chewed Num_11_33 /^{chewed /the wrath of the
LORD was kindled against the people , and the LORD smote the
people with a very great plague .

eschewed Job_01_01 /^{eschewed /evil .

hewed 1Sa_15_33 /^{hewed /Agag in pieces
before the LORD in Gilgal .

hewed 1Ki_06_36 /^{hewed /stone , and a row of
cedar beams .

hewed 2Ki_12_12 /^{hewed /stone to repair the
breaches of the house of the LORD , and for all that was laid
out for the house to repair it.

hewed 1Ki_07_12 /^{hewed /stones , and a row
of cedar beams , both for the inner court of the house of the
LORD , and for the porch of the house .

hewed 1Ki_07_11 /^{hewed /stones , and cedars .

hewed 1Ki_07_09 /^{hewed /stones , sawed with
saws , within and without , even from the foundation unto the
coping , and so on the outside toward the great court .

hewed 1Ki_05_17 /^{hewed /stones , to lay the
foundation of the house .

hewed Isa_22_16 /^{hewed /thee out a sepulchre
here , as he that heweth him out a sepulchre on high , and that
graveth an habitation for himself in a rock ?

hewed Hos_06_05 /^{hewed /them by the prophets
; I have slain them by the words of my mouth : and thy judgments
are as the light that goeth forth .

hewed 1Sa_11_07 /^{hewed /them in pieces , and
sent them throughout all the coasts of Israel by the hands of
messengers , saying , Whosoever cometh not forth after Saul and
after Samuel , so shall it be done unto his oxen . And the fear
of the LORD fell on the people , and they came out with one
consent .

hewed Jer_02_13 /^{hewed /them out cisterns ,
broken cisterns , that can hold no water .

hewed Deu_10_03 /^{hewed /two tables of stone
like unto the first , and went up into the mount , having the
two tables in mine hand .

hewed Exo_34_04 /^{hewed /two tables of stone
like unto the first ; and Moses rose up early in the morning ,
and went up unto mount Sinai , as the LORD had commanded him,
and took in his hand the two tables of stone .

shewed Num_14_11 /^{shewed /among them?

shewed 1Ki_22_45 /^{shewed /and how he warred ,
are they not written in the book of the chronicles of the kings
of Judah ?

shewed 1Ki_16_27 /^{shewed /are they not
written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Israel ?

shewed Luk_20_37 /${shewed /at the bush , when
he calleth the Lord the God of Abraham , and the God of Isaac ,
and the God of Jacob .

shewed Psa_142_02 /^{shewed /before him my
trouble .

shewed Act_07_52 /${shewed /before of the
coming of the Just One ; of whom ye have been now the betrayers
and murderers :

shewed Pro_26_26 /^{shewed /before the whole
congregation .

shewed Act_03_18 /${shewed /by the mouth of all
his prophets , that Christ should suffer , he hath so fulfilled .

shewed 2Sa_11_22 /^{shewed /David all that Joab
had sent him for.

shewed 1Sa_22_21 /^{shewed /David that Saul had
slain the LORD'S priests .

shewed Eze_22_26 /^{shewed /difference between
the unclean and the clean , and have hid their eyes from my
sabbaths , and I am profaned among them.

shewed Act_26_20 /${shewed /first unto them of
Damascus , and at Jerusalem , and throughout all the coasts of
Judaea , and then to the Gentiles , that they should repent and
turn to God , and do works meet for repentance .

shewed Job_06_14 /^{shewed /from his friend ;
but he forsaketh the fear of the Almighty .

shewed Ezr_09_08 /^{shewed /from the LORD our
God , to leave us a remnant to escape , and to give us a nail in
his holy place , that our God may lighten our eyes , and give us
a little reviving in our bondage .

shewed 2Ch_01_08 /^{shewed /great mercy unto
David my father , and hast made me to reign in his stead.

shewed Luk_01_58 /${shewed /great mercy upon
her ; and they rejoiced with her .

shewed Joh_21_01 /${shewed /he himself.

shewed Jud_13_10 /^{shewed /her husband , and
said unto him, Behold, the man hath appeared unto me, that came
unto me the other day .

shewed Est_02_20 /^{shewed /her kindred nor her
people ; as Mordecai had charged her: for Esther did the
commandment of Mordecai , like as when she was brought up with

shewed Rut_02_19 /^{shewed /her mother in law
with whom she had wrought , and said , The man's name with whom
I wrought to day is Boaz .

