Hebrew and Greek Strong's Dictionary with all the definitions plus combined with every place that word is used in the definitions.

Complete index of every word used in both the Hebrew and Greek Strong's Dictionary in English Word order.

Hebrew and Greek Expanded Dictionary

four-wheeled 4480 - rheda {hred'-ah}; of Latin origin; a rheda, i.e. {four-wheeled} carriage (wagon for riding): -- chariot.

heel 06117 ## ` aqab {aw-kab'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to swell out or up ; used only as denominative from 06119 , to seize by the {heel} ; figuratively , to circumvent (as if tripping up the heels) ; also to restrain (as if holding by the heel) : -- take by the heel , stay , supplant , X utterly .

heel 06118 ## ` eqeb {ay'- keb} ; from 06117 in the sense of 06119 ; a {heel} , i . e . (figuratively) the last of anything (used adverbially , for ever) ; also result , i . e . compensation ; and so (adverb with preposition or relatively) on account of : -- X because , by , end , for , if , reward .

heel 06119 ## ` aqeb {aw-kabe'} ; or (feminine)` iqq@bah {ik-keb-aw'} ; from 06117 ; a heel (as protuberant) ; hence , a track ; figuratively , the rear (of an army) : -- {heel} , [horse-] hoof , last , lier in wait [by mistake for 06120 ] , (foot-) step .

heel 06119 ## ` aqeb {aw-kabe'} ; or (feminine)` iqq@bah {ik-keb-aw'} ; from 06117 ; a {heel} (as protuberant) ; hence , a track ; figuratively , the rear (of an army) : -- heel , [horse-] hoof , last , lier in wait [by mistake for 06120 ] , (foot-) step .

heel 06120 ## ` aqeb {aw-kabe'} ; from 06117 in its denominative sense ; a lier in wait : -- {heel} [by mistake for 06119 ] .

heel 08328 ## sheresh {sheh'- resh} ; from 08327 ; a root (literally or figuratively) : -- bottom , deep , {heel} , root .

heel 4418 - pterna {pter'-nah}; of uncertain derivation; the heel (figuratively): -- {heel}.

heel 4418 - pterna {pter'-nah}; of uncertain derivation; the {heel} (figuratively): -- heel.

heel-catcher 03290 ## Ya` aqob {yah-ak-obe'} ; from 06117 ; {heel-catcher} (i . e . supplanter) ; Jaakob , the Israelitish patriarch : -- Jacob .

heels 06117 ## ` aqab {aw-kab'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to swell out or up ; used only as denominative from 06119 , to seize by the heel ; figuratively , to circumvent (as if tripping up the {heels}) ; also to restrain (as if holding by the heel) : -- take by the heel , stay , supplant , X utterly .

heelwise 2979 - laktizo {lak-tid'-zo}; from adverb lax ({heelwise}); to recalcitrate: -- kick.

Joktheel 03371 ## Yoqth@'el {yok-theh-ale'} ; probably from the same as 03348 and 00410 ; veneration of God [compare 03354 ] ; {Joktheel} , the name of a place in Palestine , and of one in Idumaea : -- Joktheel .

Joktheel 03371 ## Yoqth@'el {yok-theh-ale'} ; probably from the same as 03348 and 00410 ; veneration of God [compare 03354 ] ; Joktheel , the name of a place in Palestine , and of one in Idumaea : -- {Joktheel} .

wheel 00070 ## 'oben {o'ben} ; from the same as 00068 ; a pair of stones (only dual) ; a potter's wheel or a midwife's stool (consisting alike of two horizontal disks with a support between) : -- {wheel} , stool .

wheel 00070 ## 'oben {o'ben} ; from the same as 00068 ; a pair of stones (only dual) ; a potter's {wheel} or a midwife's stool (consisting alike of two horizontal disks with a support between) : -- wheel , stool .

wheel 00212 ## 'owphan {o-fawn'} or (shortened)'ophan {o-fawn'} ; from an unused root meaning to revolve ; a {wheel} : -- wheel .

wheel 00212 ## 'owphan {o-fawn'} or (shortened)'ophan {o-fawn'} ; from an unused root meaning to revolve ; a wheel : -- {wheel} .

