charmed , JER , 8:17

charmer , DE , 18:11

charmers , ISA , 19:3

charmers , PS , 58:5

charming , PS , 58:5

harm , 1CH , 16:22

harm , 1PE , 3:13

harm , 1SA , 26:21

harm , 2KI , 4:41

harm , 2SA , 20:6

harm , AC , 16:28 , AC , 27:21 , AC , 28:5 , AC , 28:6 , AC ,

harm , GE , 31:52

harm , JER , 39:12

harm , LE , 5:16

harm , NU , 35:23

harm , PR , 3:30

harm , PS , 105:15

harmless , HEB , 7:26

harmless , MT , 10:16

harmless , PHP , 2:15


harm 5196 # hubris {hoo'-bris}; from 5228; insolence (as over-
bearing), i.e. insult, injury: -- {harm}, hurt, reproach.[ql

harm 2559 # kakoo {kak-o'-o}; from 2556; to injure;
figuratively, to exasperate: -- make evil affected, entreat evil,
{harm}, hurt, vex.[ql

harm 0824 # atopos {at'-op-os}; from 1 (as a negative particle)
and 5117; out of place, i.e. (figuratively) improper, injurious,
wicked: -- amiss, {harm}, unreasonable.[ql

harm 2556 # kakos {kak-os'}; apparently a primary word;
worthless (intrinsically, such; whereas 4190 properly refers to
effects), i.e. (subjectively) depraved, or (objectively)
injurious: -- bad, evil, {harm}, ill, noisome, wicked.[ql

harm 4190 # poneros {pon-ay-ros'}; from a derivative of 4192;
hurtful, i.e. evil (properly, in effect or influence, and thus
differing from 2556, which refers rather to essential character,
as well as from 4550, which indicates degeneracy from original
virtue); figuratively, calamitous; also (passively) ill, i.e.
diseased; but especially (morally) culpable, i.e. derelict,
vicious, facinorous; neuter (singular) mischief, malice, or
(plural) guilt; masculine (singular) the devil, or (plural)
sinners: -- bad, evil, grievous, {harm}, lewd, malicious,
wicked(-ness). See also 4191.[ql


harm Interlinear Index Study

harm GEN 031 052 This <02088 +zeh > heap <01530 +gal > [ be ]
witness <05707 + , and [ this <02088 +zeh > ] pillar <04676
+matstsebah > [ be ] witness <05711 + , that I will not
pass <05674 + over <05674 + this <02088 +zeh >
heap <01530 +gal > to thee , and that thou shalt not pass <05674
+ over <05674 + this <02088 +zeh > heap <01530
+gal > and this <02063 +zo>th > pillar <04676 +matstsebah > unto
me , for {harm} <07451 +ra< > .

harm LEV 005 016 And he shall make amends <07999 +shalam > for
the {harm} <02398 +chata> > that he hath done in the holy <06944
+qodesh > thing , and shall add <03254 +yacaph > the fifth
<02549 +chamiyshiy > part thereto <05921 + , and give
<05414 +nathan > it unto the priest <03548 +kohen > : and the
priest <03548 +kohen > shall make an atonement <03722 +kaphar >
for him with the ram <00352 +>ayil > of the trespass <00817
+>asham > offering , and it shall be forgiven <05545 +calach >
him .

harm NUM 035 023 Or <00176 +>ow > with any <03605 +kol > stone
<68> , wherewith <00834 +>aher > a man may die <04191 +muwth > ,
seeing <07200 +ra>ah > [ him ] not , and cast <05307 +naphal > [
it ] upon him , that he die <04191 +muwth > , and [ was ] not
his enemy <00341 +>oyeb > , neither <03808 +lo> > sought <01245
+baqash > his {harm} <07451 +ra< > :

harm 1SA 026 021 . Then said <00559 +>amar > Saul <07586
+Sha>uwl > , I have sinned <02398 +chata> > : return <07725
+shuwb > , my son <01121 +ben > David <01732 +David > : for I
will no <03808 +lo> > more <05750 + do thee {harm} <07489
+ra , because my soul <05315 +nephesh > was precious <03365
+yaqar > in thine eyes <05869 + this <02088 +zeh > day
<03117 +yowm > : behold <02009 +hinneh > , I have played the
fool <05528 +cakal > , and have erred <07683 +shagag >
exceedingly .