shewed Est_02_10 /^{shewed /her people nor her
kindred : for Mordecai had charged her that she should not shew

shewed Exo_15_25 /^{shewed /him a tree , which
when he had cast into the waters , the waters were made sweet :
there he made for them a statute and an ordinance , and there he
proved them,

shewed Deu_34_01 /^{shewed /him all the land of
Gilead , unto Dan ,

shewed 1Sa_19_07 /^{shewed /him all those
things . And Jonathan brought David to Saul , and he was in his
presence , as in times past .

shewed Gen_39_21 /^{shewed /him mercy , and
gave him favour in the sight of the keeper of the prison .

shewed Luk_07_18 /${shewed /him of all these
things .

shewed Act_10_40 /${shewed /him openly ;

shewed Est_03_06 /^{shewed /him the people of
Mordecai : wherefore Haman sought to destroy all the Jews that
were throughout the whole kingdom of Ahasuerus , even the people
of Mordecai .

shewed 2Ki_06_06 /^{shewed /him the place . And
he cut down a stick , and cast it in thither; and the iron did
swim .

shewed Joh_21_01 /${shewed /himself again to
the disciples at the sea of Tiberias ; and on this wise shewed
he himself.

shewed Act_01_03 /${shewed /himself alive after
his passion by many infallible proofs , being seen of them forty
days , and speaking of the things pertaining to the kingdom of
God :

shewed Joh_21_14 /${shewed /himself to his
disciples , after that he was risen from the dead .

shewed Act_07_26 /${shewed /himself unto them
as they strove , and would have set them at one again , saying ,
Sirs , ye are brethren ; why do ye wrong one to another ?

shewed Luk_14_21 /${shewed /his lord these
things . Then the master of the house being angry said to his
servant , Go out quickly into the streets and lanes of the city ,
and bring in hither the poor , and the maimed , and the halt ,
and the blind .

shewed Psa_111_06 /^{shewed /his people the
power of his works , that he may give them the heritage of the
heathen .

shewed Psa_105_27 /^{shewed /his signs among
them, and wonders in the land of Ham .

shewed Deu_34_12 /^{shewed /in the sight of all
Israel .

shewed Psa_98_02 /^{shewed /in the sight of the
heathen .

shewed 1Co_10_28 /${shewed /it , and for
conscience sake : for the earth is the Lord's , and the fulness
thereof :

shewed Isa_48_05 /^{shewed /it thee: lest thou
shouldest say , Mine idol hath done them, and my graven image ,
and my molten image , hath commanded them.

shewed 1Sa_11_09 /^{shewed /it to the men of
Jabesh ; and they were glad .

shewed Rom_01_19 /${shewed /it unto them .

shewed 1Ki_01_27 /^{shewed /it unto thy servant
, who should sit on the throne of my lord the king after him?

shewed 1Sa_15_06 /^{shewed /kindness to all the
children of Israel , when they came up out of Egypt . So the
Kenites departed from among the Amalekites .

shewed 1Ch_19_02 /^{shewed /kindness to me. And
David sent messengers to comfort him concerning his father . So
the servants of David came into the land of the children of
Ammon to Hanun , to comfort him.

shewed 2Sa_10_02 /^{shewed /kindness unto me.
And David sent to comfort him by the hand of his servants for
his father . And David's servants came into the land of the
children of Ammon .

shewed Gen_24_14 /^{shewed /kindness unto my
master .

shewed 2Pe_01_14 /${shewed /me .

shewed Rev_22_01 /${shewed /me a pure river of
water of life , clear as crystal , proceeding out of the throne
of God and of the Lamb .

shewed Jud_16_18 /^{shewed /me all his heart .
Then the lords of the Philistines came up unto her, and brought
money in their hand .

shewed Gen_48_11 /^{shewed /me also thy seed .

shewed Zec_01_20 /^{shewed /me four carpenters .

shewed Psa_71_20 /^{shewed /me great and sore
troubles , shalt quicken me again , and shalt bring me up again
from the depths of the earth .

shewed Psa_31_21 /^{shewed /me his marvellous
kindness in a strong city .

shewed Zec_03_01 /^{shewed /me Joshua the high
priest standing before the angel of the LORD , and Satan
standing at his right hand to resist him.

shewed Rev_21_10 /${shewed /me that great city ,
the holy Jerusalem , descending out of heaven from God ,

shewed 2Ki_08_10 /^{shewed /me that he shall
surely die .

shewed Act_10_28 /${shewed /me that I should
not call any man common or unclean .

shewed 2Ki_08_13 /^{shewed /me that thou shalt
be king over Syria .

