Hepherites NUM 026 032 And [ of ] Shemida <08061 +Sh@miyda<
> , the family <04940 +mishpachah > of the Shemidaites <08062
+Sh@miyda : and [ of ] Hepher <02660 +Chepher > , the
family <04940 +mishpachah > of the {Hepherites} <02662
+Chephriy > .



hepherites -2662 {hepherites} ,


Hepherites 2662 -- Chephriy -- {Hepherites}.




Hepherites 2662 ## Chephriy {khef-ree'}; patronymically from
2660; a Chephrite (collectively) or descendants of Chepher: --
{Hepherites}. [ql




hepherites , NU , 26:32



Hepherites Interlinear Index Study

Hepherites NUM 026 032 And [ of ] Shemida <08061 +Sh@miyda< > ,
the family <04940 +mishpachah > of the Shemidaites <08062
+Sh@miyda : and [ of ] Hepher <02660 +Chepher > , the
family <04940 +mishpachah > of the {Hepherites} <02662 +Chephriy
> .


hepherites And [of] Shemida, the family of the
Shemidaites: and [of] Hepher, the family of the {Hepherites}.
