hate Ecc_03_08 /^{hate /a time of war , and a
time of peace .

hate Psa_119_016 /^{hate /and abhor lying :
but thy law do I love .

hate Psa_119_010 /^{hate /every false way .

hate Psa_119_012 /^{hate /every false way .

hate Psa_97_10 /^{hate /evil : he preserveth
the souls of his saints ; he delivereth them out of the hand of
the wicked .

hate Pro_08_13 /^{hate /evil : pride , and
arrogancy , and the evil way , and the froward mouth , do I hate

hate Deu_22_13 /^{hate /her,

hate Deu_24_03 /^{hate /her, and write her a
bill of divorcement , and giveth it in her hand , and sendeth
her out of his house ; or if the latter husband die , which took
her to be his wife ;

hate Psa_68_01 /^{hate /him flee before him.

hate Amo_05_10 /^{hate /him that rebuketh in
the gate , and they abhor him that speaketh uprightly .

hate Deu_07_10 /^{hate /him to their face ,
to destroy them: he will not be slack to him that hateth him, he
will repay him to his face .

hate Deu_33_11 /^{hate /him, that they rise
not again .

hate Psa_89_23 /^{hate /him.

hate Pro_19_07 /^{hate /him: how much more do
his friends go far from him? he pursueth them with words , yet
they are wanting to him.

hate 1Ki_22_08 /^{hate /him; for he doth not
prophesy good concerning me, but evil . And Jehoshaphat said ,
Let not the king say so.

hate 2Ch_18_07 /^{hate /him; for he never
prophesied good unto me, but always evil : the same is Micaiah
the son of Imla . And Jehoshaphat said , Let not the king say so.

hate Deu_19_11 /^{hate /his neighbour , and
lie in wait for him, and rise up against him, and smite him
mortally that he die , and fleeth into one of these cities :

hate Amo_06_08 /^{hate /his palaces :
therefore will I deliver up the city with all that is therein .

hate Psa_105_25 /^{hate /his people , to deal
subtilly with his servants .

hate Amo_05_21 /^{hate /I despise your feast
days , and I will not smell in your solemn assemblies .

hate Pro_01_22 /^{hate /knowledge ?

hate Pro_08_36 /^{hate /me love death .

hate Psa_86_17 /^{hate /me may see it, and be
ashamed : because thou, LORD , hast holpen me, and comforted me.

hate Psa_41_07 /^{hate /me whisper together
against me: against me do they devise my hurt .

hate Psa_25_19 /^{hate /me with cruel hatred .

hate Psa_35_19 /^{hate /me without a cause .

hate Psa_69_04 /^{hate /me without a cause
are more than the hairs of mine head : they that would destroy
me, being mine enemies wrongfully , are mighty : then I restored
that which I took not away .

hate Psa_38_19 /^{hate /me wrongfully are
multiplied .

hate Deu_05_09 /^{hate /me,

hate Jud_11_07 /^{hate /me, and expel me out
of my father's house ? and why are ye come unto me now when ye
are in distress ?

hate Gen_26_27 /^{hate /me, and have sent me
away from you?

hate Jud_14_16 /^{hate /me, and lovest me not:
thou hast put forth a riddle unto the children of my people ,
and hast not told it me. And he said unto her, Behold, I have
not told it my father nor my mother , and shall I tell it thee?

hate Psa_69_14 /^{hate /me, and out of the
deep waters .

hate Psa_09_13 /^{hate /me, thou that liftest
me up from the gates of death :

hate Psa_18_40 /^{hate /me.

hate Psa_55_03 /^{hate /me.

hate Psa_118_07 /^{hate /me.

hate 2Sa_22_41 /^{hate /me.

hate Deu_32_41 /^{hate /me.

hate Exo_20_05 /^{hate /me;

hate Luk_14_26 /${hate /not his father , and
mother , and wife , and children , and brethren , and sisters ,
yea , and his own life also , he cannot be my disciple .

hate Mat_24_10 /${hate /one another .

hate Isa_61_08 /^{hate /robbery for burnt
offering ; and I will direct their work in truth , and I will
make an everlasting covenant with them.

hate Zec_08_17 /^{hate /saith the LORD .

hate Rom_07_15 /${hate /that do I .

