heath , JER , 17:6 , JER , 48:6

heathen , 1CH , 16:24 , 1CH , 16:35

heathen , 2CH , 20:6 , 2CH , 28:3 , 2CH , 33:2 , 2CH , 33:9 ,
2CH , 36:14

heathen , 2CO , 11:26

heathen , 2KI , 16:3 , 2KI , 17:8 , 2KI , 17:11 , 2KI , 17:15
, 2KI , 21:2

heathen , 2SA , 22:44 , 2SA , 22:50

heathen , AC , 4:25

heathen , AM , 9:12

heathen , DE , 4:27

heathen , EZE , 7:24 , EZE , 11:12 , EZE , 11:16 , EZE , 12:
16 , EZE , 16:14 , EZE , 20:9 , EZE , 20:14 , EZE , 20:22 ,
EZE , 20:23 , EZE , 20:32 , EZE , 20:41 , EZE , 22:4 , EZE ,
22:15 , EZE , 22:16 , EZE , 23:30 , EZE , 25:7 , EZE , 25:8 ,
EZE , 28:25 , EZE , 30:3 , EZE , 31:11 , EZE , 31:17 , EZE
, 34:28 , EZE , 34:29 , EZE , 36:3 , EZE , 36:4 , EZE , 36:5
, EZE , 36:6 , EZE , 36:7 , EZE , 36:15 , EZE , 36:19 , EZE
, 36:20 , EZE , 36:21 , EZE , 36:22 , EZE , 36:23 , EZE , 36:
23 , EZE , 36:24 , EZE , 36:30 , EZE , 36:36 , EZE , 37:21 ,
EZE , 37:28 , EZE , 38:16 , EZE , 39:7 , EZE , 39:21 , EZE ,
39:21 , EZE , 39:23 , EZE , 39:28

heathen , EZR , 6:21

heathen , GA , 1:16 , GA , 2:9 , GA , 3:8

heathen , HAB , 1:5 , HAB , 3:12

heathen , HAG , 2:22

heathen , ISA , 16:8

heathen , JER , 9:16 , JER , 10:2 , JER , 10:2 , JER , 10:25 ,
JER , 18:13 , JER , 49:14 , JER , 49:15

heathen , JOE , 2:17 , JOE , 2:19 , JOE , 3:11 , JOE , 3:12 ,
JOE , 3:12

heathen , LA , 1:3 , LA , 1:10 , LA , 4:15 , LA , 4:20

heathen , LE , 25:44 , LE , 26:33 , LE , 26:38 , LE , 26:45

heathen , MAL , 1:11 , MAL , 1:14

heathen , MIC , 5:15

heathen , MT , 6:7 , MT , 18:17

heathen , NE , 5:8 , NE , 5:9 , NE , 5:17 , NE , 6:6 , NE ,

heathen , OB , 1:1 , OB , 1:2 , OB , 1:15 , OB , 1:16

heathen , PS , 2:1 , PS , 2:8 , PS , 9:5 , PS , 9:15 , PS ,
9:19 , PS , 10:16 , PS , 18:43 , PS , 18:49 , PS , 33:10 ,
PS , 44:2 , PS , 44:11 , PS , 44:14 , PS , 46:6 , PS , 46:10
, PS , 47:8 , PS , 59:5 , PS , 59:8 , PS , 78:55 , PS , 79:
1 , PS , 79:6 , PS , 79:10 , PS , 79:10 , PS , 80:8 , PS ,
94:10 , PS , 96:3 , PS , 96:10 , PS , 98:2 , PS , 102:15 ,
PS , 105:44 , PS , 106:35 , PS , 106:41 , PS , 106:47 , PS ,
110:6 , PS , 111:6 , PS , 115:2 , PS , 126:2 , PS , 135:15 ,
PS , 149:7

heathen , ZEC , 1:15 , ZEC , 8:13 , ZEC , 9:10 , ZEC , 14:14 ,
ZEC , 14:18

heathen , ZEP , 2:11

sheath , 1CH , 21:27

sheath , 1SA , 17:51

sheath , 2SA , 20:8

sheath , EZE , 21:3 , EZE , 21:4 , EZE , 21:5 , EZE , 21:30

sheath , JOH , 18:11


sheath 2336 # theke {thay'-kay}; from 5087; a receptacle, i.e.
scabbard: -- {sheath}.[ql


heath Interlinear Index Study

heath JER 017 006 For he shall be like the {heath} <06176
+ in the desert <6160 , and shall not see
<07200 +ra>ah > when <03588 +kiy > good <02896 +towb > cometh
<00935 +bow> > ; but shall inhabit <07931 +shakan > the parched
<02788 +charer > places in the wilderness <04057 +midbar > , [
in ] a salt <04420 +m@lechah > land <00776 +>erets > and not
inhabited <03427 +yashab > .

