hart , DE , 12:15 , DE , 12:22 , DE , 14:5 , DE , 15:22

hart , ISA , 35:6

hart , PS , 42:1

hart , SOS , 2:9 , SOS , 2:17 , SOS , 8:14

harts , 1KI , 4:23

harts , LA , 1:6



hart Interlinear Index Study

hart DEU 012 015 Notwithstanding <07535 +raq > thou mayest kill
<02076 +zabach > and eat <00398 +>akal > flesh <01320 +basar >
in all <03605 +kol > thy gates <08179 +sha , whatsoever
<03605 +kol > thy soul <05315 +nephesh > lusteth <00183 +>avah >
after , according to the blessing <01293 +B@rakah > of the LORD
<03068 +Y@hovah > thy God <00430 +>elohiym > which <00834 +>aher
> he hath given <05414 +nathan > thee : the unclean <02931
+tame> > and the clean <02889 +tahowr > may eat <00398 +>akal >
thereof , as of the roebuck <06643 +ts@biy > , and as of the
{hart} <00354 +>ayal > .

hart DEU 012 022 Even <00389 +>ak > as the roebuck <06643
+ts@biy > and the {hart} <00354 +>ayal >is eaten <00398 +>akal >
, so <03651 +ken > thou shalt eat <00398 +>akal > them : the
unclean <02931 +tame> > and the clean <02889 +tahowr > shall eat
<00398 +>akal > [ of ] them alike <03162 +yachad > .

hart DEU 014 005 The {hart} <00354 +>ayal > , and the roebuck
<06643 +ts@biy > , and the fallow <03180 +yachmuwr > deer <03180
+yachmuwr > , and the wild <00689 +>aqqow > goat <00689 +>aqqow
> , and the pygarg <01787 +Diyshown , Diyshon , Dishown , or
Dishon > , and the wild <08377 +t@>ow > ox <08377 +t@>ow > , and
the chamois <02169 +zemer > .

hart DEU 015 022 Thou shalt eat <00398 +>akal > it within thy
gates <08179 +sha : the unclean <02931 +tame> > and the
clean <02889 +tahowr > [ person shall eat it ] alike <03162
+yachad > , as the roebuck <06643 +ts@biy > , and as the {hart}
<00354 +>ayal > .

hart PSA 042 001 . To the chief Musician <05329 +natsach > ,
Maschil <07919 +sakal > , for the sons <01121 +ben > of Korah
<07141 +Qorach > . As the {hart} <00354 +>ayal > panteth <06165
+ after <05921 + the water <04325 +mayim > brooks
<00650 +>aphiyq > , so <03651 +ken > panteth <06165 + my
soul <05315 +nephesh > after <00413 +>el > thee , O God <00430
+>elohiym > .

hart SON 002 009 My beloved <01730 +dowd > is like <01819 +damah
> a roe <06643 +ts@biy > or <00176 +>ow > a young <06082 + > {hart} <00354 +>ayal > : behold <02009 +hinneh > , he standeth
<05975 + behind <00310 +>achar > our wall <03796 +kothel
> , he looketh <07688 +shagach > forth at <04480 +min > the
windows <02474 +challown > , shewing <06692 +tsuwts > himself
through <04480 +min > the lattice <02762 +cherek > .

hart SON 002 017 Until <05704 + the day <03117 +yowm >
break <06315 +puwach > , and the shadows <06752 +tselel > flee
<05127 +nuwc > away , turn <05437 +cabab > , my beloved <01730
+dowd > , and be thou like <01819 +damah > a roe <06643 +ts@biy
> or <00176 +>ow > a young <06082 + {hart} <00354 +>ayal
> upon the mountains <02022 +har > of Bether <01336 +Bether > .

hart SON 008 014 Make haste <01272 +barach > , my beloved <01730
+dowd > , and be thou like <01819 +damah > to a roe <06643
+ts@biy > or <00176 +>ow > to a young <06082 + {hart}
<00354 +>ayal > upon the mountains <02022 +har > of spices
<01314 +besem > .

hart ISA 035 006 Then <00227 +>az > shall the lame <06455
+picceach > [ man ] leap <01801 +dalag > as an {hart} <00354
+>ayal > , and the tongue <03956 +lashown > of the dumb <00483
+>illem > sing <07442 +ranan > : for in the wilderness <04057
+midbar > shall waters <04325 +mayim > break <01234 +baqa< > out
, and streams <05158 +nachal > in the desert <06160 + .


hart is eaten

hart panteth after

young hart upon

young hart upon

- hart , 0354 ,

hart DEU 012 015 Notwithstanding <07535 +raq > thou mayest
kill <02076 +zabach > and eat <00398 +>akal > flesh <01320
+basar > in all <03605 +kol > thy gates <08179 +sha ,
whatsoever <03605 +kol > thy soul <05315 +nephesh > lusteth
<00183 +>avah > after , according to the blessing <01293
+B@rakah > of the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > thy God <00430
+>elohiym > which <00834 +>aher > he hath given <05414 +nathan
> thee : the unclean <02931 +tame> > and the clean <02889
+tahowr > may eat <00398 +>akal > thereof , as of the roebuck
<06643 +ts@biy > , and as of the {hart} <00354 +>ayal > .