shewed Rev_22_08 /${shewed /me these things .

shewed Rut_02_11 /^{shewed /me, all that thou
hast done unto thy mother in law since the death of thine
husband : and how thou hast left thy father and thy mother , and
the land of thy nativity , and art come unto a people which thou
knewest not heretofore .

shewed Jer_24_01 /^{shewed /me, and, behold,
two baskets of figs were set before the temple of the LORD ,
after that Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon had carried away
captive Jeconiah the son of Jehoiakim king of Judah , and the
princes of Judah , with the carpenters and smiths , from
Jerusalem , and had brought them to Babylon .

shewed Eze_11_25 /^{shewed /me.

shewed Jer_38_21 /^{shewed /me:

shewed Amo_07_07 /^{shewed /me: and, behold,
the Lord stood upon a wall made by a plumbline , with a
plumbline in his hand .

shewed Luk_10_37 /${shewed /mercy on him . Then
said Jesus unto him , Go , and do thou likewise .

shewed Rut_03_10 /^{shewed /more kindness in
the latter end than at the beginning , inasmuch as thou
followedst not young men , whether poor or rich .

shewed Num_08_04 /^{shewed /Moses , so he made
the candlestick .

shewed Ecc_02_19 /^{shewed /myself wise under
the sun . This is also vanity .

shewed Jam_02_13 /${shewed /no mercy ; and
mercy rejoiceth against judgment .

shewed Act_28_21 /${shewed /or spake any harm
of thee .

shewed Gen_41_25 /^{shewed /Pharaoh what he is
about to do .

shewed Deu_06_22 /^{shewed /signs and wonders ,
great and sore , upon Egypt , upon Pharaoh , and upon all his
household , before our eyes :

shewed Jud_04_12 /^{shewed /Sisera that Barak
the son of Abinoam was gone up to mount Tabor .

shewed Luk_01_51 /${shewed /strength with his
arm ; he hath scattered the proud in the imagination of their
hearts .

shewed Deu_04_35 /^{shewed /that thou mightest
know that the LORD he is God ; there is none else beside him .

shewed 2Ki_22_10 /^{shewed /the king , saying ,
Hilkiah the priest hath delivered me a book . And Shaphan read
it before the king .

shewed Est_01_04 /^{shewed /the riches of his
glorious kingdom and the honour of his excellent majesty many
days , even an hundred and fourscore days .

shewed Gen_41_39 /^{shewed /thee all this,
there is none so discreet and wise as thou art:

shewed Deu_04_36 /^{shewed /thee his great fire
; and thou heardest his words out of the midst of the fire .

shewed Exo_27_08 /^{shewed /thee in the mount ,
so shall they make it.

shewed Exo_25_40 /^{shewed /thee in the mount .

shewed Exo_26_30 /^{shewed /thee in the mount .

shewed Isa_48_06 /^{shewed /thee new things
from this time , even hidden things , and thou didst not know

shewed Mic_06_08 /^{shewed /thee, O man , what
is good ; and what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do
justly , and to love mercy , and to walk humbly with thy God ?

shewed Act_19_18 /${shewed /their deeds .

shewed 2Ki_20_13 /^{shewed /them all the house
of his precious things , the silver , and the gold , and the
spices , and the precious ointment , and all the house of his
armour , and all that was found in his treasures : there was
nothing in his house , nor in all his dominion , that Hezekiah
shewed them not.

shewed Luk_24_40 /${shewed /them his hands and
his feet .

shewed Eze_20_11 /^{shewed /them my judgments ,
which if a man do , he shall even live in them.

shewed 2Ki_20_13 /^{shewed /them not.

shewed Isa_39_02 /^{shewed /them not.

shewed Jud_01_25 /^{shewed /them the entrance
into the city , they smote the city with the edge of the sword ;
but they let go the man and all his family .

shewed Num_13_26 /^{shewed /them the fruit of
the land .

shewed Isa_39_02 /^{shewed /them the house of
his precious things , the silver , and the gold , and the spices
, and the precious ointment , and all the house of his armour ,
and all that was found in his treasures : there was nothing in
his house , nor in all his dominion , that Hezekiah shewed them

shewed 2Ki_11_04 /^{shewed /them the king's son .

shewed Isa_39_04 /^{shewed /them.

shewed Lev_24_12 /^{shewed /them.

shewed 2Ki_20_15 /^{shewed /them.

shewed Psa_78_11 /^{shewed /them.

shewed Isa_48_03 /^{shewed /them; I did them
suddenly , and they came to pass .

