heritage Jer_02_07 /^{heritage /an abomination .

heritage Psa_135_12 /^{heritage /an heritage unto
Israel his people .

heritage Jer_12_15 /^{heritage /and every man to
his land .

heritage Job_20_29 /^{heritage /appointed unto
him by God .

heritage Jer_50_11 /^{heritage /because ye are
grown fat as the heifer at grass , and bellow as bulls ;

heritage 1Pe_05_03 /${heritage /but being
ensamples to the flock .

heritage Psa_119_011 /^{heritage /for ever : for
they are the rejoicing of my heart .

heritage Psa_136_21 /^{heritage /for his mercy
endureth for ever :

heritage Mic_07_18 /^{heritage /he retaineth not
his anger for ever , because he delighteth in mercy .

heritage Exo_06_08 /^{heritage /I am the LORD .

heritage Jer_12_07 /^{heritage /I have given the
dearly beloved of my soul into the hand of her enemies .

heritage Jer_12_08 /^{heritage /is unto me as a
lion in the forest ; it crieth out against me: therefore have I
hated it.

heritage Jer_12_09 /^{heritage /is unto me as a
speckled bird , the birds round about are against her; come ye,
assemble all the beasts of the field , come to devour .

heritage Joe_03_02 /^{heritage /Israel , whom
they have scattered among the nations , and parted my land .

heritage Isa_58_14 /^{heritage /of Jacob thy
father : for the mouth of the LORD hath spoken it.

heritage Job_27_13 /^{heritage /of oppressors ,
which they shall receive of the Almighty .

heritage Psa_111_06 /^{heritage /of the heathen .

heritage Jer_03_19 /^{heritage /of the hosts of
nations ? and I said , Thou shalt call me, My father ; and shalt
not turn away from me .

heritage Psa_127_03 /^{heritage /of the LORD :
and the fruit of the womb is his reward .

heritage Isa_54_17 /^{heritage /of the servants
of the LORD , and their righteousness is of me, saith the LORD .

heritage Psa_61_05 /^{heritage /of those that
fear thy name .

heritage Jer_17_04 /^{heritage /that I gave thee;
and I will cause thee to serve thine enemies in the land which
thou knowest not: for ye have kindled a fire in mine anger ,
which shall burn for ever .

heritage Joe_02_17 /^{heritage /to reproach ,
that the heathen should rule over them: wherefore should they
say among the people , Where is their God ?

heritage Psa_135_12 /^{heritage /unto Israel his
people .

heritage Psa_136_22 /^{heritage /unto Israel his
servant : for his mercy endureth for ever .

heritage Mal_01_03 /^{heritage /waste for the
dragons of the wilderness .

heritage Mic_07_14 /^{heritage /which dwell
solitarily in the wood , in the midst of Carmel : let them feed
in Bashan and Gilead , as in the days of old .
