according as thou hast spoken

according as thou hast vowed unto

after thou hast lost

against which thou hast had indignation these threescore -:12 >

against whom hast thou exalted <2KI19 -:22 >

against whom hast thou exalted

against whom thou hast dealt treacherously

all nations whom thou hast made shall come

all thine abominations which thou hast done

all things whatsoever thou hast given me are

also hast slain thy brethren <2CH21 -:13 >

also thou hast delivered thy soul

ancient hast thou very heavily laid thy yoke

as many as thou hast given him

as thou hast believed

as thou hast done

as thou hast done

as thou hast done unto me for all my transgressions >

as thou hast forgiven this people

as thou hast given him power over all flesh

as thou hast heard

as thou hast loved me

as thou hast said

as thou hast said

as thou hast said

as thou hast said

as thou hast said

as thou hast sent me into

beast which thou hast

because by this deed thou hast given great occasion <2SA12 -:
14 >

because thou hast asked this thing <1KI3 -:11 >

because thou hast been faithful

because thou hast been my help

because thou hast clapped

because thou hast defiled my sanctuary with all thy detestable

because thou hast despised me <2SA12 -:10 >

because thou hast destroyed thy land

because thou hast done

because thou hast done this

because thou hast done well <2KI10 -:30 >

because thou hast forgotten

because thou hast forgotten me

because thou hast forgotten me

because thou hast gone

because thou hast had

because thou hast heard

because thou hast hearkened unto

because thou hast hid these things from

because thou hast humbled her

because thou hast joined thyself with ahaziah <2CH20 -:37 >

because thou hast judged thus

because thou hast kept

because thou hast left thy first love

because thou hast let go out <1KI20 -:42 >

because thou hast lifted up thyself

because thou hast made

because thou hast mocked me

because thou hast not given him warning

because thou hast not kept <1SA13 -:14 >

because thou hast not obeyed <1KI20 -:36 >

because thou hast not remembered

because thou hast not walked <2CH21 -:12 >

because thou hast obeyed my voice

because thou hast put thy trust

because thou hast rejected <1SA15 -:23 >

because thou hast rejected knowledge

because thou hast relied on <2CH16 -:7 >

because thou hast said

because thou hast seen me

because thou hast sent letters

because thou hast set thine heart as

because thou hast shed much blood upon <1CH22 -:8 >

because thou hast sold thyself <1KI21 -:20 >

because thou hast spoiled many nations

because thou hast striven against

because thou hast taken

because thou hast taught rebellion against

because thou hast there them

because thou hast thought

because thou hast wholly followed

before whom thou hast begun

beginning hast laid

body hast thou prepared me

but for them which thou hast given me

but hast asked for thyself understanding <1KI3 -:11 >

but hast asked wisdom <2CH1 -:11 >

but hast done evil above all <1KI14 -:9 >

but hast fretted me

but hast lifted up thyself against

but hast walked <2CH21 -:13 >

but if thou hast gone aside

but this thou hast

but thou hast

but thou hast been weary

but thou hast cast off

but thou hast cast off

but thou hast delivered thy soul

but thou hast delivered thy soul

but thou hast fulfilled

but thou hast fully known my doctrine <2TI3 -:10 >

but thou hast made me

but thou hast multiplied thine abominations more than they

but thou hast not called upon me

but thou hast played

but thou hast saved us from our enemies

but thou hast spoken also <2SA7 -:19 >

but thou hast utterly rejected us

but what hast thou lacked with me <1KI11 -:22 >

by thy favour thou hast made my mountain

by thy messengers thou hast reproached <2KI19 -:23 >

by thy servants hast thou reproached

by thy traffic hast thou increased thy riches

child thou hast known <2TI3 -:15 >

city which thou hast chosen <1KI8 -:48 >

city which thou hast chosen <1KI8 -:44 >