shewed Act_23_22 /${shewed /these things to me .

shewed Jud_08_35 /^{shewed /they kindness to
the house of Jerubbaal , namely, Gideon , according to all the
goodness which he had shewed unto Israel .

shewed 1Sa_24_18 /^{shewed /this day how that
thou hast dealt well with me: forasmuch as when the LORD had
delivered me into thine hand , thou killedst me not.

shewed 2Sa_02_05 /^{shewed /this kindness unto
your lord , even unto Saul , and have buried him.

shewed Psa_60_03 /^{shewed /thy people hard
things : thou hast made us to drink the wine of astonishment .

shewed Psa_71_18 /^{shewed /thy strength unto
this generation , and thy power to every one that is to come .

shewed Isa_40_14 /^{shewed /to him the way of
understanding ?

shewed Lev_13_19 /^{shewed /to the priest ;

shewed Isa_26_10 /^{shewed /to the wicked , yet
will he not learn righteousness : in the land of uprightness
will he deal unjustly , and will not behold the majesty of the

shewed Heb_08_05 /${shewed /to thee in the
mount .

shewed Heb_06_10 /${shewed /toward his name ,
in that ye have ministered to the saints , and do minister .

shewed 2Ch_07_10 /^{shewed /unto David , and to
Solomon , and to Israel his people .

shewed Luk_04_05 /${shewed /unto him all the
kingdoms of the world in a moment of time .

shewed Jud_08_35 /^{shewed /unto Israel .

shewed Gen_19_19 /^{shewed /unto me in saving
my life ; and I cannot escape to the mountain , lest some evil
take me, and I die :

shewed Amo_08_01 /^{shewed /unto me: and behold
a basket of summer fruit .

shewed Amo_07_04 /^{shewed /unto me: and,
behold, the Lord GOD called to contend by fire , and it devoured
the great deep , and did eat up a part .

shewed Amo_07_01 /^{shewed /unto me; and,
behold, he formed grasshoppers in the beginning of the shooting
up of the latter growth ; and, lo, it was the latter growth
after the king's mowings .

shewed Mat_28_11 /${shewed /unto the chief
priests all the things that were done .

shewed Lev_13_49 /^{shewed /unto the priest :

shewed Joh_20_20 /${shewed /unto them his hands
and his side . Then were the disciples glad , when they saw the
Lord .

shewed Gen_32_10 /^{shewed /unto thy servant ;
for with my staff I passed over this Jordan ; and now I am
become two bands .

shewed 1Ki_03_06 /^{shewed /unto thy servant
David my father great mercy , according as he walked before thee
in truth , and in righteousness , and in uprightness of heart
with thee; and thou hast kept for him this great kindness , that
thou hast given him a son to sit on his throne , as it is this
day .

shewed Jud_13_23 /^{shewed /us all these things,
nor would as at this time have told us such things as these .

shewed Deu_05_24 /^{shewed /us his glory and
his greatness , and we have heard his voice out of the midst of
the fire : we have seen this day that God doth talk with man ,
and he liveth .

shewed Act_11_13 /${shewed /us how he had seen
an angel in his house , which stood and said unto him , Send men
to Joppa , and call for Simon , whose surname is Peter ;

shewed Psa_118_27 /^{shewed /us light : bind
the sacrifice with cords , even unto the horns of the altar .

shewed Act_28_02 /${shewed /us no little
kindness : for they kindled a fire , and received us every one ,
because of the present rain , and because of the cold .

shewed Isa_43_12 /^{shewed /when there was no
strange god among you: therefore ye are my witnesses , saith the
LORD , that I am God .

shewed Act_07_36 /${shewed /wonders and signs
in the land of Egypt , and in the Red sea , and in the
wilderness forty years .

shewed Act_20_20 /${shewed /you , and have
taught you publickly , and from house to house ,

shewed Act_20_35 /${shewed /you all things ,
how that so labouring ye ought to support the weak , and to
remember the words of the Lord Jesus , how he said , It is more
blessed to give than to receive .

shewed Joh_10_32 /${shewed /you from my Father ;
for which of those works do ye stone me ?

shewed Jos_02_12 /^{shewed /you kindness , that
ye will also shew kindness unto my father's house , and give me
a true token :

shewedst Jer_11_18 /^{shewedst /me their doings .

shewedst Neh_09_10 /^{shewedst /signs and wonders
upon Pharaoh , and on all his servants , and on all the people
of his land : for thou knewest that they dealt proudly against
them. So didst thou get thee a name , as it is this day .
