English Synonyms with Greek Strong's Number.

English Synonyms with Greek Strong's Number
eschew - 1578 {eschew}, gone,

hewn - 1581 cut, down, {hewn}, hindered, off,

hewn - 2998 {hewn},

matthew - 3156 {matthew}, whosoever,

nephews - 1549 {nephews},

shew - 0312 declare, declared, rehearsed, reported, {shew}, shewed, tell, told,

shew - 0322 {shew},

shew - 0518 again, bring, declare, report, reported, {shew}, shewed, tell, told, word,

shew - 1165 made, {shew},

shew - 1166 {shew}, shewed, shewest, sheweth,

shew - 1325 adventure, bestowed, brought, committed, deliver, delivered, gave, gavest, give, given, giveth, giving, grant, granted, hinder, make, minister, offer, power, put, receive, set, {shew}, suffer, taking, utter, yield, yielded,

shew - 1731 did, forth, {shew}, shewed, shewing,

shew - 1754 do, effectual, effectually, forth, healed, mighty, {shew}, work, worketh, wrought,

shew - 1804 forth, {shew},

shew - 1925 {shew}, shewing,

shew - 2146 fair, make, {shew},

shew - 2151 piety, {shew}, worship,

shew - 2605 declare, declaring, preach, preached, {shew}, spoken, teach,

shew - 2698 do, laid, {shew},

shew - 3004 asked, bid, biddeth, boasting, call, called, callest, calleth, describeth, giving, named, said, saith, say, sayest, saying, sayings, {shew}, spake, speak, speakest, speaketh, speaking, spoken, tell, telleth, told, uttered,

shew - 3056 account, cause, communication, concerning, do, doctrine, intent, matter, mouth, preaching, question, reason, reckoneth, say, saying, sayings, {shew}, speaker, speech, talk, thing, things, tidings, treatise, utterance, word, words,

shew - 3377 {shew}, shewed,told,

shew - 3936 about, before, brought, come, commendeth, give, here, present, presented, presently, prove, provide, {shew}, shewed, stand, standing, stood,

shew - 5263 {shew}, shewed, warned,

shew - 5319 appear, appeared, declared, forth, made, make, maketh, manifest, manifested, manifestly, {shew}, shewed,

shewbread - 0740 bread, loaf, loaves, {shewbread},

shewbread - 4286 purpose, {shewbread},



shewed - 0312 declare, declared, rehearsed, reported, shew, {shewed}, tell, told,

shewed - 0518 again, bring, declare, report, reported, shew, {shewed}, tell, told, word,

shewed - 1166 shew, {shewed}, shewest, sheweth,

shewed - 1213 declare, declared, {shewed}, signifieth, signify, signifying,

shewed - 1718 appear, appeared, declare, informed, manifest, plainly, {shewed}, signify,

shewed - 1731 did, forth, shew, {shewed}, shewing,

shewed - 3377 shew, {shewed}, told,

shewed - 3700 appear, appeared, look, see, seen, {shewed},

shewed - 3930 brought, give, given, giveth, kept, minister, {shewed}, shewing, trouble,

shewed - 3936 about, before, brought, come, commendeth, give, here, present, presented, presently, prove, provide, shew, {shewed}, stand, standing, stood,

shewed - 4293 before, foretold, notice, {shewed},

shewed - 5263 shew, {shewed}, warned,

shewed - 5319 appear, appeared, declared, forth, made, make, maketh, manifest, manifested, manifestly, shew, {shewed},


shewest - 1166 shew, shewed, {shewest}, sheweth,

sheweth - 1166 shew, shewed, shewest, {sheweth},

shewing - 0584 approved, forth, prove, set, {shewing},

shewing - 1731 did, forth, shew, shewed, {shewing},

shewing - 1925 shew, {shewing},

shewing - 3930 brought, give, given, giveth, kept, minister, shewed, {shewing}, trouble,