heath JER 048 006 Flee <05127 +nuwc > , save <04422 +malat >
your lives <05315 +nephesh > , and be like <02421 +chayah > the
{heath} <06176 + in the wilderness <04057 +midbar > .


his sheath against all flesh from

sheath thereof <1CH21 -:27 >

sheath thereof <1SA17 -:51 >

sheath thereof <2SA20 -:8 >

- heath , 6176 ,

* sheath , 2336 ,

- sheath , 5084 , 8593 ,

heathen LEV 025 044 Both thy bondmen <05650 + , and
thy bondmaids <00519 +>amah > , which <00834 +>aher > thou
shalt have <01961 +hayah > , [ shall be ] of the {heathen}
<01471 +gowy > that are round <05439 +cabiyb > about you ; of
them shall ye buy <07069 +qanah > bondmen <05650 + and
bondmaids <00519 +>amah > .

heathen LEV 026 033 And I will scatter <02210 +zaqaph > you
among the {heathen} <01471 +gowy > , and will draw <07324
+ruwq > out a sword <02719 +chereb > after <00310 +>achar >
you : and your land <00776 +>erets > shall be desolate <08077
+sh@mamah > , and your cities <05892 + waste <02723
+chorbah > .

heathen LEV 026 038 And ye shall perish <6> among the {heathen}
<01471 +gowy > , and the land <00776 +>erets > of your
enemies <00341 +>oyeb > shall eat <00398 +>akal > you up .

heathen LEV 026 045 But I will for their sakes remember <02142
+zakar > the covenant <01285 +b@riyth > of their ancestors
<07223 +ri>shown > , whom I brought <03318 +yatsa> > forth
<03318 +yatsa> > out of the land <00776 +>erets > of Egypt
<04714 +Mitsrayim > in the sight <05869 + of the
{heathen} <01471 +gowy > , that I might be their God <00430
+>elohiym > : I [ am ] the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > .

heathen DEU 004 027 And the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > shall
scatter <06327 +puwts > you among the nations <05971 + ,
and ye shall be left <07604 +sha>ar > few <04962 +math > in
number <04557 +micpar > among the {heathen} <01471 +gowy > ,
whither the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > shall lead <05090 +nahag >
you .

* sheath , 2336 theke ,


heathen -1482 {heathen},

heathen -1484 gentiles, {heathen}, nation, nations, people,

sheath -2336 {sheath},


heath -6176 {heath} ,

heathen -1471 gentiles , {heathen} , manasseh , nation , nations
, of , people ,

sheath -5084 before , {sheath} ,

sheath -8593 penknife , razor , scabbard , {sheath} ,


heathen 1471 -- gowy -- Gentile, {heathen}, nation, people.

heathen 1482 ** ethnikos ** {heathen} (man).

heathen 1484 ** ethnos ** Gentile, {heathen}, nation, people.

sheath 5084 -- nadan -- {sheath}.

sheath 8593 -- ta\ar -- [pen-]knife, razor, scabbard, shave,

sheath 2336 ** theke ** {sheath}.


heathen ......... as the heathen 1482 -ethnikos->

heathen ......... by the heathen 1484 -ethnos->

heathen ......... did the heathen 1484 -ethnos->

heathen ......... let him be unto thee as an heathen 1482 -

heathen ......... that we should go unto the heathen 1484 -

heathen ......... the heathen 1484 -ethnos->

sheath ......... the sheath 2336 -theke->



heathen 1471 ## gowy {go'-ee}; rarely (shortened) goy {go'-ee};
apparently from the same root as 1465 (in the sense of massing);
a foreign nation; hence, a Gentile; also (figuratively) a troop
of animals, or a flight of locusts: -- Gentile, {heathen},
nation, people. [ql