harm 2SA 020 006 And David <01732 +David > said <00559 +>amar >
to Abishai <52> , Now <06258 + shall Sheba <07652
+sheba< > the son <01121 +ben > of Bichri <01075 +Bikriy > do us
more {harm} <03415 +yara< > than <04480 +min > [ did ] Absalom
<53> : take <03947 +laqach > thou thy lord s <00113 +>adown >
servants <05650 + , and pursue <07291 +radaph > after
<00310 +>achar > him , lest <06435 +pen > he get <04672 +matsa>
> him fenced <01211 +b@tsel > cities <05892 + , and escape
<05337 +natsal > us .

harm 2KI 004 041 But he said <00559 +>amar > , Then bring <03947
+laqach > meal <07058 +qemach > . And he cast <07993 +shalak > [
it ] into <00413 +>el > the pot <05518 +ciyr > ; and he said
<00559 +>amar > , Pour <03332 +yatsaq > out for the people
<05971 + , that they may eat <00398 +>akal > . And there
was no <03808 +lo> > {harm} in the pot <05518 +ciyr > .

harm 1CH 016 022 [ Saying ] , Touch <05060 +naga< > not mine
anointed <04899 +mashiyach > , and do my prophets <05030 +nabiy>
> no <00408 +>al > {harm} <07489 +ra .

harm PSA 105 015 [ Saying ] , Touch <05060 +naga< > not mine
anointed <04899 +mashiyach > , and do my prophets <05030 +nabiy>
> no <00408 +>al > {harm} <07489 +ra .

harm PRO 003 030 Strive <07378 +riyb > not with a man <00120
+>adam > without <02600 +chinnam > cause <02600 +chinnam > , if
<00518 +>im > he have done <01580 +gamal > thee no <03808 +lo> >
{harm} <07451 +ra< > .

harm JER 039 012 Take <03947 +laqach > him , and look <07760
+suwm > well to him , and do <06213 + him no <00408 +>al
> {harm} <07451 +ra< > ; but do <06213 + unto him even
<03651 +ken > as he shall say <01696 +dabar > unto thee .

harm ACT 016 028 But Paul <3972 -Paulos -> cried <5455 -phoneo -
> with a loud <3173 -megas -> voice <5456 -phone -> , saying
<3004 -lego -> , Do <4238 -prasso -> thyself <4572 -seautou ->
no <3367 -medeis -> {harm} <2556 -kakos -> : for we are all
<0537 -hapas -> here <1759 -enthade -> .

harm ACT 027 021 . But after <5225 -huparcho -> long <4183 -
polus -> abstinence <0776 -asitia -> Paul <3972 -Paulos -> stood
<2476 -histemi -> forth in the midst <3319 -mesos -> of them ,
and said <2036 -epo -> , Sirs <0435 -aner -> , ye should <1163 -
dei -> have hearkened <3980 -peitharcheo -> unto me , and not
have loosed <0321 -anago -> from Crete <2914 -Krete -> , and to
have gained <2770 -kerdaino -> this <5026 -taute -> {harm} <5196
-hubris -> and loss <2209 -zemia -> .

harm ACT 028 005 And he shook <0660 -apotinasso -> off <0660 -
apotinasso -> the beast <2342 -therion -> into <1519 -eis -> the
fire <4442 -pur -> , and felt <3958 -pascho -> no <3762 -oudeis -
> {harm} <2556 -kakos -> .

harm ACT 028 006 Howbeit they looked <4328 -prosdokao -> when he
should <3195 -mello -> have swollen <4092 -pimpremi -> , or
<2228 -e -> fallen <2667 -katapipto -> down <2667 -katapipto ->
dead <3498 -nekros -> suddenly <0869 -aphno -> : but after they
had looked <4328 -prosdokao -> a great <4183 -polus -> while ,
and saw <2334 -theoreo -> no <3367 -medeis -> {harm} <0824 -
atopos -> come <1096 -ginomai -> to him , they changed <3328 -
metaballo -> their minds , and said <3004 -lego -> that he was a
god <2316 -theos -> .

harm ACT 028 021 And they said <2036 -epo -> unto him , We
neither <3777 -oute -> received <1209 -dechomai -> letters <1121
-gramma -> out of Judaea <2449 -Ioudaia -> concerning <4012 -
peri -> thee , neither <3777 -oute -> any <5100 -tis -> of the
brethren <0080 -adephos -> that came <3854 -paraginomai ->
shewed <0518 -apaggello -> or <2228 -e -> spake <2980 -laleo ->
any <5100 -tis -> {harm} <4190 -poneros -> of thee .

