heel Joh_13_18 /${heel /against me .

heel Psa_41_09 /^{heel /against me.

heel Gen_25_26 /^{heel /and his name was
called Jacob : and Isaac was threescore years old when she bare

heel Job_18_09 /^{heel /and the robber shall
prevail against him.

heel Hos_12_03 /^{heel /in the womb , and by
his strength he had power with God :

heels Jer_13_22 /^{heels /made bare .

heels Job_13_27 /^{heels /of my feet .

heels Psa_49_05 /^{heels /shall compass me

heels Gen_49_17 /^{heels /so that his rider
shall fall backward .

Joktheel 2Ki_14_07 /^{Joktheel /unto this day .

wheel Psa_83_13 /^{wheel /as the stubble
before the wind .

wheel Ecc_12_06 /^{wheel /broken at the
cistern .

wheel Eze_10_09 /^{wheel /by another cherub :
and the appearance of the wheels was as the colour of a beryl
stone .

wheel Eze_10_09 /^{wheel /by one cherub , and
another wheel by another cherub : and the appearance of the
wheels was as the colour of a beryl stone .

wheel Eze_10_10 /^{wheel /had been in the
midst of a wheel .

wheel Eze_01_16 /^{wheel /in the middle of a
wheel .

wheel Isa_28_28 /^{wheel /of his cart , nor
bruise it with his horsemen .

wheel Pro_20_26 /^{wheel /over them.

wheel 1Ki_07_33 /^{wheel /their axletrees ,
and their naves , and their felloes , and their spokes , were
all molten .

wheel Isa_28_27 /^{wheel /turned about upon
the cummin ; but the fitches are beaten out with a staff , and
the cummin with a rod .

wheel Eze_01_15 /^{wheel /upon the earth by
the living creatures , with his four faces .

wheel 1Ki_07_32 /^{wheel /was a cubit and half
a cubit .

wheels Eze_10_16 /^{wheels /also turned not
from beside them.

wheels Eze_10_19 /^{wheels /also were beside
them, and every one stood at the door of the east gate of the
LORD'S house ; and the glory of the God of Israel was over them
above .

wheels Eze_26_10 /^{wheels /and of the chariots
, when he shall enter into thy gates , as men enter into a city
wherein is made a breach .

wheels Nah_03_02 /^{wheels /and of the pransing
horses , and of the jumping chariots .

wheels 1Ki_07_30 /^{wheels /and plates of brass
: and the four corners thereof had undersetters : under the
laver were undersetters molten , at the side of every addition .

wheels 1Ki_07_32 /^{wheels /and the axletrees
of the wheels were joined to the base : and the height of a
wheel was a cubit and half a cubit .

wheels Eze_01_16 /^{wheels /and their work was
like unto the colour of a beryl : and they four had one likeness
: and their appearance and their work was as it were a wheel in
the middle of a wheel .

wheels Eze_23_24 /^{wheels /and with an
assembly of people , which shall set against thee buckler and
shield and helmet round about : and I will set judgment before
them, and they shall judge thee according to their judgments .

wheels Dan_07_09 /^{wheels /as burning fire .

wheels Eze_11_22 /^{wheels /beside them; and
the glory of the God of Israel was over them above .

wheels Eze_10_09 /^{wheels /by the cherubims ,
one wheel by one cherub , and another wheel by another cherub :
and the appearance of the wheels was as the colour of a beryl
stone .

wheels Eze_10_02 /^{wheels /even under the
cherub , and fill thine hand with coals of fire from between the
cherubims , and scatter them over the city . And he went in in
my sight .

wheels Eze_10_06 /^{wheels /from between the
cherubims ; then he went in , and stood beside the wheels .

wheels Eze_10_13 /^{wheels /it was cried unto
them in my hearing , O wheel .

wheels Isa_05_28 /^{wheels /like a whirlwind :

wheels Jud_05_28 /^{wheels /of his chariots ?

wheels Eze_03_13 /^{wheels /over against them,
and a noise of a great rushing .

wheels Exo_14_25 /^{wheels /that they drave
them heavily : so that the Egyptians said , Let us flee from the
face of Israel ; for the LORD fighteth for them against the
Egyptians .

wheels Eze_10_12 /^{wheels /that they four had.

wheels Jer_47_03 /^{wheels /the fathers shall
not look back to their children for feebleness of hands ;

wheels Eze_10_09 /^{wheels /was as the colour
of a beryl stone .

wheels 1Ki_07_33 /^{wheels /was like the work
of a chariot wheel : their axletrees , and their naves , and
their felloes , and their spokes , were all molten .

wheels Eze_10_16 /^{wheels /went by them : and
when the cherubims lifted up their wings to mount up from the
earth , the same wheels also turned not from beside them.

wheels Eze_01_19 /^{wheels /went by them : and
when the living creatures were lifted up from the earth , the
wheels were lifted up .

wheels Eze_10_12 /^{wheels /were full of eyes
round about , even the wheels that they four had.

wheels 1Ki_07_32 /^{wheels /were joined to the
base : and the height of a wheel was a cubit and half a cubit .

wheels Eze_01_19 /^{wheels /were lifted up .

wheels Eze_01_20 /^{wheels /were lifted up over
against them: for the spirit of the living creature was in the
wheels .

wheels Eze_01_21 /^{wheels /were lifted up over
against them: for the spirit of the living creature was in the
wheels .