heathen 1482 # ethnikos {eth-nee-kos'}; from 1484; national
("ethnic"), i.e. (specially) a Gentile: -- {heathen} (man).[ql

heathen 1484 # ethnos {eth'-nos}; probably from 1486; a race (as
of the same habit), i.e. a tribe; specially, a foreign (non-
Jewish) one (usually by implication, pagan): -- Gentile,
{heathen}, nation, people.[ql

sheath 5084 ## nadan {naw-dawn'}; of uncertain derivation; a
sheath (of a sword): -- {sheath}.[ql

sheath 8593 ## ta making bare): also a scabbard (as being bare, i.e. empty): --
[pen-]knife, razor, scabbard, shave, {sheath}.[ql

sheath 2336 # theke {thay'-kay}; from 5087; a receptacle, i.e.
scabbard: -- {sheath}.[ql


heath 017 006 Jer /^{heath /in the desert ,
and shall not see when good cometh ; but shall inhabit the
parched places in the wilderness , in a salt land and not
inhabited .

heath 048 006 Jer /^{heath /in the wilderness .

heathen 022 044 IISa /^{heathen /a people which I
knew not shall serve me.

heathen 018 043 Psa /^{heathen /a people whom I
have not known shall serve me.

heathen 044 014 Psa /^{heathen /a shaking of the
head among the people .

heathen 078 055 Psa /^{heathen /also before them,
and divided them an inheritance by line , and made the tribes
of Israel to dwell in their tents .

heathen 020 009 Eze /^{heathen /among whom they
were, in whose sight I made myself known unto them, in bringing
them forth out of the land of Egypt .

heathen 022 004 Eze /^{heathen /and a mocking to
all countries .

heathen 036 005 Eze /^{heathen /and against all
Idumea , which have appointed my land into their possession with
the joy of all their heart , with despiteful minds , to cast it
out for a prey .

heathen 039 021 Eze /^{heathen /and all the
heathen shall see my judgment that I have executed , and my hand
that I have laid upon them.

heathen 011 016 Eze /^{heathen /and although I
have scattered them among the countries , yet will I be to them
as a little sanctuary in the countries where they shall come .

heathen 010 002 Jer /^{heathen /and be not
dismayed at the signs of heaven ; for the heathen are dismayed
at them .

heathen 023 030 Eze /^{heathen /and because thou
art polluted with their idols .

heathen 049 015 Jer /^{heathen /and despised
among men .

heathen 022 015 Eze /^{heathen /and disperse
thee in the countries , and will consume thy filthiness out of

heathen 020 023 Eze /^{heathen /and disperse
them through the countries ;

heathen 006 006 Neh /^{heathen /and Gashmu saith
it, that thou and the Jews think to rebel : for which cause thou
buildest the wall , that thou mayest be their king , according
to these words .

heathen 036 024 Eze /^{heathen /and gather you
out of all countries , and will bring you into your own land .

heathen 003 011 Joe /^{heathen /and gather
yourselves together round about : thither cause thy mighty ones
to come down , O LORD .

heathen 009 010 Zec /^{heathen /and his dominion
shall be from sea even to sea , and from the river even to the
ends of the earth .

heathen 025 007 Eze /^{heathen /and I will cut
thee off from the people , and I will cause thee to perish out
of the countries : I will destroy thee; and thou shalt know that
I am the LORD .

heathen 002 022 Hag /^{heathen /and I will
overthrow the chariots , and those that ride in them; and the
horses and their riders shall come down , every one by the sword
of his brother .

heathen 022 050 IISa /^{heathen /and I will sing
praises unto thy name .

heathen 020 006 IICh /^{heathen /and in thine
hand is there not power and might , so that none is able to
withstand thee?

heathen 106 035 Psa /^{heathen /and learned
their works .

heathen 080 008 Psa /^{heathen /and planted it.

heathen 036 014 IICh /^{heathen /and polluted the
house of the LORD which he had hallowed in Jerusalem .

heathen 149 007 Psa /^{heathen /and punishments
upon the people ;

heathen 001 005 Hab /^{heathen /and regard , and
wonder marvellously : for I will work a work in your days ,
which ye will not believe , though it be told you.

heathen 018 049 Psa /^{heathen /and sing praises
unto thy name .

