Bible Word Index with Strong's Number

Language Tranliteration of original language words

handful 11_1KI_17_12 And she said (00559 +)amar ) , [ As ] the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) thy God (00430 +)elohiym ) liveth (02416 +chay ) , I have (03426 +yesh ) not a cake (04580 +ma(owg ) , but an {handful} of meal (07058 +qemach ) in a barrel (03537 +kad ) , and a little (04592 +m@(at ) oil (08081 +shemen ) in a cruse (06835 +tsappachath ):and , behold (02005 +hen ) , I [ am ] gathering (07197 +qashash ) two (08147 +sh@nayim ) sticks (06086 +(ets ) , that I may go (00935 +bow) ) in and dress (06213 +(asah ) it for me and my son (01121 +ben ) , that we may eat (00398 +)akal ) it , and die (04191 +muwth ) .

handful 21_ECC_04_06 Better (02896 +towb ) [ is ] an {handful} [ with ] quietness (05183 +Nachath ) , than both the hands (02651 +chophen ) full (04393 +m@lo) ) [ with ] travail (05999 +(amal ) and vexation (07469 +r@(uwth ) of spirit (07307 +ruwach ) .

handful 24_JER_09_22 Speak (01696 +dabar ) , Thus (03541 +koh ) saith (05002 +n@)um ) the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) , Even the carcases (05038 +n@belah ) of men (00120 +)adam ) shall fall (05307 +naphal ) as dung (01828 +domen ) upon the open (06440 +paniym ) field (07704 +sadeh ) , and as the {handful} (05995 +(amiyr ) after (00310 +)achar ) the harvestman (07114 +qatsar ) , and none (00369 +)ayin ) shall gather (00622 +)acaph ) [ them ] .

handful 03_LEV_02_02 And he shall bring (00935 +bow) ) it to Aaron s (00175 +)Aharown ) sons (01121 +ben ) the priests (03548 +kohen ) : and he shall take (07061 +qamats ) thereout (08033 +sham ) his {handful} of the flour (05560 +coleth ) thereof , and of the oil (08081 +shemen ) thereof , with all (03605 +kol ) the frankincense (03828 +l@bownah ) thereof ; and the priest (03548 +kohen ) shall burn (06999 +qatar ) the memorial (00234 +)azkarah ) of it upon the altar (04196 +mizbeach ) , [ to be ] an offering made by fire , of a sweet (05207 +nichowach ) savour (07381 +reyach ) unto the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) :

handful 03_LEV_05_12 Then shall he bring (00935 +bow) ) it to the priest (03548 +kohen ) , and the priest (03548 +kohen ) shall take (07061 +qamats ) his {handful} of it , [ even (00853 +)eth ) ] a memorial (00234 +)azkarah ) thereof , and burn (06999 +qatar ) [ it ] on the altar (04196 +mizbeach ) , according to the offerings made by fire unto the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) : it [ is ] a sin (02403 +chatta)ah ) offering .

handful 03_LEV_06_15 And he shall take (07311 +ruwm ) of it his {handful} (07062 +qomets ) , of the flour (05560 +coleth ) of the meat offering (04503 +minchah ) , and of the oil (08081 +shemen ) thereof , and all (03605 +kol ) the frankincense (03828 +l@bownah ) which (00834 +)aher ) [ is ] upon the meat offering (04503 +minchah ) , and shall burn (06999 +qatar ) [ it ] upon the altar (04196 +mizbeach ) [ for ] a sweet (05207 +nichowach ) savour (07381 +reyach ) , [ even ] the memorial (00234 +)azkarah ) of it , unto the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) .

handful 03_LEV_09_17 And he brought (07126 +qarab ) the meat offering (04503 +minchah ) , and took an {handful} thereof , and burnt (06999 +qatar ) [ it ] upon the altar (04196 +mizbeach ) , beside (00905 +bad ) the burnt (05930 +(olah ) sacrifice of the morning (01242 +boqer ) .

handful 04_NUM_05_26 And the priest (03548 +kohen ) shall take (07061 +qamats ) an {handful} (07061 +qamats ) of the offering (04503 +minchah ) , [ even ] the memorial (00234 +)azkarah ) thereof , and burn (06999 +qatar ) [ it ] upon the altar (04196 +mizbeach ) , and afterward (00310 +)achar ) shall cause the woman (00802 +)ishshah ) to drink (08248 +shaqah ) the water (04325 +mayim ) .

handful 19_PSA_72_16 There shall be an {handful} (06451 +piccah ) of corn (01250 +bar ) in the earth (00776 +)erets ) upon the top (07218 +ro)sh ) of the mountains (02022 +har ) ; the fruit (06529 +p@riy ) thereof shall shake (07493 +ra(ash ) like Lebanon (03844 +L@banown ):and [ they ] of the city (05892 +(iyr ) shall flourish (06692 +tsuwts ) like grass (06212 +(eseb ) of the earth (00776 +)erets ) .

handfuls 11_1KI_20_10 And Benhadad (01131 +Binnuwy ) sent (07971 +shalach ) unto him , and said (00559 +)amar ) , The gods (00430 +)elohiym ) do (06213 +(asah ) so (03541 +koh ) unto me , and more (03254 +yacaph ) also (03541 +koh ) , if the dust (06083 +(aphar ) of Samaria (08111 +Shom@rown ) shall suffice (05606 +caphaq ) for {handfuls} (08168 +sho(al ) for all (03605 +kol ) the people (05971 +(am ) that follow (07272 +regel ) me .

handfuls 02_EXO_09_08 . And the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) said (00559 +)amar ) unto Moses (04872 +Mosheh ) and unto Aaron (00175 +)Aharown ) , Take (03947 +laqach ) to you {handfuls} of ashes (06368 +piyach ) of the furnace (03536 +kibshan ) , and let Moses (04872 +Mosheh ) sprinkle (02236 +zaraq ) it toward the heaven (08064 +shamayim ) in the sight (05869 +(ayin ) of Pharaoh (06547 +Par(oh ) .

handfuls 26_EZE_13_19 And will ye pollute (02490 +chalal ) me among (00413 +)el ) my people (05971 +(am ) for {handfuls} (08168 +sho(al ) of barley (08184 +s@(orah ) and for pieces (06595 +path ) of bread (03899 +lechem ) , to slay (04191 +muwth ) the souls (05315 +nephesh ) that should not die (04191 +muwth ) , and to save (02421 +chayah ) the souls (05315 +nephesh ) alive (02421 +chayah ) that should not live (02421 +chayah ) , by your lying (03576 +kazab ) to my people (05971 +(am ) that hear (08085 +shama( ) [ your ] lies (03576 +kazab ) ?

handfuls 01_GEN_41_47 And in the seven (07651 +sheba( ) plenteous (07647 +saba( ) years (08141 +shaneh ) the earth (00776 +)erets ) brought (06213 +(asah ) forth (06213 +(asah ) by {handfuls} (07062 +qomets ) .

handfuls 08_RUT_02_16 And let fall (07997 +shalal ) also (01571 +gam ) [ some ] of the {handfuls} (06653 +tsebeth ) of purpose (07997 +shalal ) for her , and leave (05800 +(azab ) [ them ] , that she may glean (03950 +laqat ) [ them ] , and rebuke (01605 +ga(ar ) her not .

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