healing Mat_04_23 /${healing /all manner of
sickness and all manner of disease among the people .

healing Act_10_38 /${healing /all that were
oppressed of the devil ; for God was with him .

healing Jer_14_19 /^{healing /and behold trouble

healing 1Co_12_09 /${healing /by the same Spirit

healing 1Co_12_30 /${healing /do all speak with
tongues ? do all interpret ?

healing Mat_09_35 /${healing /every sickness and
every disease among the people .

healing Luk_09_06 /${healing /every where .

healing Jer_14_19 /^{healing /for us? we looked
for peace , and there is no good ; and for the time of healing ,
and behold trouble !

healing Mal_04_02 /^{healing /in his wings ; and
ye shall go forth , and grow up as calves of the stall .

healing Jer_30_13 /^{healing /medicines .

healing Rev_22_02 /${healing /of the nations .

healing Nah_03_19 /^{healing /of thy bruise ;
thy wound is grievous : all that hear the bruit of thee shall
clap the hands over thee: for upon whom hath not thy wickedness
passed continually ?

healing Act_04_22 /${healing /was shewed .

healings 1Co_12_28 /${healings /helps ,
governments , diversities of tongues .