heathen 026 038 Lev /^{heathen /and the land of
your enemies shall eat you up .

heathen 105 044 Psa /^{heathen /and they
inherited the labour of the people ;

heathen 007 024 Eze /^{heathen /and they shall
possess their houses : I will also make the pomp of the strong
to cease ; and their holy places shall be defiled .

heathen 106 041 Psa /^{heathen /and they that
hated them ruled over them.

heathen 002 009 Gal /${heathen /and they unto
the circumcision .

heathen 036 019 Eze /^{heathen /and they were
dispersed through the countries : according to their way and
according to their doings I judged them.

heathen 022 016 Eze /^{heathen /and thou shalt
know that I am the LORD .

heathen 026 033 Lev /^{heathen /and will draw
out a sword after you: and your land shall be desolate , and
your cities waste .

heathen 005 008 Neh /^{heathen /and will ye even
sell your brethren ? or shall they be sold unto us? Then held
they their peace , and found nothing to answer.

heathen 036 003 Eze /^{heathen /and ye are taken
up in the lips of talkers , and are an infamy of the people :

heathen 036 015 Eze /^{heathen /any more,
neither shalt thou bear the reproach of the people any more,
neither shalt thou cause thy nations to fall any more, saith the
Lord GOD .

heathen 034 029 Eze /^{heathen /any more.

heathen 079 001 Psa /^{heathen /are come into
thine inheritance ; thy holy temple have they defiled ; they
have laid Jerusalem on heaps .

heathen 010 002 Jer /^{heathen /are dismayed at
them .

heathen 010 016 Psa /^{heathen /are perished out
of his land .

heathen 135 015 Psa /^{heathen /are silver and
gold , the work of men's hands .

heathen 009 015 Psa /^{heathen /are sunk down in
the pit that they made : in the net which they hid is their own
foot taken .

heathen 001 001 Oba /^{heathen /Arise ye, and
let us rise up against her in battle .

heathen 020 032 Eze /^{heathen /as the families
of the countries , to serve wood and stone .

heathen 001 015 Oba /^{heathen /as thou hast
done , it shall be done unto thee: thy reward shall return upon
thine own head .

heathen 009 019 Psa /^{heathen /be judged in thy
sight .

heathen 059 005 Psa /^{heathen /be not merciful
to any wicked transgressors . Selah .

heathen 003 012 Joe /^{heathen /be wakened , and
come up to the valley of Jehoshaphat : for there will I sit to
judge all the heathen round about .

heathen 039 028 Eze /^{heathen /but I have
gathered them unto their own land , and have left none of them
any more there.

heathen 006 007 Mat /${heathen /do: for they
think that they shall be heard for their much speaking .

heathen 001 016 Oba /^{heathen /drink
continually , yea, they shall drink , and they shall swallow
down , and they shall be as though they had not been.

heathen 001 010 Lam /^{heathen /entered into her
sanctuary , whom thou didst command that they should not enter
into thy congregation .

heathen 002 008 Psa /^{heathen /for thine
inheritance , and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy
possession .

heathen 016 014 Eze /^{heathen /for thy beauty :
for it was perfect through my comeliness , which I had put upon
thee, saith the Lord GOD .

heathen 047 008 Psa /^{heathen /God sitteth upon
the throne of his holiness .

heathen 016 008 Isa /^{heathen /have broken down
the principal plants thereof, they are come even unto Jazer ,
they wandered through the wilderness : her branches are
stretched out , they are gone over the sea .

heathen 110 006 Psa /^{heathen /he shall fill
the places with the dead bodies ; he shall wound the heads over
many countries .

heathen 031 011 Eze /^{heathen /he shall surely
deal with him: I have driven him out for his wickedness .

heathen 016 024 ICh /^{heathen /his marvellous
works among all nations .

heathen 096 003 Psa /^{heathen /his wonders
among all people .

heathen 046 010 Psa /^{heathen /I will be
exalted in the earth .

heathen 001 016 Gal /${heathen /immediately I
conferred not with flesh and blood :

heathen 003 012 Hab /^{heathen /in anger .

heathen 059 008 Psa /^{heathen /in derision .

heathen 079 010 Psa /^{heathen /in our sight by
the revenging of the blood of thy servants which is shed .

