herein Interlinear Index Study

herein GEN 034 022 Only <00389 +>ak > {herein} <02063 +zo>th >
will the men <00582 +>enowsh >consent <00225 +>uwth > unto us
for to dwell <03427 +yashab > with us , to be one <00259 +>echad
> people <05971 + , if <00518 +>im > every <03605 +kol >
male <02145 +zakar > among us be circumcised <04135 +muwl > , as
they [ are ] circumcised <04135 +muwl > .

Herein 2CH 016 009 For the eyes <05869 + of the LORD
<03068 +Y@hovah > run <07751 +shuwt > to and fro <07751 +shuwt >
throughout the whole <03605 +kol > earth <00776 +>erets > , to
shew himself strong <02388 +chazaq > in the behalf <05973 +
of [ them ] whose heart <03824 +lebab > [ is ] perfect <08003
+shalem > toward <00413 +>el > him . {Herein} thou hast done
foolishly <05528 +cakal > : therefore from henceforth <06258
+ thou shalt have <03426 +yesh > wars <04421 +milchamah
> .

herein JOH 004 037 And {herein} <5129 -toutoi -> is that saying
<3056 -logos -> true <0228 -alethinos -> , One <0243 -allos ->
soweth <4687 -speiro -> , and another <0243 -allos -> reapeth
<2325 -therizo -> .

herein JOH 009 030 The man <0444 -anthropos -> answered <0611 -
apokrinomai -> and said <2036 -epo -> unto them , Why <1063 -gar
-> {herein} <5129 -toutoi -> is a marvellous <2298 -thaumastos -
> thing , that ye know <1492 -eido -> not from whence <4159 -
pothen -> he is , and [ yet ] he hath opened <0455 -anoigo ->
mine <3450 -mou -> eyes <3788 -ophthalmos -> .

Herein JOH 015 008 {Herein} <5129 -toutoi -> is my Father <3962 -
pater -> glorified <1392 -doxazo -> , that ye bear <5342 -phero -
> much <4183 -polus -> fruit <2590 -karpos -> ; so <2532 -kai ->
shall ye be my disciples <3101 -mathetes -> .

herein ACT 024 016 And {herein} <5129 -toutoi -> do I exercise
<0778 -askeo -> myself , to have <2192 -echo -> always <1275 -
diapantos -> a conscience <4893 -suneidesis -> void <0677 -
aproskopos -> of offence <0677 -aproskopos -> toward <4314 -pros
-> God <2316 -theos -> , and [ toward ] men <0444 -anthropos -> .

herein 2CO 008 010 And {herein} <5129 -toutoi -> I give <1325 -
didomi -> [ my ] advice <1106 -gnome -> : for this <5124 -touto -
> is expedient <4851 -sumphero -> for you , who <3748 -hostis ->
have begun <4278 -proenarchomai -> before <4278 -proenarchomai -
> , not only <3440 -monon -> to do <4160 -poieo -> , but also
<2532 -kai -> to be forward <2309 -thelo -> a year <4070 -perusi
-> ago <0575 -apo -> .

Herein 1JO 004 010 {Herein} <5129 -toutoi -> is love <0026 -
agape -> , not that we loved <0025 -agapao -> God <2316 -theos -
> , but that he loved <0025 -agapao -> us , and sent <0649 -
apostello -> his Son <5207 -huios -> [ to be ] the propitiation
<2434 -hilasmos -> for our sins <0266 -hamartia -> .

Herein 1JO 004 017 . {Herein} <5129 -toutoi -> is our love <0026
-agape -> made <5048 -teleioo -> perfect <5048 -teleioo -> ,
that we may have <2192 -echo -> boldness <3954 -parrhesia -> in
the day <2250 -hemera -> of judgment <2920 -krisis -> : because
<3754 -hoti -> as he is , so <2532 -kai -> are we in this <5129 -
toutoi -> world <2889 -kosmos ->.
