Bible Word Index with Strong's Number

Language Tranliteration of original language words

heresy 44_ACT_24_14 But this (5124 -touto -) I confess (3670 -homologeo -) unto thee , that after (2596 -kata -) the way (3598 -hodos -) which (3739 -hos -) they call (3004 -lego -) {heresy} (0139 -hairesis -) , so (3779 -houto -) worship (3000 -latreuo -) I the God (2316 -theos -) of my fathers (3971 -patroios -) , believing (4100 -pisteuo -) all (3956 -pas -) things which (3588 -ho -) are written (1125 -grapho -) in the law (3551 -nomos -) and in the prophets (4396 -prophetes -) :

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