hewer Deu_29_11 /^{hewer /of thy wood unto the
drawer of thy water :

hewers 1Ch_22_15 /^{hewers /and workers of
stone and timber , and all manner of cunning men for every
manner of work .

hewers 2Ch_02_18 /^{hewers /in the mountain ,
and three thousand and six hundred overseers to set the people a
work .

hewers 1Ki_05_15 /^{hewers /in the mountains ;

hewers 2Ki_12_12 /^{hewers /of stone , and to
buy timber and hewed stone to repair the breaches of the house
of the LORD , and for all that was laid out for the house to
repair it.

hewers Jer_46_22 /^{hewers /of wood .

hewers Jos_09_27 /^{hewers /of wood and drawers
of water for the congregation , and for the altar of the LORD ,
even unto this day , in the place which he should choose .

hewers Jos_09_23 /^{hewers /of wood and drawers
of water for the house of my God .

hewers Jos_09_21 /^{hewers /of wood and drawers
of water unto all the congregation ; as the princes had promised

hewers 2Ch_02_10 /^{hewers /that cut timber ,
twenty thousand measures of beaten wheat , and twenty thousand
measures of barley , and twenty thousand baths of wine , and
twenty thousand baths of oil .