heathen 011 026 IICo /${heathen /in perils in the
city , in perils in the wilderness , in perils in the sea , in
perils among false brethren ;

heathen 020 022 Eze /^{heathen /in whose sight I
brought them forth .

heathen 020 014 Eze /^{heathen /in whose sight I
brought them out .

heathen 018 017 Mat /${heathen /man and a
publican .

heathen 038 016 Eze /^{heathen /may know me,
when I shall be sanctified in thee, O Gog , before their eyes .

heathen 034 028 Eze /^{heathen /neither shall
the beast of the land devour them; but they shall dwell safely ,
and none shall make them afraid .

heathen 008 013 Zec /^{heathen /O house of Judah
, and house of Israel ; so will I save you, and ye shall be a
blessing : fear not, but let your hands be strong .

heathen 006 021 Ezr /^{heathen /of the land , to
seek the LORD God of Israel , did eat ,

heathen 005 009 Neh /^{heathen /our enemies ?

heathen 002 001 Psa /^{heathen /rage , and the
people imagine a vain thing ?

heathen 004 025 Act /${heathen /rage , and the
people imagine vain things ?

heathen 046 006 Psa /^{heathen /raged , the
kingdoms were moved : he uttered his voice , the earth melted .

heathen 003 012 Joe /^{heathen /round about .

heathen 014 014 Zec /^{heathen /round about
shall be gathered together , gold , and silver , and apparel ,
in great abundance .

heathen 001 011 Mal /^{heathen /saith the LORD
of hosts .

heathen 115 002 Psa /^{heathen /say , Where is
now their God ?

heathen 079 010 Psa /^{heathen /say , Where is
their God ? let him be known among the heathen in our sight by
the revenging of the blood of thy servants which is shed .

heathen 049 014 Jer /^{heathen /saying, Gather
ye together , and come against her, and rise up to the battle .

heathen 102 015 Psa /^{heathen /shall fear the
name of the LORD , and all the kings of the earth thy glory .

heathen 036 023 Eze /^{heathen /shall know that
I am the LORD , saith the Lord GOD , when I shall be sanctified
in you before their eyes .

heathen 039 007 Eze /^{heathen /shall know that
I am the LORD , the Holy One in Israel .

heathen 037 028 Eze /^{heathen /shall know that
I the LORD do sanctify Israel , when my sanctuary shall be in
the midst of them for evermore .

heathen 039 023 Eze /^{heathen /shall know that
the house of Israel went into captivity for their iniquity :
because they trespassed against me, therefore hid I my face from
them, and gave them into the hand of their enemies : so fell
they all by the sword .

heathen 094 010 Psa /^{heathen /shall not he
correct ? he that teacheth man knowledge , shall not he know?

heathen 039 021 Eze /^{heathen /shall see my
judgment that I have executed , and my hand that I have laid
upon them.

heathen 001 003 Lam /^{heathen /she findeth no
rest : all her persecutors overtook her between the straits .

heathen 002 017 Joe /^{heathen /should rule over
them: wherefore should they say among the people , Where is
their God ?

heathen 005 015 Mic /^{heathen /such as they
have not heard .

heathen 005 017 Neh /^{heathen /that are about
us .

heathen 036 007 Eze /^{heathen /that are about
you, they shall bear their shame .

heathen 001 015 Zec /^{heathen /that are at ease
: for I was but a little displeased , and they helped forward
the affliction .

heathen 036 036 Eze /^{heathen /that are left
round about you shall know that I the LORD build the ruined
places, and plant that that was desolate : I the LORD have
spoken it, and I will do it.

heathen 036 004 Eze /^{heathen /that are round
about ;

heathen 011 012 Eze /^{heathen /that are round
about you.

heathen 025 044 Lev /^{heathen /that are round
about you; of them shall ye buy bondmen and bondmaids .

heathen 014 018 Zec /^{heathen /that come not up
to keep the feast of tabernacles .

heathen 079 006 Psa /^{heathen /that have not
known thee, and upon the kingdoms that have not called upon thy
name .

heathen 026 045 Lev /^{heathen /that I might be
their God : I am the LORD .

heathen 010 025 Jer /^{heathen /that know thee
not, and upon the families that call not on thy name : for they
have eaten up Jacob , and devoured him, and consumed him, and
have made his habitation desolate .