Hate Amo_05_15 /^{Hate /the evil , and love
the good , and establish judgment in the gate : it may be that
the LORD God of hosts will be gracious unto the remnant of
Joseph .

hate Mic_03_02 /^{hate /the good , and love
the evil ; who pluck off their skin from off them, and their
flesh from off their bones ;

hate 2Ch_19_02 /^{hate /the LORD ? therefore
is wrath upon thee from before the LORD .

hate Luk_16_13 /${hate /the one , and love
the other ; or else he will hold to the one , and despise the
other . Ye cannot serve God and mammon .

hate Mat_06_24 /${hate /the one , and love
the other ; or else he will hold to the one , and despise the
other . Ye cannot serve God and mammon .

hate Psa_34_21 /^{hate /the righteous shall
be desolate .

hate Pro_29_10 /^{hate /the upright : but the
just seek his soul .

hate Rev_17_16 /${hate /the whore , and shall
make her desolate and naked , and shall eat her flesh , and burn
her with fire .

hate Psa_101_03 /^{hate /the work of them
that turn aside ; it shall not cleave to me.

hate Num_10_35 /^{hate /thee flee before thee.

hate Psa_83_02 /^{hate /thee have lifted up
the head .

hate Job_08_22 /^{hate /thee shall be clothed
with shame ; and the dwelling place of the wicked shall come to
nought .

hate Dan_04_19 /^{hate /thee, and the
interpretation thereof to thine enemies .

hate Eze_16_27 /^{hate /thee, the daughters
of the Philistines , which are ashamed of thy lewd way .

hate Deu_30_07 /^{hate /thee, which
persecuted thee.

hate Pro_25_17 /^{hate /thee.

hate Psa_21_08 /^{hate /thee.

hate Deu_07_15 /^{hate /thee.

hate Pro_09_08 /^{hate /thee: rebuke a wise
man , and he will love thee.

hate Psa_139_21 /^{hate /thee? and am not I
grieved with those that rise up against thee?

hate Psa_139_22 /^{hate /them with perfect
hatred : I count them mine enemies .

hate Psa_139_21 /^{hate /them, O LORD , that
hate thee? and am not I grieved with those that rise up against

hate Gen_24_60 /^{hate /them.

hate Mat_05_43 /${hate /thine enemy .

hate Lev_19_17 /^{hate /thy brother in thine
heart : thou shalt in any wise rebuke thy neighbour , and not
suffer sin upon him.

hate Gen_50_15 /^{hate /us , and will
certainly requite us all the evil which we did unto him.

hate Luk_01_71 /${hate /us ;

hate Psa_44_10 /^{hate /us spoil for

hate Psa_119_011 /^{hate /vain thoughts : but
thy law do I love .

hate Pro_06_16 /^{hate /yea, seven are an
abomination unto him :

hate Luk_06_27 /${hate /you ,

hate Mat_05_44 /${hate /you , and pray for
them which despitefully use you , and persecute you ;

hate Luk_06_22 /${hate /you , and when they
shall separate you from their company, and shall reproach you,
and cast out your name as evil , for the Son of man's sake .

hate Joh_15_18 /${hate /you , ye know that it
hated me before it hated you .

hate 1Jo_03_13 /${hate /you .

hate Joh_07_07 /${hate /you ; but me it
hateth , because I testify of it , that the works thereof are
evil .

hate Lev_26_17 /^{hate /you shall reign over
you; and ye shall flee when none pursueth you.

hate Psa_129_05 /^{hate /Zion .

hated Ecc_02_18 /^{hated /all my labour which
I had taken under the sun : because I should leave it unto the
man that shall be after me.

hated 2Sa_13_22 /^{hated /Amnon , because he
had forced his sister Tamar .

hated Deu_21_15 /^{hated /and if the firstborn
son be hers that was hated :

hated Deu_21_15 /^{hated /and they have born
him children , both the beloved and the hated ; and if the
firstborn son be hers that was hated :

hated Eze_35_06 /^{hated /blood , even blood
shall pursue thee.

hated Joh_15_24 /${hated /both me and my
Father .

hated Mal_01_03 /^{hated /Esau , and laid his
mountains and his heritage waste for the dragons of the
wilderness .

hated Pro_14_20 /^{hated /even of his own
neighbour : but the rich hath many friends .

hated Deu_21_17 /^{hated /for the firstborn ,
by giving him a double portion of all that he hath : for he is
the beginning of his strength ; the right of the firstborn is

hated Gen_29_33 /^{hated /he hath therefore
given me this son also: and she called his name Simeon .

