handful 5995 ## - {handful}, sheaf.[ql

handful 6451 ## piccah {pis-saw'}; from 6461; expansion, i.e.
abundance: -- {handful}.[ql

handful 6653 ## tsebeth {tseh'-beth}; from an unused root
apparently meaning to grip; a lock of stalks: -- {handful}.[ql

handful 7061 ## qamats {kaw-mats'}; a primitive root; to grasp
with the hand: -- take an {handful}.[ql

handful 7062 ## qomets {ko'mets}; from 7061; a grasp, i.e.
handful: -- {handful}.[ql

handful 8168 ## sho hollow out; the palm; by extension, a handful: -- {handful},
hollow of the hand.[ql