countries which thou hast not known

declare unto us now what thou hast said unto

do as thou hast said <1CH17 -:23 >

do as thou hast said <1KI17 -:13 >

do as thou hast said <2SA7 -:25 >

for as thou hast testified

for because thou hast done this thing

for because thou hast trusted

for if any man see thee which hast knowledge sit at meat <1CO8
-:10 >

for my name's sake hast laboured

for sin thou hast had no pleasure

for this hast thou chosen rather than affliction

for thou also hast wrought all our works

for thou hast been

for thou hast been

for thou hast been my defence

for thou hast borne <1SA4 -:20 >

for thou hast broken

for thou hast brought thy servant into <1SA20 -:8 >

for thou hast cast all my sins behind thy back

for thou hast confirmed <2SA7 -:24 >

for thou hast considered my trouble

for thou hast created all things

for thou hast declared this day <2SA19 -:6 >

for thou hast delivered my soul from death

for thou hast delivered my soul from death

for thou hast delivered us from

for thou hast discovered

for thou hast done right

for thou hast done wonderful

for thou hast fallen by thine iniquity

for thou hast filled me with indignation

for thou hast found favour with god

for thou hast found grace

for thou hast girded me with strength <2SA22 -:40 >

for thou hast girded me with strength unto

for thou hast given me

for thou hast given me

for thou hast gone <1KI14 -:9 >

for thou hast gone

for thou hast had five husbands

for thou hast heard me

for thou hast heard me from

for thou hast hid their heart from understanding

for thou hast hid thy face from us

for thou hast lifted me up

for thou hast lifted me up

for thou hast made

for thou hast made all these

for thou hast made him

for thou hast made him most blessed for ever

for thou hast made me king over <2CH1 -:9 >

for thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name 2 >

for thou hast maintained my right

for thou hast possessed my reins

for thou hast rejected <1SA15 -:26 >

for thou hast rewarded me good <1SA24 -:17 >

for thou hast said

for thou hast said

for thou hast smitten all mine enemies

for thou hast strengthened me

for thou hast taken

for thou hast taught me

for thou hast taught them

for thou hast tr <2CH26 -:18 >

for thou hast trusted

for thy people which thou hast brought forth out

for with them thou hast quickened me

forasmuch as thou hast disobeyed <1KI13 -:21 >

forasmuch as thou hast sent messengers <2KI1 -:16 >

friend hast thou put far from me

from whence then hast thou

gathering where thou hast not strowed

golden image which thou hast set up

golden image which thou hast set up

hast been <1CH28 -:3 >

hast been assured <2TI3 -:14 >

hast been forgotten

hast been partaker with adulterers

hast bereaved thy nations

hast borne

hast brought forth thy people israel out

hast brought thy people forth out

hast built goodly houses

hast cast me behind thy back <1KI14 -:9 >

hast cast us off

hast consumed us

hast crowned him with glory

hast defiled thyself

hast done as it pleased thee

hast done it

hast done unto <2KI10 -:30 >

hast eaten

hast eaten bread <1KI13 -:22 >

hast feared continually every day because

hast fenced me with bones

hast forgot

hast forgotten god

hast forgotten me

hast found them liars

hast fulfilled <1KI8 -:24 >

hast fulfilled <2CH6 -:15 >

hast given

hast given me

hast given them this land

hast given us

hast gotten gold

hast gotten thee renown

hast great power

hast heard my vows

hast holpen me

hast increased thy whoredoms

hast inquired <1SA22 -:13 >

hast justified thy sisters

hast kept my word

hast loved them

hast made

hast made great wars <1CH22 -:8 >

hast made judah <2CH21 -:13 >

hast made known unto me now what we desired

hast made me <2CH1 -:8 >

hast made me glad through thy work

hast made my people israel <1KI16 -:2 >

hast made thee

hast made thee an high place

hast made thy beauty

hast made us unto our god kings

hast not asked for thyself long life <1KI3 -:11 >

hast not been as an harlot