hated Gen_29_31 /^{hated /he opened her womb :
but Rachel was barren .

hated 2Sa_13_15 /^{hated /her exceedingly ; so
that the hatred wherewith he hated her was greater than the love
wherewith he had loved her. And Amnon said unto her, Arise , be
gone .

hated 2Sa_13_15 /^{hated /her was greater than
the love wherewith he had loved her. And Amnon said unto her,
Arise , be gone .

hated Jud_15_02 /^{hated /her; therefore I
gave her to thy companion : is not her younger sister fairer
than she? take her, I pray thee, instead of her.

hated Luk_19_14 /${hated /him , and sent a
message after him , saying , We will not have this man to reign
over us .

hated Gen_49_23 /^{hated /him :

hated Jos_20_05 /^{hated /him not beforetime .

hated Deu_19_06 /^{hated /him not in time past

hated Deu_04_42 /^{hated /him not in times
past ; and that fleeing unto one of these cities he might live :

hated Gen_37_05 /^{hated /him yet the more .

hated Gen_37_08 /^{hated /him yet the more for
his dreams , and for his words .

hated Gen_37_04 /^{hated /him, and could not
speak peaceably unto him.

hated Eph_05_29 /${hated /his own flesh ; but
nourisheth and cherisheth it , even as the Lord the church :

hated Eze_16_37 /^{hated /I will even gather
them round about against thee, and will discover thy nakedness
unto them, that they may see all thy nakedness .

hated Heb_01_09 /${hated /iniquity ; therefore
God , even thy God , hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness
above thy fellows .

hated Pro_05_12 /^{hated /instruction , and my
heart despised reproof ;

hated Jer_12_08 /^{hated /it.

hated Gen_27_41 /^{hated /Jacob because of the
blessing wherewith his father blessed him : and Esau said in his
heart , The days of mourning for my father are at hand ; then
will I slay my brother Jacob .

hated Pro_01_29 /^{hated /knowledge , and did
not choose the fear of the LORD :

hated Ecc_02_17 /^{hated /life ; because the
work that is wrought under the sun is grievous unto me: for all
is vanity and vexation of spirit .

hated Joh_15_18 /${hated /me before it hated
you .

hated Psa_55_12 /^{hated /me that did magnify
himself against me; then I would have hid myself from him:

hated Joh_15_25 /${hated /me without a cause .

hated Job_31_29 /^{hated /me, or lifted up
myself when evil found him:

hated 2Sa_22_18 /^{hated /me: for they were too
strong for me.

hated Psa_18_17 /^{hated /me: for they were
too strong for me.

hated Deu_19_04 /^{hated /not in time past ;

hated Luk_21_17 /${hated /of all men for my
name's sake .

hated Mat_10_22 /${hated /of all men for my
name's sake : but he that endureth to the end shall be saved .

hated Mar_13_13 /${hated /of all men for my
name's sake : but he that shall endure unto the end , the same
shall be saved .

hated Mat_24_09 /${hated /of all nations for
my name's sake .

hated 2Sa_05_08 /^{hated /of David's soul , he
shall be chief and captain. Wherefore they said , The blind and
the lame shall not come into the house .

hated Isa_60_15 /^{hated /so that no man went
through thee, I will make thee an eternal excellency , a joy of
many generations .

hated Psa_26_05 /^{hated /the congregation of
evil doers ; and will not sit with the wicked .

hated Joh_17_14 /${hated /them , because they
are not of the world , even as I am not of the world .

hated Psa_106_41 /^{hated /them ruled over

hated Psa_31_06 /^{hated /them that regard
lying vanities : but I trust in the LORD .

hated Psa_106_10 /^{hated /them, and redeemed
them from the hand of the enemy .

hated Deu_09_28 /^{hated /them, he hath
brought them out to slay them in the wilderness .

hated Est_09_05 /^{hated /them.

hated Hos_09_15 /^{hated /them: for the
wickedness of their doings I will drive them out of mine house ,
I will love them no more : all their princes are revolters .

hated Est_09_01 /^{hated /them;

hated Deu_01_27 /^{hated /us, he hath brought
us forth out of the land of Egypt , to deliver us into the hand
of the Amorites , to destroy us.

hated Psa_44_07 /^{hated /us.

hated Deu_21_16 /^{hated /which is indeed the
firstborn :

hated Joh_15_18 /${hated /you .