hart DEU 012 022 Even <00389 +>ak > as the roebuck <06643
+ts@biy > and the {hart} <00354 +>ayal >is eaten <00398 +>akal
> , so <03651 +ken > thou shalt eat <00398 +>akal > them :
the unclean <02931 +tame> > and the clean <02889 +tahowr >
shall eat <00398 +>akal > [ of ] them alike <03162 +yachad >

hart DEU 014 005 The {hart} <00354 +>ayal > , and the roebuck
<06643 +ts@biy > , and the fallow <03180 +yachmuwr > deer
<03180 +yachmuwr > , and the wild <00689 +>aqqow > goat
<00689 +>aqqow > , and the pygarg <01787 +Diyshown , Diyshon
, Dishown , or Dishon > , and the wild <08377 +t@>ow > ox
<08377 +t@>ow > , and the chamois <02169 +zemer > .

hart DEU 015 022 Thou shalt eat <00398 +>akal > it within thy
gates <08179 +sha : the unclean <02931 +tame> > and the
clean <02889 +tahowr > [ person shall eat it ] alike <03162
+yachad > , as the roebuck <06643 +ts@biy > , and as the
{hart} <00354 +>ayal > .



hart -0354 {hart} , harts ,

harts -0354 hart , {harts} ,


hart 0354 -- /ayal -- {hart}.

hart 6082 -- \opher -- young roe [{hart}].


-akathartes- ......... and filthiness 0168 -akathartes- >

-akathartos- ......... against unclean 0169 -akathartos- >

-akathartos- ......... an unclean 0169 -akathartos- >

-akathartos- ......... And the unclean 0169 -akathartos- >

-akathartos- ......... And unclean 0169 -akathartos- >

-akathartos- ......... And when the unclean 0169 -akathartos- >

-akathartos- ......... For unclean 0169 -akathartos- >

-akathartos- ......... foul 0169 -akathartos- >

-akathartos- ......... not the unclean 0169 -akathartos- >

-akathartos- ......... of an unclean 0169 -akathartos- >

-akathartos- ......... over unclean 0169 -akathartos- >

-akathartos- ......... the foul 0169 -akathartos- >

-akathartos- ......... the unclean 0169 -akathartos- >

-akathartos- ......... thou unclean 0169 -akathartos- >

-akathartos- ......... unclean 0169 -akathartos- >

-akathartos- ......... with an unclean 0169 -akathartos- >

-akathartos- ......... with unclean 0169 -akathartos- >

-aphthartos- ......... but of incorruptible 0862 -aphthartos- >

-aphthartos- ......... but we an incorruptible 0862 -aphthartos-

-aphthartos- ......... immortal 0862 -aphthartos- >

-aphthartos- ......... in that which is not corruptible 0862 -
aphthartos- >

-aphthartos- ......... incorruptible 0862 -aphthartos- >

-aphthartos- ......... of the uncorruptible 0862 -aphthartos- >

-phthartos- ......... a corruptible 5349 -phthartos- >

-phthartos- ......... corruptible 5349 -phthartos- >

-phthartos- ......... not of corruptible 5349 -phthartos- >

-phthartos- ......... to corruptible 5349 -phthartos- >

-phthartos- ......... with corruptible 5349 -phthartos- >

chartes- ......... chartes- >



hart 0354 ## >ayal {ah-yawl'}; an intensive form of 352 (in the
sense of ram); a stag or male deer: -- {hart}. [ql

hart 6082 ## color): -- young roe [{hart}].[ql


hart 014 005 Deu /^{hart /and the roebuck ,
and the fallow deer , and the wild goat , and the pygarg , and
the wild ox , and the chamois .

hart 035 006 Isa /^{hart /and the tongue of
the dumb sing : for in the wilderness shall waters break out ,
and streams in the desert .

hart 002 009 Son /^{hart /behold, he standeth
behind our wall , he looketh forth at the windows , shewing
himself through the lattice .

hart 012 022 Deu /^{hart /is eaten , so thou
shalt eat them: the unclean and the clean shall eat of them
alike .

hart 042 001 Psa /^{hart /panteth after the
water brooks , so panteth my soul after thee, O God .

hart 002 017 Son /^{hart /upon the mountains
of Bether .

hart 008 014 Son /^{hart /upon the mountains
of spices .

harts 004 023 IKi /^{harts /and roebucks , and
fallowdeer , and fatted fowl .

harts 001 006 Lam /^{harts /that find no
pasture , and they are gone without strength before the pursuer .



hart Notwithstanding thou mayest kill and eat flesh

all thy gates, whatsoever thy soul lusteth after, according to

blessing of the LORD thy God which he hath given thee: the

and the clean may eat thereof, as of the roebuck, and

as of the {hart}.

hart Even as the roebuck and the {hart} is eaten, so

thou shalt eat them: the unclean and the clean shall eat [of]


hart The {hart}, and the roebuck, and the fallow deer,

and the wild goat, and the pygarg, and the wild ox, and the

hart Thou shalt eat it within thy gates: the unclean

the clean [person shall eat it] alike, as the roebuck, and as the


hart To the chief Musician, Maschil, for the sons of

Korah. As the {hart} panteth after the water brooks, so panteth

soul after thee, O God.

hart My beloved is like a roe or a young {hart}:

he standeth behind our wall, he looketh forth at the windows,

showing himself through the lattice.

hart Until the day break, and the shadows flee away,

turn, my beloved, and be thou like a roe or a young {hart} upon

mountains of Bether.

hart Make haste, my beloved, and be thou like to a
roe or

to a young {hart} upon the mountains of spices.

hart Then shall the lame [man] leap as an {hart}, and

tongue of the dumb sing: for in the wilderness shall waters break

out, and streams in the desert.
