beheld Gen_13_10 /^{beheld /all the plain of
Jordan , that it was well watered every where, before the LORD
destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah , even as the garden of the LORD ,
like the land of Egypt , as thou comest unto Zoar .

beheld Ecc_08_17 /^{beheld /all the work of God
, that a man cannot find out the work that is done under the sun
: because though a man labour to seek it out , yet he shall not
find it; yea further; though a wise man think to know it, yet
shall he not be able to find it.

beheld Pro_07_07 /^{beheld /among the simple
ones , I discerned among the youths , a young man void of
understanding ,

beheld Rev_07_09 /${beheld /and , lo , a great
multitude , which no man could number , of all nations , and
kindreds , and people , and tongues , stood before the throne ,
and before the Lamb , clothed with white robes , and palms in
their hands ;

beheld Rev_05_06 /${beheld /and , lo , in the
midst of the throne and of the four beasts , and in the midst of
the elders , stood a Lamb as it had been slain , having seven
horns and seven eyes , which are the seven Spirits of God sent
forth into all the earth .

beheld Hab_03_06 /^{beheld /and drove asunder
the nations ; and the everlasting mountains were scattered , the
perpetual hills did bow : his ways are everlasting .

beheld 1Ch_21_15 /^{beheld /and he repented him
of the evil , and said to the angel that destroyed , It is
enough , stay now thine hand . And the angel of the LORD stood
by the threshingfloor of Ornan the Jebusite .

beheld Rev_08_13 /${beheld /and heard an angel
flying through the midst of heaven , saying with a loud voice ,
Woe , woe , woe , to the inhabiters of the earth by reason of
the other voices of the trumpet of the three angels , which are
yet to sound !

beheld Rev_05_11 /${beheld /and I heard the
voice of many angels round about the throne and the beasts and
the elders : and the number of them was ten thousand times ten
thousand , and thousands of thousands ;

beheld Rev_06_05 /${beheld /and lo a black
horse ; and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his
hand .

beheld Eze_08_02 /^{beheld /and lo a likeness
as the appearance of fire : from the appearance of his loins
even downward , fire ; and from his loins even upward , as the
appearance of brightness , as the colour of amber .

beheld Dan_07_06 /^{beheld /and lo another ,
like a leopard , which had upon the back of it four wings of a
fowl ; the beast had also four heads ; and dominion was given to

beheld Jer_31_26 /^{beheld /and my sleep was
sweet unto me.

beheld Dan_07_21 /^{beheld /and the same horn
made war with the saints , and prevailed against them;

beheld Isa_41_28 /^{beheld /and there was no
man ; even among them, and there was no counsellor , that, when
I asked of them, could answer a word .

beheld Jer_04_26 /^{beheld /and, lo, the
fruitful place was a wilderness , and all the cities thereof
were broken down at the presence of the LORD , and by his fierce
anger .

beheld Gen_19_28 /^{beheld /and, lo, the smoke
of the country went up as the smoke of a furnace .

beheld Jer_04_25 /^{beheld /and, lo, there was
no man , and all the birds of the heavens were fled .

beheld Rev_13_11 /${beheld /another beast
coming up out of the earth ; and he had two horns like a lamb ,
and he spake as a dragon .

beheld Psa_142_04 /^{beheld /but there was no
man that would know me: refuge failed me; no man cared for my
soul .

beheld Dan_07_11 /^{beheld /even till the beast
was slain , and his body destroyed , and given to the burning
flame .

beheld Act_01_09 /${beheld /he was taken up ;
and a cloud received him out of their sight .

beheld Joh_01_42 /${beheld /him , he said ,
Thou art Simon the son of Jona : thou shalt be called Cephas ,
which is by interpretation , A stone .

beheld Mar_09_15 /${beheld /him , were greatly
amazed , and running to him saluted him .

beheld Luk_22_56 /${beheld /him as he sat by
the fire , and earnestly looked upon him , and said , This man
was also with him .

beheld Mar_12_41 /${beheld /how the people cast
money into the treasury : and many that were rich cast in much .

beheld Num_23_21 /^{beheld /iniquity in Jacob ,
neither hath he seen perverseness in Israel : the LORD his God
is with him, and the shout of a king is among them.

beheld Gen_48_08 /^{beheld /Joseph's sons , and
said , Who are these?

beheld Eze_37_08 /^{beheld /lo, the sinews and
the flesh came up upon them, and the skin covered them above :
but there was no breath in them.

beheld Luk_10_18 /${beheld /Satan as lightning
fall from heaven .