harm 1PE 003 013 And who <5101 -tis -> [ is ] he that will
{harm} <2559 -kakoo -> you , if <1437 -ean -> ye be followers
<3402 -mimetes -> of that which is good <0018 -agathos -> ?


bichri do us more harm than <2SA20 -:6 >

saw no harm come

there was no harm <2KI4 -:41 >

will harm you <1PE3 -:13 >

will no more do thee harm <1SA26 -:21 >

* harm , 0824 , 2556 , 2559 , 4190 , 5196 ,

- harm , 2398 , 3415 , 7451 , 7489 ,

charmer DEU 018 011 Or a {charmer} , or a consulter <07592
+sha>al > with familiar spirits <00178 +>owb > , or a wizard
<03049 +yidd@ , or a necromancer .

harm GEN 031 052 This <02088 +zeh > heap <01530 +gal > [ be
] witness <05707 + , and [ this <02088 +zeh > ]
pillar <04676 +matstsebah > [ be ] witness <05711 + ,
that I will not pass <05674 + over <05674 +
this <02088 +zeh > heap <01530 +gal > to thee , and that thou
shalt not pass <05674 + over <05674 + this
<02088 +zeh > heap <01530 +gal > and this <02063 +zo>th >
pillar <04676 +matstsebah > unto me , for {harm} <07451 +ra<
> .

harm LEV 005 016 And he shall make amends <07999 +shalam > for
the {harm} <02398 +chata> > that he hath done in the holy
<06944 +qodesh > thing , and shall add <03254 +yacaph > the
fifth <02549 +chamiyshiy > part thereto <05921 + , and
give <05414 +nathan > it unto the priest <03548 +kohen > : and
the priest <03548 +kohen > shall make an atonement <03722
+kaphar > for him with the ram <00352 +>ayil > of the trespass
<00817 +>asham > offering , and it shall be forgiven <05545
+calach > him .

harm NUM 035 023 Or <00176 +>ow > with any <03605 +kol >
stone <68> , wherewith <00834 +>aher > a man may die <04191
+muwth > , seeing <07200 +ra>ah > [ him ] not , and cast
<05307 +naphal > [ it ] upon him , that he die <04191
+muwth > , and [ was ] not his enemy <00341 +>oyeb > ,
neither <03808 +lo> > sought <01245 +baqash > his {harm}
<07451 +ra< > :

* harm , 0824 atopos , 2556 kakos , 2559 kakoo , 4190 poneros ,
5196 hubris ,


harm -0824 {harm}, unreasonable, wickedness,

harm -2556 bad, evil, {harm}, noisome, uttermost, wicked,

harm -2559 affected, entreat, entreated, evil, {harm}, hurt,
made, vex,

harm -4190 bad, evil, grievous, {harm}, lewd, malicious, wicked,

harm -5196 {harm}, hurt, reproaches,

harmless -0172 {harmless},

harmless -0185 {harmless},


charmed -3908 {charmed} , earrings , enchantment , no , nor ,
orator , prayer ,

charmers -0328 {charmers} , secret , softly ,

charmers -3907 {charmers} , whisper , whispered ,

harm -2398 bear , blame , cleanse , committed , fault , {harm} ,
loss , miss , offended , offender , offered , offereth , purge ,
purified , purifieth , purify , reconciliation , sin , sinful ,
sinned , sinner , sinnest , sinneth , sinning , trespass ,

harm -3415 grievous , {harm} , ill ,

harm -7451 adversities , adversity , affliction , afflictions ,
and , bad , calamities , cities , displeasure , distress , evil ,
evils , friend , great , grief , grievous , {harm} , heavy ,
hurt , hurtful , ill , mischief , mischiefs , mischievous ,
misery , naught , naughty , noisome , out , sad , sadly , sore ,
sorrow , temples , them , trouble , troubles , wicked , wickedly
, wickedness , worse , worst , wretchedness , wrong ,

harm -7489 afflict , afflicted , associate , behaved , break ,
broken , evil , evildoer , evildoers , friendly , grieved ,
grievous , {harm} , hurt , hurting , ill , mischief , punish ,
sad , vexed , waste , wicked , wickedly , worse ,


charm 2266 -- chabar -- {charm}(- er), be compact, couple
(together), have fellowshipwith, heap up, join (self, together),

charmed 3908 -- lachash -- {charmed}, earring, enchantment,
orator, prayer.

