heretick , TIT , 3:10


Greek 0141 # hairetikos {hahee-ret-ee-kos'}; from the same as
140; a schismatic: -- heretic [the {Greek} word itself].[ql

heretic 0141 # hairetikos {hahee-ret-ee-kos'}; from the same as
140; a schismatic: -- {heretic} [the Greek word itself].[ql

itself 0141 # hairetikos {hahee-ret-ee-kos'}; from the same as
140; a schismatic: -- heretic [the Greek word {itself}].[ql

the 0141 # hairetikos {hahee-ret-ee-kos'}; from the same as 140;
a schismatic: -- heretic [{the} Greek word itself].[ql

word 0141 # hairetikos {hahee-ret-ee-kos'}; from the same as
140; a schismatic: -- heretic [the Greek {word} itself].[ql


heretick Interlinear Index Study

heretick TIT 003 010 A man <0444 -anthropos -> that is an
{heretick} <0141 -hairetikos -> after <3326 -meta -> the first
<3391 -mia -> and second <1208 -deuteros -> admonition <3559 -
nouthesia -> reject <3868 -paraiteomai -> ;


is an heretic after


heretick -0141 {heretick},



heretic 0141 ** hairetikos ** {heretic}


heretick ......... that is an heretick 0141 -hairetikos->



heretic 0141 # hairetikos {hahee-ret-ee-kos'}; from the same as
140; a schismatic: -- {heretic} [the Greek word itself].[ql


heretick 003 010 Tit /${heretick /after the
first and second admonition reject ;



heretic A man that is an {heretic} after the first
and second admonition reject;