wheel 01534 ## galgal {gal-gal'} ; by reduplication from 01556 ; a wheel ; by analogy , a whirlwind ; also dust (as whirled) : -- heaven , rolling thing , {wheel} .

wheel 01534 ## galgal {gal-gal'} ; by reduplication from 01556 ; a {wheel} ; by analogy , a whirlwind ; also dust (as whirled) : -- heaven , rolling thing , wheel .

wheel 01535 ## galgal (Aramaic) {gal-gal'} ; corresponding to 01534 ; a wheel : -- {wheel} .

wheel 01535 ## galgal (Aramaic) {gal-gal'} ; corresponding to 01534 ; a {wheel} : -- wheel .

wheel 01536 ## gilgal {ghil-gawl'} ; a variation of 01534 : -- {wheel} .

wheel 02840 ## chishshur {khish-shoor'} ; from an unused root meaning to bind together ; combined , i . e . the nave or hub of a {wheel} (as holding the spokes together) : -- spoke .

wheel 06471 ## pa` am {pah'- am} ; or (feminine) pa` amah {pah-am-aw'} ; from 06470 ; a stroke , literally or figuratively (in various applications , as follow) : -- anvil , corner , foot (- step) , going , [hundred-] fold , X now , (this) + once , order , rank , step , + thrice , ([often-]) , second , this , two) time (- s) , twice , {wheel} .

wheel 5164 - trochos {trokh-os'}; from 5143; a {wheel} (as a runner), i.e. (figuratively) a circuit of physical effects: -- course.

wheel-rut 5163 - trochia {trokh-ee-ah'}; from 5164; a track (as a {wheel-rut}), i.e. (figuratively) a course of conduct: -- path.

wheel-spoke 02839 ## chishshuq {khish-shook'} ; from 02836 ; conjoined , i . e . a {wheel-spoke} or rod connecting the hub with the rim : -- felloe .

wheeled 05699 ## ` agalah {ag-aw-law'} ; from the same as 05696 ; something revolving , i . e . a {wheeled} vehicle : -- cart , chariot , wagon

{aw-gheel'} 05694 ## ` agiyl {{aw-gheel'}} ; from the same as 05696 ; something round , i . e . a ring (for the ears) : -- earring .

{gheel} 01523 ## giyl {{gheel}} ; or (by permutation) guwl {gool} ; a primitive root ; properly , to spin round (under the influence of any violent emotion) , i . e . usually rejoice , or (as cringing) fear : ---be glad , joy , be joyful , rejoice .

{gheel} 01524 ## giyl {{gheel}} ; from 01523 ; a revolution (of time , i . e . an age) ; also joy : -- X exceedingly , gladness , X greatly , joy , rejoice (- ing) , sort .

{kash-sheel'} 03781 ## kashshiyl {{kash-sheel'}} ; from 03782 ; properly , a feller , i . e . an axe : -- ax .

{kheel} 02342 ## chuwl {khool} ; or chiyl {{kheel}} ; a primitive root ; properly , to twist or whirl (in a circular or spiral manner) , i . e . (specifically) to dance , to writhe in pain (especially of parturition) or fear ; figuratively , to wait , to pervert : -- bear , (make to) bring forth , (make to) calve , dance , drive away , fall grievously (with pain) , fear , form , great , grieve , (be) grievous , hope , look , make , be in pain , be much (sore) pained , rest , shake , shapen , (be) sorrow (- ful) , stay , tarry , travail (with pain) , tremble , trust , wait carefully (patiently) , be wounded .

{kheel} 02427 ## chiyl {{kheel}} ; and (feminine) chiylah {khee-law'} ; from 02342 ; a throe (expectant of childbirth) : -- pain , pang , sorrow .

{paw-theel'} 06616 ## pathiyl {{paw-theel'}} ; from 06617 ; twine : -- bound , bracelet , lace , line , ribband , thread , wire .

{yaw-kheel'} 03175 ## yachiyl {{yaw-kheel'}} ; from 03176 ; expectant : -- should hope .