charmer 0328 -- /at -- {charmer}, gently, secret, softly.

charmer 2267 -- cheber -- + {charmer}(- ing), company,
enchantment, X wide.

charmer 3907 -- lachash -- {charmer}, whisper (together).

harm 1697 -- dabar -- act, advice, affair, answer, X any such
(thing), because of,book, business, care, case, cause, certain
rate, + chronicles, commandment,X commune(-ication), + concern[-
ing], + confer, counsel, + dearth, decree,deed, X disease, due,
duty, effect, + eloquent, errand, [evilfavoured-]ness, + glory,
+ {harm}, hurt, + iniquity, + judgment, language,+ lying, manner,
matter, message, [no] thing, oracle, X ought, X parts,
+pertaining, + please, portion, + power, promise, provision,
purpose,question, rate, reason, report, request, X (as hast)
said, sake, saying,sentence, + sign, + so, some [uncleanness],
somewhat to say, + song,speech, X spoken, talk, task, + that, X
there done, thing (concerning),thought, + thus, tidings, what[-
soever], + wherewith, which, word, work.

harm 2398 -- chata/ -- bear the blame, cleanse, commit [sin], by
fault, {harm} hehath done, loss, miss, (make) offend(-er), offer
for sin, purge, purify (self), make reconciliation, (cause,
make) sin(-ful, -- ness), trespass.

harm 7451 ra\ -- -- adversity, affliction, bad, calamity, +
displease(-ure),distress, evil([-favouredness], man, thing), +
exceedingly, X great,grief(-vous), {harm}, heavy, hurt(-ful),
ill (favoured), + mark,mischief(-vous), misery, naught(-ty),
noisome, + not please, sad(-ly),sore, sorrow, trouble, vex,
wicked(-ly, -ness, one), worse(-st),wretchedness, wrong.

harm 7489 ra\a\ -- -- afflict, associate selves , break (down,
in pieces), +displease, (be, bring, do) evil (doer, entreat,
man), show self friendly do{harm}, (do) hurt, (behave self,
deal) ill, X indeed, do mischief, punish,still, vex, (do) wicked
(doer, -ly), be (deal, do) worse.

harm 0824 ** atopos ** amiss, {harm}, unreasonable.

harm 2556 ** kakos ** bad, evil, {harm}, ill, noisome, wicked.

harm 2559 ** kakoo ** make evil affected, entreat evil, {harm},
hurt, vex.

harm 4190 ** poneros ** bad, evil, grievous, {harm}, lewd,
malicious, wicked(-ness).

harm 5196 ** hubris ** {harm}, hurt, reproach.

harmless 0172 ** akakos ** {harmless}, simple.

harmless 0185 ** akeraios ** {harmless}, simple.


-harma- ......... chariot 0716 -harma- >

-harma- ......... in his chariot 0716 -harma- >

-harma- ......... of chariots 0716 -harma- >

-harma- ......... the chariot 0716 -harma- >

-harmos- ......... and of the joints 0719 -harmos- >

-harmozo- ......... for I have espoused 0718 -harmozo- >

-perikatharma- ......... as the filth 4027 -perikatharma- >

-pharmakeia- ......... for by thy sorceries 5331 -pharmakeia- >

-pharmakeia- ......... of their sorceries 5331 -pharmakeia- >

-pharmakeia- ......... witchcraft 5331 -pharmakeia- >

-pharmakeus- ......... and sorcerers 5332 -pharmakeus- >

-pharmakeus- ......... lack 5332 -pharmakeus- >

-pharmakos- ......... and sorcerers 5333 -pharmakos- >

harm ......... harm 0824 -atopos->

harm ......... harm 2556 -kakos->

harm ......... harm 4190 -poneros->

harm ......... harm 5196 -hubris->

harm ......... is he that will harm 2559 -kakoo->

harmless ......... and harmless 0185 -akeraios->

harmless ......... harmless 0172 -akakos->



charm 2266 ## chabar {khaw-bar'}; a primitive root; to join
(literally or figuratively); specifically (by means of spells)
to fascinate: -- {charm}(- er), be compact, couple (together),
have fellowship with, heap up, join (self, together), league. [ql