hast not been mindful

hast not denied my faith

hast not denied my name

hast not fainted

hast not forsaken them

hast not humbled thine heart

hast not kept <1KI13 -:21 >

hast not known

hast not made him

hast not made my foes

hast not remembered me

hast not shut me up into

hast not suffered me

hast not thou made an hedge about him

hast not told

hast not told me wherein thy great strength

hast not withheld thy son

hast not withholden

hast opened thy feet

hast patience

hast perf

hast pleasure <1CH29 -:17 >

hast prepared

hast prepared thine heart <2CH19 -:3 >

hast prevailed

hast prevailed

hast profaned my sabbaths

hast professed <1TI6 -:12 >

hast promised this goodness unto thy servant <1CH17 -:26 >

hast proved us

hast put them

hast redeemed us

hast regarded me according <1CH17 -:17 >

hast reigned

hast rent thy clothes <2KI22 -:19 >

hast revealed <2SA7 -:27 >

hast revealed them unto babes

hast revealed them unto babes

hast said <2KI19 -:23 >

hast said

hast scattered thy ways

hast scattered us among

hast shed

hast shed blood <1CH28 -:3 >

hast sinned

hast slain him with <2SA12 -:9 >

hast spoken <2SA7 -:29 >

hast taken <2SA12 -:10 >

hast taken his wife <2SA12 -:9 >

hast thou <2SA15 -:35 >

hast thou also brought evil upon <1KI17 -:20 >

hast thou an arm like god

hast thou appealed unto caesar

hast thou but one blessing

hast thou clothed his neck with thunder

hast thou commanded

hast thou considered my servant

hast thou considered my servant

hast thou done

hast thou done all these great things <2SA7 -:21 >

hast thou done all this greatness <1CH17 -:19 >

hast thou eaten

hast thou entered into

hast thou entered into

hast thou eyes

hast thou faith

hast thou found honey

hast thou found me <1KI21 -:20 >

hast thou gathered thy company

hast thou given

hast thou heard

hast thou here any besides

hast thou hid

hast thou killed <1KI21 -:19 >

hast thou marked

hast thou not heard <1KI1 -:11 >

hast thou not heard

hast thou not heard long ago <2KI19 -:25 >

hast thou not heard long ago

hast thou not known

hast thou not poured me out as milk

hast thou not procured this unto thyself

hast thou not reserved

hast thou not signed

hast thou perceived

hast thou plentifully declared

hast thou said <1KI1 -:24 >

hast thou seen

hast thou seen

hast thou seen

hast thou seen

hast thou seen abraham

hast thou seen all this great multitude <1KI20 -:13 >

hast thou seen what

hast thou taken us away

hast thou utterly rejected judah

hast thou with him spread out

hast told thy servant <1CH17 -:25 >

have been with thee whithersoever thou hast walked <1CH17 -:8 >

have done as thou hast commanded me

have heard all thy blasphemies which thou hast spoken against

have smitten mine hand at thy dishonest gain which thou hast

he whom thou now hast is not thy husband

herein thou hast done foolishly <2CH16 -:9 >

high mountain hast thou set thy bed

his place which thou hast appointed him <1SA29 -:4 >

his youth hast thou shortened

hitherto thou hast mocked me

how hast thou broken forth

how hast thou counselled

how hast thou helped

if thou hast any thing

if thou hast done foolishly

if thou hast not gone aside

if thou hast nothing

if thou hast run with

if thou hast understanding

it is done as thou hast commanded

keep through thine own name those whom thou hast given me

king what thou hast seen <2SA18 -:21 >

kings whom thou hast set over us because

know what thou hast done

land wherein thou hast sojour gen

land which thou hast given us

lord perform thy words which thou hast prophesied

lord which thou hast spoken <2KI20 -:19 >

lord which thou hast spoken

love wherewith thou hast loved me may be

majesty hast thou laid upon him

me thou hast given no seed

mine ears hast thou opened

ministry which thou hast received

moreover thou hast not brought us into

moreover thou hast taken thy sons

nations which thou hast removed <2KI17 -:26 >

neither hast asked riches for thyself <1KI3 -:11 >

neither hast thou delivered thy people at all

