hem Mat_09_20 /${hem /of his garment :

hem Mat_14_36 /${hem /of his garment : and
as many as touched were made perfectly whole .

hem Exo_28_33 /^{hem /of it thou shalt make
pomegranates of blue , and of purple , and of scarlet , round
about the hem thereof; and bells of gold between them round
about :

hem Exo_39_25 /^{hem /of the robe , round
about between the pomegranates ;

hem Exo_28_34 /^{hem /of the robe round
about .

hem Exo_39_26 /^{hem /of the robe to
minister in; as the LORD commanded Moses .

hem Exo_28_33 /^{hem /thereof; and bells of
gold between them round about :