charmed 3908 ## lachash {lakh'-ash}; from 3907; properly, a
whisper, i.e . by implication, (in a good sense) a private
prayer, (in a bad one) an incantation; concretely, an amulet: --
{charmed}, earring, enchantment, orator, prayer. [ql

charmer 0328 ## >at {at}; from an unused root perhaps meaning to
move softly; (as a noun) a necromancer (from their soft
incantations), (as an adverb) gently: -- {charmer}, gently,
secret, softly. [ql

charmer 2267 ## cheber {kheh'-ber}; from 2266; a society; also a
spell: -- + {charmer}(- ing), company, enchantment, X wide. [ql

charmer 3907 ## lachash {law-khash'}; a primitive root; to
whisper; by implication, to mumble a spell (as a magician): --
{charmer}, whisper (together). [ql

harm 1697 ## dabar {daw-baw'}; from 1696; a word; by implication,
a matter (as spoken of) or thing; adverbially, a cause: -- act,
advice, affair, answer, X any such (thing), because of, book,
business, care, case, cause, certain rate, + chronicles,
commandment, X commune(-ication), + concern[-ing], + confer,
counsel, + dearth, decree, deed, X disease, due, duty, effect, +
eloquent, errand, [evil favoured-]ness, + glory, + {harm}, hurt,
+ iniquity, + judgment, language, + lying, manner, matter,
message, [no] thing, oracle, X ought, X parts, + pertaining, +
please, portion, + power, promise, provision, purpose, question,
rate, reason, report, request, X (as hast) said, sake, saying,
sentence, + sign, + so, some [uncleanness], somewhat to say, +
song, speech, X spoken, talk, task, + that, X there done, thing
(concerning), thought, + thus, tidings, what[-soever], +
wherewith, which, word, work. [ql

harm 7451 ## ra< {rah}; from 7489; bad or (as noun) evil
(natural or moral): -- adversity, affliction, bad, calamity, +
displease(-ure), distress, evil([-favouredness], man, thing), +
exceedingly, X great, grief(-vous), {harm}, heavy, hurt(-ful),
ill (favoured), + mark, mischief(-vous), misery, naught(-ty),
noisome, + not please, sad(-ly), sore, sorrow, trouble, vex,
wicked(-ly, -ness, one), worse(-st), wretchedness, wrong. [Incl.
feminine ra
harm 7489 ## ra spoil (literally, by breaking to pieces); figuratively, to make
(or be) good for nothing, i.e. bad (physically, socially or
morally): -- afflict, associate selves [by mistake for 7462],
break (down, in pieces), + displease, (be, bring, do) evil (doer,
entreat, man), show self friendly [by mistake for 7462], do
{harm}, (do) hurt, (behave self, deal) ill, X indeed, do
mischief, punish, still, vex, (do) wicked (doer, -ly), be (deal,
do) worse.[ql

harm 0824 # atopos {at'-op-os}; from 1 (as a negative particle)
and 5117; out of place, i.e. (figuratively) improper, injurious,
wicked: -- amiss, {harm}, unreasonable.[ql

harm 2556 # kakos {kak-os'}; apparently a primary word;
worthless (intrinsically, such; whereas 4190 properly refers to
effects), i.e. (subjectively) depraved, or (objectively)
injurious: -- bad, evil, {harm}, ill, noisome, wicked.[ql

harm 2559 # kakoo {kak-o'-o}; from 2556; to injure; figuratively,
to exasperate: -- make evil affected, entreat evil, {harm},
hurt, vex.[ql

harm 4190 # poneros {pon-ay-ros'}; from a derivative of 4192;
hurtful, i.e. evil (properly, in effect or influence, and thus
differing from 2556, which refers rather to essential character,
as well as from 4550, which indicates degeneracy from original
virtue); figuratively, calamitous; also (passively) ill, i.e.
diseased; but especially (morally) culpable, i.e. derelict,
vicious, facinorous; neuter (singular) mischief, malice, or
(plural) guilt; masculine (singular) the devil, or (plural)
sinners: -- bad, evil, grievous, {harm}, lewd, malicious,
wicked(-ness). See also 4191.[ql

harm 5196 # hubris {hoo'-bris}; from 5228; insolence (as over-
bearing), i.e. insult, injury: -- {harm}, hurt, reproach.[ql

harmless 0172 # akakos {ak'-ak-os}; from 1 (as a negative
particle) and 2556; not bad, i.e. (objectively) innocent or
(subjectively) unsuspecting: -- {harmless}, simple.[ql

harmless 0185 # akeraios {ak-er'-ah-yos}; from 1 (as a negative
particle) and a presumed derivative of 2767; unmixed, i.e.
(figuratively) innocent: -- {harmless}, simple.[ql


charmed 008 017 Jer /^{charmed /and they shall
bite you, saith the LORD .

