hate 7852 ## satam {saw-tam'}; a primitive root; properly, to
lurk for, i.e. persecute: -- {hate}, oppose self against.[ql

hate 8130 ## sane> {saw-nay'}; a primitive root; to hate
(personally): -- enemy, foe, (be) {hate}(-ful, -r), odious, X

hate 8131 ## s@ne> (Aramaic) {sen-ay'}; corresponding to 8130: --

hate 8135 ## sin>ah {sin-aw'}; from 8130; hate: -- + exceedingly,
{hate}(-ful, -red).[ql

hate 3404 # miseo {mis-eh'-o}; from a primary misos (hatred); to
detest (especially to persecute); by extension, to love less: --

hated 8146 ## saniy> {saw-nee'}; from 8130; hated: -- {hated}.[ql

hateful 4767 # stugnetos {stoog-nay-tos'}; from a derivative of
an obsolete apparently primary stugo (to hate); hated, i.e.
odious: -- {hateful}.[ql

hater 2319 # theostuges {theh-os-too-gace'}; from 2316 and the
base of 4767; hateful to God, i.e. impious: -- {hater} of God.[ql

whatever 4453 # poleo {po-leh'-o}; probably ultimately from
pelomai (to be busy, to trade); to barter (as a pedlar), i.e. to
sell: -- sell, {whatever} is sold.[ql