hated Isa_66_05 /^{hated /you, that cast you
out for my name's sake, said , Let the LORD be glorified : but
he shall appear to your joy , and they shall be ashamed .

hateful Tit_03_03 /${hateful /and hating one
another .

hateful Rev_18_02 /${hateful /bird .

hatefully Eze_23_29 /^{hatefully /and shall take
away all thy labour , and shall leave thee naked and bare : and
the nakedness of thy whoredoms shall be discovered , both thy
lewdness and thy whoredoms .

haters Rom_01_30 /${haters /of God , despiteful
, proud , boasters , inventors of evil things , disobedient to
parents ,

haters Psa_81_15 /^{haters /of the LORD should
have submitted themselves unto him: but their time should have
endured for ever .

hatest Psa_05_05 /^{hatest /all workers of
iniquity .

hatest Psa_50_17 /^{hatest /instruction , and
castest my words behind thee.

hatest Eze_23_28 /^{hatest /into the hand of
them from whom thy mind is alienated :

hatest Rev_02_06 /${hatest /the deeds of the
Nicolaitans , which I also hate .

hatest 2Sa_19_06 /^{hatest /thy friends . For
thou hast declared this day , that thou regardest neither
princes nor servants : for this day I perceive , that if Absalom
had lived , and all we had died this day , then it had pleased
thee well .

hatest Psa_45_07 /^{hatest /wickedness :
therefore God , thy God , hath anointed thee with the oil of
gladness above thy fellows .

hateth Joh_07_07 /${hateth /because I testify
of it , that the works thereof are evil .

hateth Pro_28_16 /^{hateth /covetousness shall
prolong his days .

hateth Pro_26_24 /^{hateth /dissembleth with
his lips , and layeth up deceit within him;

hateth Pro_15_27 /^{hateth /gifts shall live .

hateth Deu_12_31 /^{hateth /have they done unto
their gods ; for even their sons and their daughters they have
burnt in the fire to their gods .

hateth Deu_22_16 /^{hateth /her;

hateth Deu_07_10 /^{hateth /him, he will repay
him to his face .

hateth 1Jo_04_20 /${hateth /his brother , he is
a liar : for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen ,
how can he love God whom he hath not seen ?

hateth 1Jo_02_09 /${hateth /his brother , is in
darkness even until now .

hateth 1Jo_03_15 /${hateth /his brother is a
murderer : and ye know that no murderer hath eternal life
abiding in him .

hateth 1Jo_02_11 /${hateth /his brother is in
darkness , and walketh in darkness , and knoweth not whither he
goeth , because that darkness hath blinded his eyes .

hateth Joh_12_25 /${hateth /his life in this
world shall keep it unto life eternal .

hateth Pro_29_24 /^{hateth /his own soul : he
heareth cursing , and bewrayeth it not.

hateth Pro_13_24 /^{hateth /his son : but he
that loveth him chasteneth him betimes .

hateth Pro_13_05 /^{hateth /lying : but a
wicked man is loathsome , and cometh to shame .

hateth Joh_15_23 /${hateth /me hateth my Father
also .

hateth Job_16_09 /^{hateth /me: he gnasheth
upon me with his teeth ; mine enemy sharpeneth his eyes upon me.

hateth Joh_15_23 /${hateth /my Father also .

hateth Psa_120_06 /^{hateth /peace .

hateth Mal_02_16 /^{hateth /putting away : for
one covereth violence with his garment , saith the LORD of hosts
: therefore take heed to your spirit , that ye deal not
treacherously .

hateth Pro_12_01 /^{hateth /reproof is brutish .

hateth Pro_15_10 /^{hateth /reproof shall die .

hateth Job_34_17 /^{hateth /right govern ? and
wilt thou condemn him that is most just ?

hateth Pro_11_15 /^{hateth /suretiship is sure .

hateth Joh_03_20 /${hateth /the light , neither
cometh to the light , lest his deeds should be reproved .

hateth Exo_23_05 /^{hateth /thee lying under
his burden , and wouldest forbear to help him, thou shalt surely
help with him.

hateth Isa_01_14 /^{hateth /they are a trouble
unto me; I am weary to bear them.

hateth Pro_26_28 /^{hateth /those that are
afflicted by it; and a flattering mouth worketh ruin .

hateth Joh_15_19 /${hateth /you .
