hillel , JG , 12:13 , JG , 12:15



Hillel Interlinear Index Study

Hillel JUDG 012 013 And after <00310 +>achar > him Abdon <05658
+ the son <01121 +ben > of {Hillel} <01985 +Hillel > ,
a Pirathonite <06553 +Pir , judged <08199 +shaphat >
Israel <03478 +Yisra>el > .

Hillel JUDG 012 015 And Abdon <05658 + the son <01121
+ben > of {Hillel} <01985 +Hillel > the Pirathonite <06553
+Pir died <04191 +muwth > , and was buried <06912
+qabar > in Pirathon <06552 +Pir in the land <00776
+>erets > of Ephraim <00669 +>Ephrayim > , in the mount <02022
+har > of the Amalekites <06003 + .


- hillel , 1985 ,



hillel -1985 {hillel} ,


Hillel 1985 -- Hillel -- {Hillel}.




Hillel 1985 ## Hillel {hil-layl'}; from 1984; praising (namely
God); Hillel, an Israelite: -- {Hillel}. [ql


Hillel 012 013 Jug /^{Hillel /a Pirathonite ,
judged Israel .

Hillel 012 015 Jug /^{Hillel /the Pirathonite
died , and was buried in Pirathon in the land of Ephraim , in
the mount of the Amalekites .



hillel And after him Abdon the son of {Hillel}, a
Pirathonite, judged Israel.

hillel And Abdon the son of {Hillel} the Pirathonite
died, and was buried in Pirathon in the land of Ephraim, in the
mount of the Amalekites.
