hashem , 1CH , 11:34



Hashem Interlinear Index Study

Hashem 1CH 011 034 The sons <01121 +ben > of {Hashem} <02044
+Hashem > the Gizonite <01493 +Gizowniy > , Jonathan <03129
+Yownathan > the son <01121 +ben > of Shage <07681 +Shage> > the
Hararite <02043 +Harariy > ,


- hashem , 2044 ,



hashem -2044 {hashem} ,


Hashem 2044 -- Hashem -- {Hashem}.




Hashem 2044 ## Hashem {haw-shame'}; perhaps from the same as
2828; wealthy; Hashem, an Israelite: -- {Hashem}. [ql


Hashem 011 034 ICh /^{Hashem /the Gizonite ,
Jonathan the son of Shage the Hararite ,



hashem <1CH11 -34> The sons of {Hashem} the Gizonite, Jonathan

son of Shage the Hararite,