neither hast thou filled me with

neither hast thou honoured me with thy sacrifices

neither hast thou taken ought <1SA12 -:4 >

neither yet hast asked long life <2CH1 -:11 >

nor hast asked <1KI3 -:11 >

nor since thou hast spoken unto thy servant

now therefore why hast thou not reproved jeremiah

now what hast thou

old hast thou laid

or hast thou seen

or hast thou seen

or hast thou walked

or if thou hast thought evil

or what hast thou

paps which thou hast sucked

people which thou hast brought up out

place whereof thou hast said <2CH6 -:20 >

place which thou hast founded for them

posts hast thou set up thy remembrance

prince hast thou power with god

reaping where thou hast not sown

remember therefore how thou hast received

rewardeth thee as thou hast served us

roll wherein thou hast read

rose up against me hast thou subdued under me <2SA22 -:40 >

see where thou hast not been lien with

seeing thou hast forgotten

seeing thou hast not withheld thy son

sin offering hast thou not required

sith thou hast not hated blood

so hast thou also them

south thou hast created them

sucklings hast thou ordained strength because

sucklings thou hast perfected praise

surely thou hast greatly deceived this people

surely thou hast spoken

tell me now what thou hast done

tell me what thou hast done <1SA14 -:43 >

tell me where thou hast laid him

them hast thou poured

there are certain jews whom thou hast set over

therefore hast thou also taught

therefore hast thou visited

therefore thou hast caused all this evil

therefore thou hast forsaken thy people

these hast thou sacrificed unto them

these seven ewe lambs which thou hast set by themselves -:29 >

these things which thou hast seen

these two thou hast chosen

these which thou hast given me <1KI9 -:13 >

they pray unto thee toward this city which thou hast chosen
<2CH6 -:34 >

thine envy which thou hast used out

thine excellency thou hast overthrown them

thine idols which thou hast made

thine oath which thou hast made us

thing which thou hast spoken

things which thou hast learned <2TI3 -:14 >

things which thou hast seen

this thine oath which thou hast made us swear

this thou hast done unto me

this thou hast done unto us

those whom thou hast wounded

thou also hast delivered me from <2SA22 -:44 >

thou also hast lifted me up on high above them <2SA22 -:49 >

thou hast <1KI2 -:8 >

thou hast <1SA25 -:6 >

thou hast

thou hast

thou hast

thou hast

thou hast

thou hast

thou hast

thou hast

thou hast

thou hast

thou hast

thou hast

thou hast

thou hast

thou hast

thou hast afflicted

thou hast afflicted us

thou hast also appointed prophets

thou hast also built unto thee an eminent place

thou hast also committed fornication with

thou hast also found grace

thou hast also given me <2SA22 -:36 >

thou hast also given me <2SA22 -:41 >

thou hast also given me

thou hast also given me

thou hast also taken thy fair jewels

thou hast also turned

thou hast altogether blessed

thou hast answered right

thou hast appointed for thy servant gen

thou hast appointed his bounds

thou hast ascended on high

thou hast asked <1SA1 -:17 >

thou hast asked <2KI2 -:10 >

thou hast avouched

thou hast been

thou hast been

thou hast been careful for us with all this care <2KI4 -:13 >

thou hast been faithful over

thou hast been faithful over

thou hast been favourable unto thy land

thou hast been honourable

thou hast been my help

thou hast been our dwelling place

thou hast been upright <1SA29 -:6 >

thou hast been wroth with thine anointed

thou hast begun

thou hast believed

thou hast beset me behind

thou hast blessed

thou hast blessed

thou hast borne me

thou hast borne thy lewdness

thou hast both seen him

thou hast bought me no sweet cane with money

thou hast broken

thou hast broken

thou hast broken down all his hedges

thou hast broken it

thou hast broken may rejoice

thou hast broken rahab

thou hast brought

thou hast brought back

thou hast brought his strong holds

thou hast brought me forth

