having Php_01_23 /${having /a desire to depart ,
and to be with Christ ; which is far better :

having 1Ch_21_16 /^{having /a drawn sword in
his hand stretched out over Jerusalem . Then David and the
elders of Israel, who were clothed in sackcloth , fell upon
their faces .

Having 2Ti_03_05 /${Having /a form of godliness ,
but denying the power thereof : from such turn away .

having Rev_08_03 /${having /a golden censer ;
and there was given unto him much incense , that he should offer
it with the prayers of all saints upon the golden altar which
was before the throne .

having Rev_17_04 /${having /a golden cup in her
hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication :

Having 1Pe_03_16 /${Having /a good conscience ;
that , whereas they speak evil of you , as of evildoers , they
may be ashamed that falsely accuse your good conversation in
Christ .

having Act_22_12 /${having /a good report of
all the Jews which dwelt there,

having Rom_15_23 /${having /a great desire
these many years to come unto you ;

having Mar_14_51 /${having /a linen cloth cast
about his naked body; and the young men laid hold on him :

having Isa_06_06 /^{having /a live coal in his
hand , which he had taken with the tongs from off the altar :

having 1Co_06_01 /${having /a matter against
another , go to law before the unjust , and not before the
saints ?

having Luk_17_07 /${having /a servant plowing
or feeding cattle , will say unto him by and by , when he is
come from the field , Go and sit down to meat ?

having Heb_10_01 /${having /a shadow of good
things to come , and not the very image of the things , can
never with those sacrifices which they offered year by year
continually make the comers thereunto perfect .

having Rev_14_17 /${having /a sharp sickle .

having Mar_06_34 /${having /a shepherd : and he
began to teach them many things .

having Joh_18_10 /${having /a sword drew it ,
and smote the high priest's servant , and cut off his right ear .
The servant's name was Malchus .

having Mat_22_12 /${having /a wedding garment ?
And he was speechless .

having Lev_22_22 /^{having /a wen , or scurvy ,
or scabbed , ye shall not offer these unto the LORD , nor make
an offering by fire of them upon the altar unto the LORD .

having Luk_20_28 /${having /a wife , and he die
without children , that his brother should take his wife , and
raise up seed unto his brother .

Having Eph_02_15 /${Having /abolished in his
flesh the enmity , even the law of commandments contained in
ordinances ; for to make in himself of twain one new man , so
making peace ;

having 2Co_09_08 /${having /all sufficiency in
all things, may abound to every good work :

having Mar_14_03 /${having /an alabaster box of
ointment of spikenard very precious ; and she brake the box ,
and poured it on his head .

having Mat_26_07 /${having /an alabaster box of
very precious ointment , and poured it on his head , as he sat
at meat.

having Heb_10_21 /${having /an high priest over
the house of God ;

having Luk_15_04 /${having /an hundred sheep ,
if he lose one of them , doth not leave the ninety and nine in
the wilderness , and go after that which is lost , until he find
it ?

having Luk_08_43 /${having /an issue of blood
twelve years , which had spent all her living upon physicians ,
neither could be healed of any ,

having Mat_07_29 /${having /authority , and not
as the scribes .

having 1Ti_05_09 /${having /been the wife of
one man ,

having Gal_03_03 /${having /begun in the Spirit
, are ye now made perfect by the flesh ?

having Gen_12_08 /^{having /Bethel on the west ,
and Hai on the east : and there he builded an altar unto the
LORD , and called upon the name of the LORD .

having Rev_09_17 /${having /breastplates of
fire , and of jacinth , and brimstone : and the heads of the
horses were as the heads of lions ; and out of their mouths
issued fire and smoke and brimstone .

having Act_19_29 /${having /caught Gaius and
Aristarchus , men of Macedonia , Paul's companions in travel ,
they rushed with one accord into the theatre .

having Eze_44_11 /^{having /charge at the gates
of the house , and ministering to the house : they shall slay
the burnt offering and the sacrifice for the people , and they
shall stand before them to minister unto them.

having 1Pe_03_08 /${having /compassion one of
another , love as brethren , be pitiful , be courteous :

Having Phm_01_21 /${Having /confidence in thy
obedience I wrote unto thee , knowing that thou wilt also do
more than I say .

