harrow , JOB , 39:10

harrows , 1CH , 20:3

harrows , 2SA , 12:31



harrow Interlinear Index Study

harrow JOB 039 010 Canst thou bind <07194 +qashar > the unicorn
<07214 +r@>em > with his band <05688 + in the furrow
<08525 +telem > ? or will he {harrow} <07702 +sadad > the
valleys <06010 + after <00310 +>achar > thee ?


- harrow , 7702 ,



harrow -7702 break , clods , {harrow} ,

harrows -2757 {harrows} ,


harrow 2757 -- chariyts -- + cheese, {harrow}.

harrow 7702 sadad -- -- break clods, {harrow}.




harrow 2757 ## chariyts {khaw-reets'}; or charits {khaw-reets'};
from 2782; properly, incisure or (passively) incised [compare
2742]; hence, a threshing-sledge (with sharp teeth): also a
slice (as cut): -- + cheese, {harrow}. [ql

harrow 7702 ## sadad {saw-dad'}; a primitive root; to abrade, i.
e. harrow a field: -- break clods, {harrow}.[ql


harrow 039 010 Job /^{harrow /the valleys
after thee?

harrows 012 031 IISa /^{harrows /of iron , and
under axes of iron , and made them pass through the brickkiln :
and thus did he unto all the cities of the children of Ammon .
So David and all the people returned unto Jerusalem .

harrows 020 003 ICh /^{harrows /of iron , and
with axes . Even so dealt David with all the cities of the
children of Ammon . And David and all the people returned to
Jerusalem .



harrow Canst thou bind the unicorn with his band in

furrow? or will he {harrow} the valleys after thee?