thou hast brought me hitherto <2SA7 -:18 >

thou hast brought me hitherto <1CH17 -:16 >

thou hast brought me into

thou hast brought me very low

thou hast brought on me

thou hast brought so great

thou hast brought up my soul from

thou hast brought us up out

thou hast brought us up out

thou hast built thy high place at every head

thou hast burned this roll

thou hast called

thou hast called as

thou hast cast out

thou hast cast us off

thou hast caused men

thou hast caused thy days

thou hast changed my wages ten times

thou hast chastised me

thou hast chosen <1SA20 -:30 >

thou hast clothed me with skin

thou hast clothing

thou hast comforted me

thou hast commanded

thou hast commanded

thou hast commanded

thou hast committed more abominable than they

thou hast consulted shame

thou hast consumed them

thou hast corrupted thy wisdom by reason

thou hast covered all their sin

thou hast covered him with shame

thou hast covered me

thou hast covered my head

thou hast covered thyself with

thou hast covered with anger

thou hast dealt well with me <1SA24 -:18 >

thou hast dealt well with thy servant

thou hast deceived me

thou hast declared thy strength among

thou hast defiled thy sanctuaries by

thou hast delivered me from <2SA22 -:49 >

thou hast delivered me from

thou hast delivered me from

thou hast delivered my soul from

thou hast despised

thou hast despised mine holy things

thou hast destroyed

thou hast destroyed all them

thou hast destroyed cities

thou hast destroyed thyself

thou hast done <1SA26 -:16 >

thou hast done <2SA12 -:21 >

thou hast done

thou hast done

thou hast done

thou hast done

thou hast done

thou hast done against <2KI23 -:17 >

thou hast done deeds unto me

thou hast done foolishly <1SA13 -:13 >

thou hast done this thing

thou hast done unto me

thou hast done unto me this day <1SA24 -:19 >

thou hast done unto thy mother

thou hast done unto us

thou hast dreamed

thou hast driven me out this day from

thou hast drunken

thou hast eaten

thou hast eaten shalt thou vomit up

thou hast enlarged me

thou hast enlarged my steps under me <2SA22 -:37 >

thou hast enlarged my steps under me

thou hast enlarged thy bed

thou hast established

thou hast established them for correction

thou hast even set it before them for

thou hast faith

thou hast filled me with wrinkles

thou hast followed baalim <1KI18 -:18 >

thou hast forgiven

thou hast forsaken

thou hast forsaken

thou hast forsaken me

thou hast found

thou hast found

thou hast found

thou hast founded them

thou hast founded them for ever

thou hast gained thy brother

thou hast gathered

thou hast given

thou hast given

thou hast given commandment

thou hast given him bread <1SA22 -:13 >

thou hast given him his heart's desire

thou hast given them blood

thou hast given this great deliverance into

thou hast given us like sheep

thou hast got

thou hast granted me life

thou hast greedily gained

thou hast guided

thou hast had pity on

thou hast hated

thou hast healed me

thou hast heard <2TI2 -:2 >

thou hast heard

thou hast heard

thou hast heard

thou hast heard

thou hast heard

thou hast heard me

thou hast heard my voice

thou hast heard their reproach

thou hast heard what <2KI19 -:11 >

thou hast heard what

thou hast hewed thee out

thou hast hid these things from

thou hast holden

thou hast humbled thyself before <2KI22 -:19 >

thou hast increased

thou hast increased

thou hast increased

thou hast indeed smitten edom <2KI14 -:10 >

thou hast instructed many

thou hast is multiplied

thou hast justified thy

thou hast kept

thou hast kept for him this great kindness <1KI3 -:6 >

thou hast kept me <2SA22 -:44 >

thou hast kept me alive

thou hast killed

thou hast killed for him

thou hast killed uriah <2SA12 -:9 >

thou hast known my reproach

thou hast known my soul

thou hast lacked nothing

thou hast laid me

thou hast laid thy body as

thou hast led captivity captive

thou hast left thy father

thou hast lied

thou hast loosed my bonds

thou hast lost <1KI20 -:25 >