beheld Luk_19_41 /${beheld /the city , and wept
over it ,

beheld Gen_31_02 /^{beheld /the countenance of
Laban , and, behold, it was not toward him as before .

beheld Jer_04_23 /^{beheld /the earth , and, lo,
it was without form , and void ; and the heavens , and they had
no light .

beheld Luk_24_12 /${beheld /the linen clothes
laid by themselves , and departed , wondering in himself at that
which was come to pass .

beheld Eze_01_15 /^{beheld /the living
creatures , behold one wheel upon the earth by the living
creatures , with his four faces .

beheld Jer_04_24 /^{beheld /the mountains , and,
lo, they trembled , and all the hills moved lightly .

beheld 1Sa_26_05 /^{beheld /the place where
Saul lay , and Abner the son of Ner , the captain of his host :
and Saul lay in the trench , and the people pitched round about

beheld Luk_23_55 /${beheld /the sepulchre , and
how his body was laid .

beheld Num_21_09 /^{beheld /the serpent of
brass , he lived .

beheld Job_31_26 /^{beheld /the sun when it
shined , or the moon walking in brightness ;

beheld Psa_119_015 /^{beheld /the transgressors
, and was grieved ; because they kept not thy word .

beheld Gen_12_14 /^{beheld /the woman that she
was very fair .

beheld Luk_20_17 /${beheld /them , and said ,
What is this then that is written , The stone which the builders
rejected , the same is become the head of the corner ?

beheld Rev_11_12 /${beheld /them .

beheld Mat_19_26 /${beheld /them, and said unto
them , With men this is impossible ; but with God all things are
possible .

beheld Dan_07_11 /^{beheld /then because of the
voice of the great words which the horn spake : I beheld even
till the beast was slain , and his body destroyed , and given to
the burning flame .

beheld Dan_07_09 /^{beheld /till the thrones
were cast down , and the Ancient of days did sit , whose garment
was white as snow , and the hair of his head like the pure wool :
his throne was like the fiery flame , and his wheels as burning
fire .

beheld Dan_07_04 /^{beheld /till the wings
thereof were plucked , and it was lifted up from the earth , and
made stand upon the feet as a man , and a man's heart was given
to it.

beheld Rev_06_12 /${beheld /when he had opened
the sixth seal , and , lo , there was a great earthquake ; and
the sun became black as sackcloth of hair , and the moon became
as blood ;

beheld Mar_15_47 /${beheld /where he was laid .

beheld Jud_16_27 /^{beheld /while Samson made
sport .

beheld Act_17_23 /${beheld /your devotions , I
found an altar with this inscription , TO THE UNKNOWN GOD . Whom
therefore ye ignorantly worship , him declare I unto you .

held Mar_15_01 /${held /a consultation with
the elders and scribes and the whole council , and bound Jesus ,
and carried him away , and delivered him to Pilate .

held Mat_12_14 /${held /a council against him
, how they might destroy him .

held 1Ki_08_65 /^{held /a feast , and all
Israel with him, a great congregation , from the entering in of
Hamath unto the river of Egypt , before the LORD our God , seven
days and seven days , even fourteen days .

held 1Sa_25_36 /^{held /a feast in his house ,
like the feast of a king ; and Nabal's heart was merry within
him, for he was very drunken : wherefore she told him nothing ,
less or more , until the morning light .

held Neh_04_17 /^{held /a weapon .

held 2Sa_18_16 /^{held /back the people .

held Neh_04_16 /^{held /both the spears , the
shields , and the bows , and the habergeons ; and the rulers
were behind all the house of Judah .

held Mat_28_09 /${held /him by the feet , and
worshipped him .

held Jud_16_26 /^{held /him by the hand ,
Suffer me that I may feel the pillars whereupon the house
standeth , that I may lean upon them.

held Son_03_04 /^{held /him, and would not
let him go , until I had brought him into my mother's house ,
and into the chamber of her that conceived me.

held Mar_14_61 /${held /his peace , and
answered nothing . Again the high priest asked him , and said
unto him , Art thou the Christ , the Son of the Blessed ?

held Gen_24_21 /^{held /his peace , to wit
whether the LORD had made his journey prosperous or not.

held Lev_10_03 /^{held /his peace .

held 1Sa_10_27 /^{held /his peace .

held Mat_26_63 /${held /his peace . And the
high priest answered and said unto him , I adjure thee by the
living God , that thou tell us whether thou be the Christ , the
Son of God .

held Num_30_07 /^{held /his peace at her in
the day that he heard it: then her vows shall stand , and her
bonds wherewith she bound her soul shall stand .

