05601 +cappiyr ):and it hath dust (06083 +(aphar ) of gold (02091 +zahab ) .

sapphires 22_SON_05_14 His hands (03027 +yad ) [ are as ] gold (02091 +zahab ) rings (01550 +galiyl ) set (04390 +male) ) with the beryl (08658 +tarshiysh ):his belly (04578 +me(ah ) [ is as ] bright (06247 +(esheth ) ivory (08127 +shen ) overlaid (05968 +(alaph ) [ with ] {sapphires} (05601 +cappiyr ) .

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