thou hast loved

thou hast loved

thou hast loved righteousness

thou hast made

thou hast made

thou hast made

thou hast made all his enemies

thou hast made before me <1KI9 -:3 >

thou hast made desolate all my company

thou hast made for thee

thou hast made heaven <2KI19 -:15 >

thou hast made heaven

thou hast made heaven

thou hast made him exceeding glad with thy countenance :6 >

thou hast made his glory

thou hast made known

thou hast made me

thou hast made me an abomination unto them

thou hast made me as

thou hast made my days

thou hast made summer

thou hast made thee

thou hast made them equal unto us

thou hast made thy servant king instead <1KI3 -:7 >

thou hast made us

thou hast made us

thou hast made void

thou hast magnified thy mercy

thou hast mocked me

thou hast mocked me these three times

thou hast moreover multiplied thy fornication

thou hast much goods laid up for many years

thou hast multiplied

thou hast multiplied thy merchants above

thou hast neither part nor lot

thou hast no healing medicines

thou hast no part with me

thou hast no tidings ready <2SA18 -:22 >

thou hast not asked riches <2CH1 -:11 >

thou hast not been as my servant david <1KI14 -:8 >

thou hast not brought me

thou hast not defrauded us <1SA12 -:4 >

thou hast not found her

thou hast not given water

thou hast not kept <1SA13 -:13 >

thou hast not kept my covenant <1KI11 -:11 >

thou hast not let me know whom thou wilt send with me 12 >

thou hast not lied unto men

thou hast not pardoned

thou hast not pitied

thou hast not showed <1KI1 -:27 >

thou hast not sinned <1CO7 -:28 >

thou hast nothing

thou hast now done foolishly

thou hast offered

thou hast opened thy mouth unto

thou hast ordained them for judgment

thou hast planted them

thou hast played

thou hast played

thou hast pleaded

thou hast polluted

thou hast polluted it

thou hast praised

thou hast prepared

thou hast profaned his crown

thou hast promised this goodness unto thy servant <2SA7 -:28 >

thou hast proved mine heart

thou hast purchased

thou hast purchased

thou hast put

thou hast put all

thou hast put all things

thou hast put away mine acquaintance far from me

thou hast put forth

thou hast put gladness

thou hast put off my sackcloth

thou hast put out their name for ever

thou hast ravished my heart

thou hast ravished my heart with one

thou hast rebuked

thou hast rebuked

thou hast received gifts for men

thou hast redeemed

thou hast redeemed

thou hast redeemed me

thou hast redeemed my life

thou hast removed my soul far off from peace

thou hast rightly judged

thou hast said

thou hast said

thou hast said

thou hast said

thou hast said

thou hast said

thou hast said

thou hast said

thou hast said unto

thou hast said unto me

thou hast saved our lives

thou hast scatter

thou hast scattered thine enemies with thy strong arm 10 >

thou hast searched me

thou hast seen

thou hast seen

thou hast seen all their vengeance

thou hast seen me

thou hast seen my wrong

thou hast sent him away <2SA3 -:24 >

thou hast sent me

thou hast sent me

thou hast sent me

thou hast sent me

thou hast sent me

thou hast sent widows away empty

thou hast set

thou hast set all

thou hast set mine oil

thou hast set my feet

thou hast set our iniquities before thee

thou hast set up

thou hast shamed this day <2SA19 -:5 >

thou hast shearers <1SA25 -:7 >

thou hast shed

thou hast shed blood abundantly <1CH22 -:8 >

thou hast shed blood causeless <1SA25 -:31 >

thou hast showed great mercy unto david my father <2CH1 -:8 >

thou hast showed more kindness

thou hast showed these things

thou hast showed this day how <1SA24 -:18 >

thou hast showed thy people hard things

thou hast showed unto thy servant david my father great mercy
<1KI3 -:6 >

thou hast signed

thou hast sinned

thou hast sinned from

thou hast slain

thou hast slain

thou hast slain my children

thou hast smitten <2CH25 -:19 >

thou hast smitten me these three times

thou hast so hotly pursued after me

thou hast spoken