having 2Co_02_03 /${having /confidence in you
all , that my joy is the joy of you all .

having Jer_41_05 /^{having /cut themselves,
with offerings and incense in their hand , to bring them to the
house of the LORD .

having 2Ch_05_12 /^{having /cymbals and
psalteries and harps , stood at the east end of the altar , and
with them an hundred and twenty priests sounding with trumpets :

Having 1Ti_05_12 /${Having /damnation , because
they have cast off their first faith .

having Eph_06_13 /${having /done all , to stand

having Rom_09_11 /${having /done any good or
evil , that the purpose of God according to election might stand
, not of works , but of him that calleth ;

having Luk_05_39 /${having /drunk old wine
straightway desireth new : for he saith , The old is better .

having Mar_08_18 /${having /ears , hear ye not
? and do ye not remember ?

having 2Pe_01_04 /${having /escaped the
corruption that is in the world through lust .

having Rev_05_08 /${having /every one of them
harps , and golden vials full of odours , which are the prayers
of saints .

having Luk_23_14 /${having /examined him before
you , have found no fault in this man touching those things
whereof ye accuse him :

Having Mar_08_18 /${Having /eyes , see ye not ?
and having ears , hear ye not ? and do ye not remember ?

Having 2Pe_02_14 /${Having /eyes full of
adultery , and that cannot cease from sin ; beguiling unstable
souls : an heart they have exercised with covetous practices ;
cursed children :

having Tit_01_06 /${having /faithful children
not accused of riot or unruly .

having Act_02_47 /${having /favour with all the
people . And the Lord added to the church daily such as should
be saved .

having Joh_05_02 /${having /five porches .

having 1Ti_06_08 /${having /food and raiment
let us be therewith content .

having 1Ch_04_42 /^{having /for their captains
Pelatiah , and Neariah , and Rephaiah , and Uzziel , the sons of
Ishi .

having Col_02_13 /${having /forgiven you all
trespasses ;

having 1Co_12_24 /${having /given more abundant
honour to that part which lacked :

having Rev_18_01 /${having /great power ; and
the earth was lightened with his glory .

having Rev_12_12 /${having /great wrath ,
because he knoweth that he hath but a short time .

having Luk_01_03 /${having /had perfect
understanding of all things from the very first , to write unto
thee in order , most excellent Theophilus ,

having Luk_08_15 /${having /heard the word ,
keep it, and bring forth fruit with patience .

having Mar_12_28 /${having /heard them
reasoning together , and perceiving that he had answered them
well , asked him , Which is the first commandment of all ?

having Lev_20_18 /^{having /her sickness , and
shall uncover her nakedness ; he hath discovered her fountain ,
and she hath uncovered the fountain of her blood : and both of
them shall be cut off from among their people .

having 1Ti_03_04 /${having /his children in
subjection with all gravity ;

having Num_24_16 /^{having /his eyes open :

having Num_24_04 /^{having /his eyes open :

having Rev_14_01 /${having /his Father's name
written in their foreheads .

having 1Co_11_10 /${having /his head covered ,
dishonoureth his head .

having Est_06_12 /^{having /his head covered .

having Jud_19_03 /^{having /his servant with
him, and a couple of asses : and she brought him into her
father's house : and when the father of the damsel saw him, he
rejoiced to meet him.

having 1Sa_22_06 /^{having /his spear in his
hand , and all his servants were standing about him;

having Lev_07_20 /^{having /his uncleanness
upon him, even that soul shall be cut off from his people .

having Lev_22_03 /^{having /his uncleanness
upon him, that soul shall be cut off from my presence : I am the

having 2Ch_23_10 /^{having /his weapon in his
hand , from the right side of the temple to the left side of the
temple , along by the altar and the temple , by the king round
about .

having 2Co_10_15 /${having /hope , when your
faith is increased , that we shall be enlarged by you according
to our rule abundantly ,

having Rut_01_13 /^{having /husbands ? nay, my
daughters ; for it grieveth me much for your sakes that the hand
of the LORD is gone out against me.

having 2Co_10_06 /${having /in a readiness to
revenge all disobedience , when your obedience is fulfilled .

having 2Ti_04_03 /${having /itching ears ;

having 2Ch_11_12 /^{having /Judah and Benjamin
on his side.