held Num_30_14 /^{held /his peace at her in
the day that he heard them.

held Num_30_11 /^{held /his peace at her, and
disallowed her not: then all her vows shall stand , and every
bond wherewith she bound her soul shall stand .

held Gen_34_05 /^{held /his peace until they
were come .

held Job_23_11 /^{held /his steps , his way
have I kept , and not declined .

held Son_07_05 /^{held /in the galleries .

held Psa_32_09 /^{held /in with bit and
bridle , lest they come near unto thee.

held Rut_03_15 /^{held /it, he measured six
measures of barley , and laid it on her: and she went into the
city .

held Luk_22_63 /${held /Jesus mocked him ,
and smote him.

held Psa_94_18 /^{held /me up .

held Psa_39_02 /^{held /my peace , even from
good ; and my sorrow was stirred .

held Isa_57_11 /^{held /my peace even of old ,
and thou fearest me not?

held Est_07_04 /^{held /my tongue , although
the enemy could not countervail the king's damage .

held Exo_36_12 /^{held /one curtain to
another .

held Est_08_04 /^{held /out the golden
sceptre toward Esther . So Esther arose , and stood before the
king ,

held Est_05_02 /^{held /out to Esther the
golden sceptre that was in his hand . So Esther drew near , and
touched the top of the sceptre .

held Act_03_11 /${held /Peter and John , all
the people ran together unto them in the porch that is called
Solomon's , greatly wondering .

held Rom_07_06 /${held /that we should serve
in newness of spirit , and not in the oldness of the letter .

held Jud_07_20 /^{held /the lamps in their
left hands , and the trumpets in their right hands to blow
withal: and they cried , The sword of the LORD , and of Gideon .

held Neh_04_21 /^{held /the spears from the
rising of the morning till the stars appeared .

held Isa_36_21 /^{held /their peace , and
answered him not a word : for the king's commandment was, saying
, Answer him not.

held 2Ki_18_36 /^{held /their peace , and
answered him not a word : for the king's commandment was, saying
, Answer him not.

held Act_11_18 /${held /their peace , and
glorified God , saying , Then hath God also to the Gentiles
granted repentance unto life .

held Job_29_10 /^{held /their peace , and
their tongue cleaved to the roof of their mouth .

held Act_15_13 /${held /their peace , James
answered , saying , Men and brethren , hearken unto me :

held Luk_20_26 /${held /their peace .

held Mar_03_04 /${held /their peace .

held Luk_14_04 /${held /their peace . And he
took him, and healed him , and let him go ;

held Mar_09_34 /${held /their peace : for by
the way they had disputed among themselves , who should be the
greatest .

held Jer_50_33 /^{held /them fast ; they
refused to let them go .

held Neh_05_08 /^{held /they their peace ,
and found nothing to answer.

held 2Ch_03_05 /^{held /three thousand baths .

held Gen_48_17 /^{held /up his father's hand ,
to remove it from Ephraim's head unto Manasseh's head .

held Exo_17_11 /^{held /up his hand , that
Israel prevailed : and when he let down his hand , Amalek
prevailed .

held Dan_12_07 /^{held /up his right hand and
his left hand unto heaven , and sware by him that liveth for
ever that it shall be for a time , times , and an half ; and
when he shall have accomplished to scatter the power of the holy
people , all these things shall be finished .

held Act_14_04 /${held /with the Jews , and
part with the apostles .

Heldai Zec_06_10 /^{Heldai /of Tobijah , and of
Jedaiah , which are come from Babylon , and come thou the same
day , and go into the house of Josiah the son of Zephaniah ;

Heldai 1Ch_27_15 /^{Heldai /the Netophathite ,
of Othniel : and in his course were twenty and four thousand .

upheld Isa_63_05 /^{upheld /me.

withheld Gen_30_02 /^{withheld /from thee the
fruit of the womb ?

withheld Ecc_02_10 /^{withheld /not my heart from
any joy ; for my heart rejoiced in all my labour : and this was
my portion of all my labour .

withheld Job_31_16 /^{withheld /the poor from
their desire , or have caused the eyes of the widow to fail ;

withheld Gen_20_06 /^{withheld /thee from sinning
against me: therefore suffered I thee not to touch her.

withheld Gen_22_12 /^{withheld /thy son , thine
only son from me.

withheld Gen_22_16 /^{withheld /thy son , thine
only son:

withheldest Neh_09_20 /^{withheldest /not thy manna
from their mouth , and gavest them water for their thirst .