thou hast spoken

thou hast spoken

thou hast spoken against this place

thou hast spoken concerning thy servant <2SA7 -:25 >

thou hast spoken concerning thy servant <1CH17 -:23 >

thou hast spoken friendly unto thine handmaid

thou hast spoken unto us

thou hast spoken well

thou hast stayed three days <1SA20 -:19 >

thou hast stolen away unawares

thou hast strengthened

thou hast strengthened

thou hast stricken them

thou hast stricken thy hand with

thou hast subdued under me those

thou hast taken away <2CH19 -:3 >

thou hast taken away all thy wrath

thou hast taken my husband

thou hast taken them captive

thou hast taken usury

thou hast taught

thou hast taught me from my youth

thou hast thrust sore at me

thou hast transgressed against

thou hast tried me

thou hast tried them which say they are apostles

thou hast tried us

thou hast trodden down all them

thou hast trodden down strength

thou hast turned

thou hast turned for me my mourning into dancing

thou hast turned their heart back again <1KI18 -:37 >

thou hast unto thyself

thou hast visited

thou hast walked <1KI16 -:2 >

thou hast walked

thou hast walked up

thou hast wearied me with thine iniquities

thou hast well done

thou hast well said

thou hast well said

thou hast well seen

thou hast with

thou hast withholden bread from

thou hast wrought for them

thou hast wrought iniquity

thou our god hast punished us less than our iniquities 13 >

thou through thy commandments hast made me wiser than mine

thou thyself likewise hast cursed others

thou which hast kept with thy servant david my father <2CH6 -:
15 >

though thou hast not known me

though thou hast not known me

though thou hast sore broken us

thus shall they be unto thee with whom thou hast laboured

thy book which thou hast written

thy mercy hast led forth

thy people which thou hast chosen <1KI3 -:8 >

thy seed which thou hast sown

thy servant david hast said

thy whoredoms thou hast not remembered

thyself hast decided <1KI20 -:40 >

till thou hast denied me thrice

till thou hast ended

till thou hast paid

till thou hast paid

until thou hast finished all <1CH28 -:20 >

upon which thou hast caused me

upon which thou hast ridden ever since

very pleasant hast thou been unto me <2SA1 -:26 >

ways hast thou sat for them

what hast thou <1CO4 -:7 >

what hast thou <2KI4 -:2 >

what hast thou <2KI9 -:18 >

what hast thou <2KI9 -:19 >

what hast thou

what hast thou

what hast thou brought forth

what hast thou done <1SA13 -:11 >

what hast thou done <2SA3 -:24 >

what hast thou done

what hast thou done

what hast thou done

what hast thou done unto me

what hast thou done unto us

what hast thou found <1SA29 -:8 >

what hast thou found

what hast thou here

what hast thou here

what thou hast seen

what thou hast spoken is come

when thou hast accomplished them

when thou hast brought forth

when thou hast circumcised him

when thou hast eaten

when thou hast found

when thou hast gathered

when thou hast it by thee

when thou hast made an atonement for it

when thou hast made an end <2SA11 -:19 >

when thou hast made an end

when thou hast made an end

when thou hast made an end

when thou hast opened his mouth

when thou hast seen it

when thou hast shut thy door

when thou hast so provided for it

when thou hast taught me thy statutes

when thou hast taught them <2CH6 -:27 >

where hast thou gleaned

where thou hast seen how

whereas thou hast been forsaken

whereas thou hast prayed

whereas thou hast searched all my stuff

whereby thou hast forsaken me

wherefore hast thou

wherefore hast thou afflicted thy servant

wherefore hast thou at all brought this people over jordan

wherefore hast thou dealt thus with us

wherefore hast thou despised <2SA12 -:9 >

wherefore hast thou done so <2SA16 -:10 >

wherefore hast thou gone <2SA3 -:7 >

wherefore hast thou made all men

wherefore hast thou rent thy clothes <2KI5 -:8 >

wherefore hast thou smitten thine ass these three times -:32 >

wherefore hast thou stolen my gods

wherefore then hast thou beguiled me