having Neh_10_28 /^{having /knowledge , and
having understanding ;

Having Act_04_37 /${Having /land , sold it, and
brought the money , and laid it at the apostles feet .

having Mar_11_13 /${having /leaves , he came ,
if haply he might find any thing thereon : and when he came to
it , he found nothing but leaves ; for the time of figs was not

having Act_02_24 /${having /loosed the pains of
death : because it was not possible that he should be holden of
it .

having Joh_13_01 /${having /loved his own which
were in the world , he loved them unto the end .

having 2Ti_04_10 /${having /loved this present
world , and is departed unto Thessalonica ; Crescens to Galatia ,
Titus unto Dalmatia .

having Act_12_20 /${having /made Blastus the
king's chamberlain their friend , desired peace ; because their
country was nourished by the king's country.

Having Eph_01_09 /${Having /made known unto us
the mystery of his will , according to his good pleasure which
he hath purposed in himself :

having Col_01_20 /${having /made peace through
the blood of his cross , by him to reconcile all things unto
himself ; by him , I say, whether they be things in earth , or
things in heaven .

Having 2Jo_01_01 /${Having /many things to write
unto you , I would not write with paper and ink : but I trust to
come unto you , and speak face to face , that our joy may be
full .

having 001 016 Jud /${having /men's persons in
admiration because of advantage .

having Php_03_09 /${having /mine own
righteousness , which is of the law , but that which is through
the faith of Christ , the righteousness which is of God by faith

having Act_24_22 /${having /more perfect
knowledge of that way , he deferred them , and said , When
Lysias the chief captain shall come down , I will know the
uttermost of your matter .

having Eze_38_11 /^{having /neither bars nor
gates ,

having Heb_07_03 /${having /neither beginning
of days , nor end of life ; but made like unto the Son of God ;
abideth a priest continually .

having Joh_07_15 /${having /never learned ?

having Mat_22_24 /${having /no children , his
brother shall marry his wife , and raise up seed unto his
brother .

having Tit_02_08 /${having /no evil thing to
say of you .

having Pro_06_07 /^{having /no guide , overseer
, or ruler ,

having Eph_02_12 /${having /no hope , and
without God in the world :

having Mat_22_25 /${having /no issue , left his
wife unto his brother :

having Rom_15_23 /${having /no more place in
these parts , and having a great desire these many years to come
unto you ;

having 1Co_07_37 /${having /no necessity , but
hath power over his own will , and hath so decreed in his heart
that he will keep his virgin , doeth well .

having Luk_11_36 /${having /no part dark , the
whole shall be full of light , as when the bright shining of a
candle doth give thee light .

having Mat_09_36 /${having /no shepherd .

having 1Pe_01_08 /${having /not seen , ye love ;
in whom , though now ye see him not , yet believing , ye
rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory :

having Rom_02_14 /${having /not the law , are a
law unto themselves :

having 001 019 Jud /${having /not the Spirit .

having 2Co_06_10 /${having /nothing , and yet
possessing all things .

having Mar_08_01 /${having /nothing to eat ,
Jesus called his disciples unto him, and saith unto them ,

having Col_02_19 /${having /nourishment
ministered , and knit together , increaseth with the increase of
God .

having Joh_13_02 /${having /now put into the
heart of Judas Iscariot , Simon's son, to betray him ;

having Heb_11_39 /${having /obtained a good
report through faith , received not the promise :

having Heb_09_12 /${having /obtained eternal
redemption for us.

having Rev_14_14 /${having /on his head a
golden crown , and in his hand a sharp sickle .

having Eph_06_14 /${having /on the breastplate
of righteousness ;

having Heb_10_22 /${having /our hearts
sprinkled from an evil conscience , and our bodies washed with
pure water .

having Act_19_01 /${having /passed through the
upper coasts came to Ephesus : and finding certain disciples ,

Having Eph_01_05 /${Having /predestinated us
unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself ,
according to the good pleasure of his will ,

having 1Ti_04_08 /${having /promise of the life
that now is , and of that which is to come .

having Heb_11_40 /${having /provided some
better thing for us , that they without us should not be made
perfect .

