Bible Word Index with Strong's Number with the full text of each verse

Bible Word Index with Strong's Number with the full text of each verse
hinder ^ 46_1CO_09_12 If <1487> others <0243> be partakers <3348> (5719) of this power <1849> over you <5216>, are not <3756> we <2249> rather <3123>? Nevertheless <0235> we have <5530> <0> not <3756> used <5530> (5662) this <5026> power <1849>; but <0235> suffer <4722> (5719) all things <3956>, lest <3363> we should <1325> (5632) <5100> {hinder} <1464> the gospel <2098> of Christ <5547>.

hinder ^ 44_ACT_08_36 And <1161> as <5613> they went <4198> (5711) on <2596> their way <3598>, they came <2064> (5627) unto <1909> a certain <5100> water <5204>: and <2532> the eunuch <2135> said <5346> (5748), See <2400> (5628), here is water <5204>; what <5101> doth {hinder} <2967> (5719) me <3165> to be baptized <0907> (5683)?

hinder ^ 44_ACT_27_41 And <1161> falling <4045> (5631) into <1519> a place <5117> where two seas met <1337>, they ran <2027> <0> the ship <3491> aground <2027> (5656); and <2532> the forepart <4408> <3303> stuck fast <2043> (5660), and remained <3306> (5656) unmoveable <0761>, but <1161> the {hinder} part <4403> was broken <3089> (5712) with <5259> the violence <0970> of the waves <2949>.

hinder ^ 48_GAL_05_07 Ye did run <5143> (5707) well <2573>; who <5101> did {hinder} <0348> (5656) (5625) <1465> you <5209> that ye should <3982> <0> not <3361> obey <3982> (5745) the truth <0225>?

hinder ^ 41_MAR_04_38 And <2532> he <0846> was <2258> (5713) in <1909> the {hinder} part of the ship <4403>, asleep <2518> (5723) on <1909> a pillow <4344>: and <2532> they awake <1326> (5719) him <0846>, and <2532> say <3004> (5719) unto him <0846>, Master <1320>, carest <3199> (5719) thou <4671> not <3756> that <3754> we perish <0622> (5731)?

hindered ^ 42_LUK_11_52 Woe <3759> unto you <5213>, lawyers <3544>! for <3754> ye have taken away <0142> (5656) the key <2807> of knowledge <1108>: ye entered <1525> <0> not <3756> in <1525> (5627) yourselves <0846>, and <2532> them that were entering in <1525> (5740) ye {hindered} <2967> (5656).

hindered ^ 45_ROM_15_22 For which cause <1352> also <2532> I have been <1465> <0> much <4183> {hindered} <1465> (5712) from coming <2064> (5629) to <4314> you <5209>.

hindered ^ 52_1TH_02_18 Wherefore <1352> we would <2309> (5656) have come <2064> (5629) unto <4314> you <5209>, even <3303> I <1473> Paul <3972>, once <2532> <0530> and <2532> again <1364>; but <2532> Satan <4567> {hindered} <1465> (5656) us <2248>.

hindered ^ 60_1PE_03_07 Likewise <3668>, ye husbands <0435>, dwell with <4924> (5723) them according to <2596> knowledge <1108>, giving <0632> (5723) honour <5092> unto the wife <1134>, as <5613> unto the weaker <0772> vessel <4632>, and <2532> as <5613> being heirs together <4789> of the grace <5485> of life <2222>; that <1519> your <5216> prayers <4335> be <1581> <0> not <3361> {hindered} <1581> (5745).