wherefore then hast thou brought me forth out

wherefore then hast thou not kept thy lord <1SA26 -:15 >

wherefore then hast thou thought such <2SA14 -:13 >

wherein hast thou loved us

wherein thou hast been instructed

wherein thou hast dwelt

wherein thou hast laboured from thy youth

wherein thou hast transgressed against me

whereunto thou hast attained <1TI4 -:6 >

whereupon thou hast set mine incense

which hast

which hast despised

which hast drunk at

which hast judged thy sisters

which hast kept me this day from coming <1SA25 -:33 >

which hast made heaven

which hast set signs

which hast showed me great

which thou hast brought forth out

which thou hast brought forth out

which thou hast brought unto us

which thou hast built <1KI9 -:3 >

which thou hast commanded by thy servants

which thou hast done

which thou hast given <1KI8 -:36 >

which thou hast given me

which thou hast given unto thy people for an inheritance <2CH6
-:27 >

which thou hast given us <2CH20 -:11 >

which thou hast heard <2TI1 -:13 >

which thou hast laboured

which thou hast laid up for them

which thou hast not asked <1KI3 -:13 >

which thou hast not known

which thou hast not known

which thou hast not laboured

which thou hast ordained

which thou hast prayed <2KI19 -:20 >

which thou hast prepared before

which thou hast promised him <2CH6 -:15 >

which thou hast promised him <2CH6 -:16 >

which thou hast promised with thy mouth

which thou hast provided

which thou hast redeemed

which thou hast redeemed through thy greatness

which thou hast said <1KI8 -:29 >

which thou hast showed unto me

which thou hast showed unto thy servant

which thou hast sown

which thou hast spoken

which thou hast spoken unto thy servant david <2CH6 -:17 >

which thou hast sworn unto our fathers from

which thou hast toward

which thou hast vowed

which thou hast written from my mouth

which thou hast wrought for us

who hast done great things

who hast given me wisdom

who hast kept with thy servant david my father <1KI8 -:24 >

who hast set thy glory above

whom hast thou been afraid or feared

whom hast thou here

whom hast thou reproached <2KI19 -:22 >

whom hast thou reproached

whom hast thou uttered words

whom thou hast anointed

whom thou hast borne unto me

whom thou hast defied <1SA17 -:45 >

whom thou hast done this

whom thou hast given me

whom thou hast learned <2TI3 -:14 >

whom thou hast prophesied lies

whom thou hast redeemed

whom thou hast redeemed by thy great power

whom thou hast redeemed out <1CH17 -:21 >

whom thou hast sent

whom thou hast smitten

whose stead thou hast reigned <2SA16 -:8 >

why hast thou

why hast thou cast

why hast thou conceived this thing

why hast thou deceived me <1SA28 -:12 >

why hast thou deceived me so <1SA19 -:17 >

why hast thou disquieted me <1SA28 -:15 >

why hast thou done so <1KI1 -:6 >

why hast thou done this

why hast thou forgotten me

why hast thou forsaken me

why hast thou forsaken me

why hast thou forsaken me

why hast thou given me

why hast thou made me thus

why hast thou made us

why hast thou not required <2CH24 -:6 >

why hast thou prophesied

why hast thou served us thus

why hast thou set me as

why hast thou smitten us

why hast thou sought after <2CH25 -:15 >

why hast thou thus dealt with us

why hast thou troubled us

why hast thou written therein

why then hast thou not kept <1KI2 -:43 >

will do as thou hast said

will even deal with thee as thou hast done

wisdom hast thou made them all

with thine understanding thou hast gotten thee riches 4 >

with whom hast thou left those few sheep <1SA17 -:28 >

with whom thou hast taken pleasure

woman which thou hast taken

words which thou hast heard <2KI19 -:6 >

words which thou hast heard <2KI22 -:18 >

words which thou hast heard <2CH34 -:26 >

wouldest thou smite those whom thou hast taken captive with thy
sword <2KI6 -:22 >

yet hast thou brought up my life from corruption

yet hast thou not known me

yet hast thou not walked after their ways

yet thou hast said