having 1Ti_01_19 /${having /put away concerning
faith have made shipwreck :

having Luk_09_62 /${having /put his hand to the
plough , and looking back , is fit for the kingdom of God .

having 1Ki_22_10 /^{having /put on their robes ,
in a void place in the entrance of the gate of Samaria ; and
all the prophets prophesied before them.

having Act_03_26 /${having /raised up his Son
Jesus , sent him to bless you , in turning away every one of you
from his iniquities .

having Joh_18_03 /${having /received a band of
men and officers from the chief priests and Pharisees , cometh
thither with lanterns and torches and weapons .

having Act_26_10 /${having /received authority
from the chief priests ; and when they were put to death , I
gave my voice against them.

having Php_04_18 /${having /received of
Epaphroditus the things which were sent from you , an odour of a
sweet smell , a sacrifice acceptable , wellpleasing to God .

having Act_02_33 /${having /received of the
Father the promise of the Holy Ghost , he hath shed forth this ,
which ye now see and hear .

having Act_16_24 /${having /received such a
charge , thrust them into the inner prison , and made their feet
fast in the stocks .

having Luk_19_15 /${having /received the
kingdom , then he commanded these servants to be called unto him
, to whom he had given the money , that he might know how much
every man had gained by trading .

having Heb_11_13 /${having /received the
promises , but having seen them afar off , and were persuaded of
them, and embraced them, and confessed that they were strangers
and pilgrims on the earth .

having Joh_13_30 /${having /received the sop
went immediately out : and it was night .

having 1Th_01_06 /${having /received the word
in much affliction , with joy of the Holy Ghost :

having Ezr_09_05 /^{having /rent my garment and
my mantle , I fell upon my knees , and spread out my hands unto
the LORD my God ,

having Luk_23_46 /${having /said thus , he gave
up the ghost .

having Zec_09_09 /^{having /salvation ; lowly ,
and riding upon an ass , and upon a colt the foal of an ass .

having 001 005 Jud /${having /saved the people
out of the land of Egypt , afterward destroyed them that
believed not .

having Joh_04_45 /${having /seen all the things
that he did at Jerusalem at the feast : for they also went unto
the feast .

having Heb_11_13 /${having /seen them afar off ,
and were persuaded of them, and embraced them, and confessed
that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth .

having Pro_18_01 /^{having /separated himself,
seeketh and intermeddleth with all wisdom .

having Rev_12_03 /${having /seven heads and ten
horns , and seven crowns upon his heads .

having Rev_13_01 /${having /seven heads and ten
horns , and upon his horns ten crowns , and upon his heads the
name of blasphemy .

having Rev_17_03 /${having /seven heads and ten
horns .

having Rev_05_06 /${having /seven horns and
seven eyes , which are the seven Spirits of God sent forth into
all the earth .

having Act_18_18 /${having /shorn his head in
Cenchrea : for he had a vow .

having Eph_02_16 /${having /slain the enmity
thereby :

having Mat_08_09 /${having /soldiers under me :
and I say to this man, Go , and he goeth ; and to another , Come
, and he cometh ; and to my servant , Do this , and he doeth it.

having Psa_13_02 /^{having /sorrow in my heart
daily ? how long shall mine enemy be exalted over me?

having Col_02_15 /${having /spoiled
principalities and powers , he made a shew of them openly ,
triumphing over them in it .

having Eph_05_27 /${having /spot , or wrinkle ,
or any such thing ; but that it should be holy and without
blemish .

having Act_14_19 /${having /stoned Paul , drew
him out of the city , supposing he had been dead .

having 1Ti_01_06 /${having /swerved have turned
aside unto vain jangling ;

having Act_27_33 /${having /taken nothing .

having Isa_41_15 /^{having /teeth : thou shalt
thresh the mountains , and beat them small , and shalt make the
hills as chaff .

having Luk_15_08 /${having /ten pieces of
silver , if she lose one piece , doth not light a candle , and
sweep the house , and seek diligently till she find it?

having Rev_14_06 /${having /the everlasting
gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth , and to
every nation , and kindred , and tongue , and people ,

Having Rev_21_11 /${Having /the glory of God :
and her light was like unto a stone most precious , even like a
jasper stone , clear as crystal ;

having Rev_15_02 /${having /the harps of God .

having Rev_20_01 /${having /the key of the
bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand .

having Neh_13_04 /^{having /the oversight of
the chamber of the house of our God , was allied unto Tobiah :

having Eze_40_44 /^{having /the prospect toward
the north .