charmer 018 011 Deu /^{charmer /or a consulter
with familiar spirits , or a wizard , or a necromancer .

charmers 019 003 Isa /^{charmers /and to them
that have familiar spirits , and to the wizards .

charmers 058 005 Psa /^{charmers /charming never
so wisely .

charming 058 005 Psa /^{charming /never so wisely

harm 027 021 Act /${harm /and loss .

harm 026 021 ISa /^{harm /because my soul was
precious in thine eyes this day : behold, I have played the fool
, and have erred exceedingly .

harm 039 012 Jer /^{harm /but do unto him
even as he shall say unto thee.

harm 028 006 Act /${harm /come to him , they
changed their minds , and said that he was a god .

harm 016 028 Act /${harm /for we are all here

harm 004 041 IIKi /^{harm /in the pot .

harm 028 021 Act /${harm /of thee .

harm 020 006 IISa /^{harm /than did Absalom :
take thou thy lord's servants , and pursue after him, lest he
get him fenced cities , and escape us .

harm 005 016 Lev /^{harm /that he hath done
in the holy thing , and shall add the fifth part thereto, and
give it unto the priest : and the priest shall make an atonement
for him with the ram of the trespass offering , and it shall be
forgiven him.

harm 003 013 IPe /${harm /you , if ye be
followers of that which is good ?

harmless 010 016 Mat /${harmless /as doves .

harmless 002 015 Php /${harmless /the sons of God
, without rebuke , in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation
, among whom ye shine as lights in the world ;

harmless 007 026 Heb /${harmless /undefiled ,
separate from sinners , and made higher than the heavens ;


charmed 1 *

charmer 1 -

charmers 2 -

charming 1 -


harm This heap [be] witness, and [this] pillar [be]

witness, that I will not pass over this heap to thee, and that

shalt not pass over this heap and this pillar unto me, for

harm And he shall make amends for the {harm} that he

done in the holy thing, and shall add the fifth part thereto, and

give it unto the priest: and the priest shall make an atonement

him with the ram of the trespass offering, and it sh

all be forgiven him.

harm Or with any stone, wherewith a man may die,

[him] not, and cast [it] upon him, that he die, and [was] not his

enemy, neither sought his {harm}:

harm <1SA26 -21> Then said Saul, I have sinned: return, my son

David: for I will no more do thee {harm}, because my soul was

precious in thine eyes this day: behold, I have played the fool,

have erred exceedingly.

harm <2SA20 -6> And David said to Abishai, Now shall Sheba the

of Bichri do us more {harm} than [did] Absalom: take thou thy

servants, and pursue after him, lest he get him fenced cities,

escape us.

harm <2KI4 -41> But he said, Then bring meal. And he cast [it]

the pot; and he said, Pour out for the people, that they may eat.

And there was no {harm} in the pot.

harm <1CH16 -22> Saying], Touch not mine anointed, and do my

prophets no {harm}.

harm Saying], Touch not mine anointed, and do my

prophets no {harm}.

harm Strive not with a man without cause, if he have

thee no {harm}.

harm Take him, and look well to him, and do him no

{harm}; but do unto him even as he shall say unto thee.

harm But Paul cried with a loud voice, saying, Do

thyself no {harm}: for we are all here. h arm But

long abstinence Paul stood forth in the midst of them, and said,

Sirs, ye should have hearkened unto me, and not have loosed from

Crete, and to have gained this {harm} and loss. harm

he shook off the beast into the fire, and felt no {harm}. harm

Howbeit they looked when he should have swollen, or

fallen down dead suddenly: but after they had looked a great

and saw no {harm} come to him, they changed their minds, and said

that he was a god. harm And they said unto him, We

neither received letters out of Judaea concerning thee, neither

of the brethren that came showed or spake any {harm} of thee.

<1PE3 -13> And who is] he that will {harm} you, if ye be

of that which is good?
