Bible Word Index with Strong's Number

Language Tranliteration of original language words

chastened 46_1CO_11_32 But when we are judged (2919 -krino -) , we are {chastened} (3811 -paideuo -) of the Lord (2962 -kurios -) , that we should not be condemned (2632 -katakrino -) with the world (2889 -kosmos -) .

chastened 47_2CO_06_09 As unknown (0050 -agnoeo -) , and [ yet ] well (1921 -epiginosko -) known (1921 -epiginosko -) ; as dying (0599 -apothnesko -) , and , behold (2400 -idou -) , we live (2198 -zao -) ; as {chastened} (3811 -paideuo -) , and not killed (2289 -thanatoo -) ;

chastened 05_DEU_21_18 . If (03588 +kiy ) a man (00376 +)iysh ) have (01961 +hayah ) a stubborn (05637 +carar ) and rebellious (04784 +marah ) son (01121 +ben ) , which will not obey (08085 +shama( ) the voice (06963 +qowl ) of his father (1) , or the voice (06963 +qowl ) of his mother (00517 +)em ) , and [ that ] , when they have {chastened} (03256 +yacar ) him , will not hearken (08085 +shama( ) unto them :

chastened 58_HEB_12_10 For they verily (3303 -men -) for a few (3641 -oligos -) days (2250 -hemera -) {chastened} (3811 -paideuo -) [ us ] after (2596 -kata -) their own (0848 -hautou -) pleasure (1380 -dokeo -) ; but he for [ our ] profit (4851 -sumphero -) , that [ we ] might be partakers (3335 -metalambano -) of his holiness (0041 -hagiotes -) .

chastened 18_JOB_33_19 . He is {chastened} (03198 +yakach ) also with pain (04341 +mak)ob ) upon his bed (04904 +mishkab ) , and the multitude (07379 +riyb ) of his bones (06106 +(etsem ) with strong (00386 +)eythan ) [ pain ] :

chastened 19_PSA_118_18 The LORD (03050 +Yahh ) hath {chastened} (03256 +yacar ) me sore:but he hath not given (05414 +nathan ) me over (05414 +nathan ) unto death (04194 +maveth ) .

chastened 19_PSA_69_10 When I wept (01058 +bakah ) , [ and {chastened} ] my soul (05315 +nephesh ) with fasting (06685 +tsowm ) , that was to my reproach (02781 +cherpah ) .

chastened 19_PSA_73_14 For all (03605 +kol ) the day (03117 +yowm ) long have I been (01961 +hayah ) plagued (05060 +naga( ) , and {chastened} (08433 +towkechah ) every morning (01242 +boqer ) .

hastened 14_2CH_24_05 And he gathered (06908 +qabats ) together the priests (03548 +kohen ) and the Levites (03881 +Leviyiy ) , and said (00559 +)amar ) to them , Go (03318 +yatsa) ) out unto the cities (05892 +(iyr ) of Judah (03063 +Y@huwdah ) , and gather (06908 +qabats ) of all (03605 +kol ) Israel (03478 +Yisra)el ) money (03701 +keceph ) to repair (02388 +chazaq ) the house (01004 +bayith ) of your God (00430 +)elohiym ) from year (08141 +shaneh ) to year (08141 +shaneh ) , and see that ye hasten (04116 +mahar ) the matter (01697 +dabar ) . Howbeit the Levites (03881 +Leviyiy ) {hastened} (04116 +mahar ) [ it ] not .

hastened 17_EST_03_15 The posts (07323 +ruwts ) went (03318 +yatsa) ) out , being {hastened} (07165 +qerec ) by the king s (04428 +melek ) commandment (01697 +dabar ) , and the decree (01881 +dath ) was given (05414 +nathan ) in Shushan (07800 +Shuwshan ) the palace (01002 +biyrah ) . And the king (04428 +melek ) and Haman (02001 +Haman ) sat (03427 +yashab ) down to drink (08354 +shathah ) ; but the city (05892 +(iyr ) Shushan (07800 +Shuwshan ) was perplexed (00943 +buwk ) .

hastened 17_EST_08_14 [ So ] the posts (07323 +ruwts ) that rode (07392 +rakab ) upon mules (07409 +rekesh ) [ and ] camels (00327 +)achastaran ) went (03318 +yatsa) ) out , being {hastened} (00926 +bahal ) and pressed (01765 +dachaph ) on by the king s (04428 +melek ) commandment (01697 +dabar ) . And the decree (01881 +dath ) was given (05414 +nathan ) at Shushan (07800 +Shuwshan ) the palace (01002 +biyrah ) .

hastened 01_GEN_18_06 And Abraham (85) {hastened} (04116 +mahar ) into the tent (00168 +)ohel ) unto Sarah (08283 +Sarah ) , and said (00559 +)amar ) , Make ready (04116 +mahar ) quickly (04116 +mahar ) three (07969 +shalowsh ) measures (05429 +c@)ah ) of fine meal , knead (03888 +luwsh ) [ it ] , and make (06213 +(asah ) cakes (05692 +(uggah ) upon the hearth .

hastened 01_GEN_19_15 . And when (03644 +k@mow ) the morning (07837 +shachar ) arose (05927 +(alah ) , then the angels (04397 +mal)ak ) {hastened} (00213 +)uwts ) Lot (03876 +Lowt ) , saying (00559 +)amar ) , Arise (06965 +quwm ) , take (03947 +laqach ) thy wife (00802 +)ishshah ) , and thy two (08147 +sh@nayim ) daughters (01363 +gobahh ) , which are here (04672 +matsa) ) ; lest (06435 +pen ) thou be consumed (05595 +caphah ) in the iniquity (05771 +(avon ) of the city (05892 +(iyr ) .

hastened 24_JER_17_16 As for me , I have not {hastened} (00213 +)uwts ) from [ being ] a pastor (07462 +ra(ah ) to follow (00310 +)achar ) thee:neither (03808 +lo) ) have I desired (00183 +)avah ) the woeful (00605 +)anash ) day (03117 +yowm ) ; thou knowest (03045 +yada( ):that which came (04161 +mowtsa) ) out of my lips (08193 +saphah ) was [ right (05227 +nokach ) ] before (05227 +nokach ) thee .

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