heathen 096 010 Psa /^{heathen /that the LORD
reigneth : the world also shall be established that it shall not
be moved : he shall judge the people righteously .

heathen 016 035 ICh /^{heathen /that we may give
thanks to thy holy name , and glory in thy praise .

heathen 006 016 Neh /^{heathen /that were about
us saw these things, they were much cast down in their own eyes :
for they perceived that this work was wrought of our God .

heathen 017 015 IIKi /^{heathen /that were round
about them, concerning whom the LORD had charged them, that they
should not do like them.

heathen 126 002 Psa /^{heathen /The LORD hath
done great things for them.

heathen 028 025 Eze /^{heathen /then shall they
dwell in their land that I have given to my servant Jacob .

heathen 004 015 Lam /^{heathen /They shall no
more sojourn there.

heathen 001 002 Oba /^{heathen /thou art greatly
despised .

heathen 009 005 Psa /^{heathen /thou hast
destroyed the wicked , thou hast put out their name for ever and
ever .

heathen 003 008 Gal /${heathen /through faith ,
preached before the gospel unto Abraham , saying, In thee shall
all nations be blessed .

heathen 106 047 Psa /^{heathen /to give thanks
unto thy holy name , and to triumph in thy praise .

heathen 033 010 Psa /^{heathen /to nought : he
maketh the devices of the people of none effect .

heathen 009 012 Amo /^{heathen /which are called
by my name , saith the LORD that doeth this.

heathen 036 023 Eze /^{heathen /which ye have
profaned in the midst of them; and the heathen shall know that I
am the LORD , saith the Lord GOD , when I shall be sanctified in
you before their eyes .

heathen 004 027 Deu /^{heathen /whither the LORD
shall lead you.

heathen 037 021 Eze /^{heathen /whither they be
gone , and will gather them on every side , and bring them into
their own land :

heathen 012 016 Eze /^{heathen /whither they
come ; and they shall know that I am the LORD .

heathen 036 020 Eze /^{heathen /whither they
went , they profaned my holy name , when they said to them,
These are the people of the LORD , and are gone forth out of his
land .

heathen 036 021 Eze /^{heathen /whither they
went .

heathen 036 022 Eze /^{heathen /whither ye went .

heathen 018 013 Jer /^{heathen /who hath heard
such things: the virgin of Israel hath done a very horrible
thing .

heathen 009 016 Jer /^{heathen /whom neither
they nor their fathers have known : and I will send a sword
after them, till I have consumed them.

heathen 017 011 IIKi /^{heathen /whom the LORD
carried away before them; and wrought wicked things to provoke
the LORD to anger :

heathen 021 002 IIKi /^{heathen /whom the LORD
cast out before the children of Israel .

heathen 017 008 IIKi /^{heathen /whom the LORD
cast out from before the children of Israel , and of the kings
of Israel , which they had made .

heathen 016 003 IIKi /^{heathen /whom the LORD
cast out from before the children of Israel .

heathen 028 003 IICh /^{heathen /whom the LORD
had cast out before the children of Israel .

heathen 033 002 IICh /^{heathen /whom the LORD
had cast out before the children of Israel .

heathen 033 009 IICh /^{heathen /whom the LORD
had destroyed before the children of Israel .

heathen 044 002 Psa /^{heathen /with thy hand ,
and plantedst them; how thou didst afflict the people , and cast
them out .

sheath 021 004 Eze /^{sheath /against all flesh
from the south to the north :

sheath 021 003 Eze /^{sheath /and will cut off
from thee the righteous and the wicked .

sheath 021 030 Eze /^{sheath /I will judge thee
in the place where thou wast created , in the land of thy
nativity .

sheath 021 005 Eze /^{sheath /it shall not
return any more.

sheath 018 011 Joh /${sheath /the cup which my
Father hath given me , shall I not drink it ?

sheath 017 051 ISa /^{sheath /thereof, and slew
him, and cut off his head therewith. And when the Philistines
saw their champion was dead , they fled .

sheath 021 027 ICh /^{sheath /thereof.

sheath 020 008 IISa /^{sheath /thereof; and as
he went forth it fell out .



heath For he shall be like the {heath} in the desert,

shall not see when good cometh; but shall inhabit the parched

in the wilderness, [in] a salt land and not inhabited.

heath Flee, save your lives, and be like the {heath}

the wilderness.