Having Php_01_30 /${Having /the same conflict
which ye saw in me , and now hear to be in me .

having Php_02_02 /${having /the same love ,
being of one accord , of one mind .

having 2Co_04_13 /${having /the same spirit of
faith , according as it is written , I believed , and therefore
have I spoken ; we also believe , and therefore speak ;

having Rev_07_02 /${having /the seal of the
living God : and he cried with a loud voice to the four angels ,
to whom it was given to hurt the earth and the sea ,

having Rev_15_01 /${having /the seven last
plagues ; for in them is filled up the wrath of God .

having Rev_15_06 /${having /the seven plagues ,
clothed in pure and white linen , and having their breasts
girded with golden girdles .

having Deu_10_03 /^{having /the two tables in
mine hand .

Having Eph_04_18 /${Having /the understanding
darkened , being alienated from the life of God through the
ignorance that is in them , because of the blindness of their
heart :

having Jer_41_05 /^{having /their beards shaven
, and their clothes rent , and having cut themselves, with
offerings and incense in their hand , to bring them to the house
of the LORD .

having Rev_15_06 /${having /their breasts
girded with golden girdles .

having 1Ti_04_02 /${having /their conscience
seared with a hot iron ;

having Jud_01_07 /^{having /their thumbs and
their great toes cut off , gathered their meat under my table :
as I have done , so God hath requited me. And they brought him
to Jerusalem , and there he died .

Having Rom_12_06 /${Having /then gifts
differing according to the grace that is given to us , whether
prophecy , let us prophesy according to the proportion of faith ;

Having Heb_10_19 /${Having /therefore ,
brethren , boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of
Jesus ,

Having Act_26_22 /${Having /therefore obtained
help of God , I continue unto this day , witnessing both to
small and great , saying none other things than those which the
prophets and Moses did say should come :

Having 2Co_07_01 /${Having /therefore these
promises , dearly beloved , let us cleanse ourselves from all
filthiness of the flesh and spirit , perfecting holiness in the
fear of God .

having Php_01_25 /${having /this confidence , I
know that I shall abide and continue with you all for your
furtherance and joy of faith ;

having 2Ti_02_19 /${having /this seal , The Lord
knoweth them that are his . And , Let every one that nameth the
name of Christ depart from iniquity .

having 1Sa_26_02 /^{having /three thousand
chosen men of Israel with him, to seek David in the wilderness
of Ziph .

having Mic_01_11 /^{having /thy shame naked :
the inhabitant of Zaanan came not forth in the mourning of
Bethezel ; he shall receive of you his standing .

having Mat_18_09 /${having /two eyes to be cast
into hell fire .

having Mar_09_47 /${having /two eyes to be cast
into hell fire :

having Mar_09_45 /${having /two feet to be cast
into hell , into the fire that never shall be quenched :

having Mat_18_08 /${having /two hands or two
feet to be cast into everlasting fire .

having Mar_09_43 /${having /two hands to go
into hell , into the fire that never shall be quenched :

having Dan_08_20 /^{having /two horns are the
kings of Media and Persia .

having Luk_07_08 /${having /under me soldiers ,
and I say unto one , Go , and he goeth ; and to another , Come ,
and he cometh ; and to my servant , Do this , and he doeth it.

having Neh_10_28 /^{having /understanding ;

having Act_23_27 /${having /understood that he
was a Roman .

having 1Ch_26_12 /^{having /wards one against
another , to minister in the house of the LORD .

having Mat_15_30 /${having /with them those
that were lame , blind , dumb , maimed , and many others , and
cast them down at Jesus feet ; and he healed them :

Having Mar_12_06 /${Having /yet therefore one
son , his wellbeloved , he sent him also last unto them , saying
, They will reverence my son .

Having 1Pe_02_12 /${Having /your conversation
honest among the Gentiles : that , whereas they speak against
you as evildoers , they may by your good works , which they
shall behold , glorify God in the day of visitation .

having Eph_06_14 /${having /your loins girt
about with truth , and having on the breastplate of
righteousness ;
