Hebrew and Greek Strong's Dictionary with all the definitions plus combined with every place that word is used in the definitions.

Complete index of every word used in both the Hebrew and Greek Strong's Dictionary in English Word order.

Hebrew and Greek Expanded Dictionary

hidden 02252 ## Chabayah {khab-ah-yaw'} ; or Chabayah {khab-aw-yaw'} ; from 02247 and 03050 ; Jah has {hidden} ; Chabajah , an Israelite : -- Habaiah .

hidden 03160 ## Y@chubbah {yekh-oob-baw'} ; from 02247 ; {hidden} ; Jechubbah , an Israelite : -- Jehubbah .

hidden 04301 ## matmown {mat-mone'} ; or matmon {mat-mone'} ; or matmun {mat-moon'} ; from 02934 ; a secret storehouse ; hence , a secreted valuable (buried) ; generally money : -- {hidden} riches , (hid) treasure (- s) .

hidden 04362 ## mikman {mik-man'} ; from the same as 03646 in the sense of hiding ; treasure (as {hidden}) : -- treasure .

hidden 04363 ## Mikmac (Ezra 2 : 27 ; Neh . 7 : 31) {mik-maws'} ; or Mikmash {mik-mawsh'} ; or Mikmash (Neh . 11 : 31) {mik-mash'} ; from 03647 ; {hidden} ; Mikmas or Mikmash , a place in Palestine : -- Mikmas , Mikmash .

hidden 04710 ## mitspun {mits-poon'} ; from 06845 ; a secret (place or thing , perhaps , treasure) : -- {hidden} thing .

hidden 05341 ## natsar {naw-tsar'} ; a primitive root ; to guard , in a good sense (to protect , maintain , obey , etc .) or a bad one (to conceal , etc .) : -- besieged , {hidden} thing , keep (- er ,-ing) , monument , observe , preserve (- r) , subtil , watcher (- man) .

hidden 05639 ## C@thuwr {seth-oor'} ; from 05641 ; {hidden} ; Sethur , an Israelite : -- Sethur .

hidden 05640 ## catham {saw-tham'} ; or satham (Numbers 24 : 15) {saw-tham'} ; a primitive root ; to stop up ; by implication , to repair ; figuratively , to keep secret : -- closed up , {hidden} , secret , shut out (up) , stop .

hidden 05855 ## ` Atrowth Showphan {at-roth'sho-fawn'} ; from the same as 05852 and a name otherwise unused [being from the same as 08226 ] meaning {hidden} ; crowns of Shophan ; Atroth-Shophan , a place in Palestine : -- Atroth , Shophan [as if two places ] .

hidden 05867 ## ` Eylam {ay-lawm'} ; or` Owlam (Ezra 10 : 2 ; Jeremiah 49 : 36) {o-lawm'} ; probably from 05956 ; {hidden} , i . e . distant ; Elam , a son of Shem and his descendants , with their country ; also of six Israelites : -- Elam .

hidden 05960 ## ` Almown {al-mone'} ; from 05956 ; {hidden} ;-- Almon , a place in Palestine See also 05963 .

hidden 06381 ## pala'{paw-law'} ; a primitive root ; properly , perhaps to separate , i . e . distinguish (literally or figuratively) ; by implication , to be (causatively , make) great , difficult , wonderful : -- accomplish , (arise . . . too , be too) hard , {hidden} , things too high , (be , do , do a , shew) marvelous (- ly ,-els , things , work) , miracles , perform , separate , make singular , (be , great , make) wonderful (- ers ,-ly , things , works) , wondrous (things , works ,-ly) .

hidden 06828 ## tsaphown {tsaw-fone'} ; or tsaphon {tsaw-fone'} ; from 06845 ; properly , {hidden} , i . e . dark ; used only of the north as a quarter (gloomy and unknown) : -- north (- ern , side ,-ward , wind) .

hidden 06840 ## tsaphiyn {tsaw-feen'} ; from 06845 ; a treasure (as {hidden}) : -- hid .

hidden 0082 - adelos {ad'-ay-los}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and 1212; {hidden}, figuratively, indistinct: -- appear not, uncertain.

hidden 2926 - krupte {kroop-tay'}; feminine of 2927; a {hidden} place, i.e. cellar ( " crypt " ): -- secret.

hidden 4441 - punthanomai {poon-than'-om-ahee}; middle voice prolonged from a primary putho (which occurs only as an alternate in certain tenses); to question, i.e. ascertain by inquiry (as a matter of information merely; and thus differing from 2065, which properly means a request as a favor; and from 0154, which is strictly a demand for something due; as well as from 2212, which implies a search for something {hidden}; and from 1189, which involves the idea of urgent need); by implication, to learn (by casual intelligence): -- ask, demand, enquire, understand.