always having all sufficiency <2CO9 -:8 >

as having nothing <2CO6 -:10 >

as sheep having no shepherd

bands having nourishment ministered

because they were as sheep not having

but having his eyes open

but having his eyes open

but having hope <2CO10 -:15 >

but having seen them afar off

but now having no more place

devil having now put into

either what woman having ten pieces

every man having his weapon <2CH23 -:10 >

fig tree afar off having leaves

from which some having swerved have turned aside unto vain
jangling <1TI1 -:5 >

god having provided some better thing for us

having abolished

having an hundred sheep

having authority

having been <1TI5 -:9 >

having begun

having breastplates

having caught gaius

having compassion one <1PE3 -:8 >

having confidence <2CO2 -:3 >

having confidence

having cut themselves

having cymbals <2CH5 -:12 >

having damnation <1TI5 -:12 >

having done all

having ears

having escaped <2PE1 -:4 >

having every one

having examined

having eyes

having eyes full <2PE2 -:14 >

having faithful children not accused

having favour with all

having five porches

having food <1TI6 -:8 >

having for their captains pelatiah <1CH4 -:42 >

having forgiven you all trespasses

having given more abundant honour <1CO12 -:24 >

having great power

having great wrath

having had perfect understanding

having heard

having heard them reasoning together

having his children <1TI3 -:4 >

having his father's name written

having his head covered

having his servant with him

having his spear <1SA22 -:6 >

having his uncleanness upon him

having his uncleanness upon him

having itching ears <2TI4 -:3 >

having judah <2CH11 -:12 >

having land

having loosed

having loved his own which were

having loved this present world <2TI4 -:10 >

having made blastus

having made known unto us

having made peace through

having many things <2JO1 -:12 >

having men's persons

having more perfect knowledge

having neither bars nor gates

having neither beginning

having never learned

having no children

having no evil thing

having no hope

having no issue

having no necessity <1CO7 -:37 >

having no part dark

having not

having nothing

having obtained

having obtained eternal redemption

having on

having on his head

having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience 22 >

having predestinated us unto

having promise <1TI4 -:8 >

having put his hand

having put on their robes <1KI22 -:10 >

having raised up his son jesus

having received <1TH1 -:6 >

having received

having received

having received

having received

having received authority from

having received such

having rent my garment

having said thus

having salvation

having saved

having seen all

having separated himself

having seven heads

having seven heads

having seven heads

having seven horns

having shorn

having slain

having soldiers under me

having spoiled principalities

having stoned paul

having taken nothing

having their beards shaven

having their breasts girded with golden girdles

having their conscience seared with <1TI4 -:2 >

having their thumbs

having then gifts differing according

having therefore

having therefore obtained help

having therefore these promises <2CO7 -:1 >

having this confidence

having this seal <2TI2 -:19 >

having three thousand chosen men <1SA26 -:2 >

having thy shame naked

having under me soldiers

having understood

having with them

having yet therefore one son

having your conversation honest among <1PE2 -:12 >

having your loins girt about with truth

he then having received

neither having done any good or evil

new sharp threshing instrument having teeth

no man also having drunk old

not having mine own righteousness

not having received

not having spot

paul having passed through

rather than having two eyes

rather than having two hands or two feet

than having two eyes

than having two feet

than having two hands

then simon peter having

we having <2CO4 -:13 >

which having no guide

which some having put away concerning faith have made shipwreck
<1TI1 -:18 >

whom having not seen <1PE1 -:8 >

woman having an alabaster box

woman having an alabaster box

woman having an issue

woman having her sickness

would ye stay for them from having husbands
