Bible Word Index with Strong's Number with the full text of each verse

Bible Word Index with Strong's Number with the full text of each verse
Abraham ^ 45_ROM_04_13 For <1063> the promise <1860>, that he should be <1511> (5750) the <0846> heir <2818> of the world <2889>, was not <3756> to {Abraham} <0011>, or <2228> to his <0846> seed <4690>, through <1223> the law <3551>, but <0235> through <1223> the righteousness <1343> of faith <4102>.

Abraham ^ 42_LUK_20_37 Now <1161> that <3754> the dead <3498> are raised <1453> (5743), even <2532> Moses <3475> shewed <3377> (5656) at <1909> the bush <0942>, when <5613> he calleth <3004> (5719) the Lord <2962> the God <2316> of {Abraham} <0011>, and <2532> the God <2316> of Isaac <2464>, and <2532> the God <2316> of Jacob <2384>.

Abraham ^ 43_JOH_08_58 Jesus <2424> said <2036> (5627) unto them <0846>, Verily <0281>, verily <0281>, I say <3004> (5719) unto you <5213>, Before <4250> {Abraham} <0011> was <1096> (5635), I <1473> am <1510> (5748).

Abraham ^ 42_LUK_01_55 As <2531> he spake <2980> (5656) to <4314> our <2257> fathers <3962>, to {Abraham} <0011>, and <2532> to his <0846> seed <4690> for <1519> ever <0165>.

Abraham ^ 45_ROM_04_01 What <5101> shall we say <2046> (5692) then <3767> that {Abraham} <0011> our <2257> father <3962>, as pertaining <2596> to the flesh <4561>, hath found <2147> (5760)?

Abraham ^ 45_ROM_04_02 For <1063> if <1487> {Abraham} <0011> were justified <1344> (5681) by <1537> works <2041>, he hath <2192> (5719) whereof to glory <2745>; but <0235> not <3756> before <4314> God <2316>.

Abraham ^ 45_ROM_04_03 For <1063> what <5101> saith <3004> (5719) the scripture <1124>? <1161> {Abraham} <0011> believed <4100> (5656) God <2316>, and <2532> it was counted <3049> (5681) unto him <0846> for <1519> righteousness <1343>.

Abraham ^ 45_ROM_11_01 I say <3004> (5719) then <3767>, <3361> Hath <0683> <0> God <2316> cast away <0683> (5662) his <0846> people <2992>? God forbid <3361> <1096> (5636). For <1063> I <1473> also <2532> am <1510> (5748) an Israelite <2475>, of <1537> the seed <4690> of {Abraham} <0011>, of the tribe <5443> of Benjamin <0958>.

Abraham ^ 40_MAT_03_09 And <2532> think <1380> (5661) not <3361> to say <3004> (5721) within <1722> yourselves <1438>, We have <2192> (5719) {Abraham} <0011> to our father <3962>: for <1063> I say <3004> (5719) unto you <5213>, that <3754> God <2316> is able <1410> (5736) of <1537> these <5130> stones <3037> to raise up <1453> (5658) children <5043> unto Abraham <0011>.

Abraham ^ 40_MAT_22_32 I <1473> am <1510> (5748) the God <2316> of {Abraham} <0011>, and <2532> the God <2316> of Isaac <2464>, and <2532> the God <2316> of Jacob <2384>? God <2316> is <2076> (5748) not <3756> the God <2316> of the dead <3498>, but <0235> of the living <2198> (5723).

Abraham ^ 45_ROM_04_09 Cometh this <3778> blessedness <3108> then <3767> upon <1909> the circumcision <4061> only, or <2228> upon <1909> the uncircumcision <0203> also <2532>? for <1063> we say <3004> (5719) that <3754> faith <4102> was reckoned <3049> (5681) to {Abraham} <0011> for <1519> righteousness <1343>.

Abraham ^ 45_ROM_04_12 And <2532> the father <3962> of circumcision <4061> to them who are not <3756> of <1537> the circumcision <4061> only <3440>, but <0235> who also <2532> walk <4748> (5723) in the steps <2487> of that faith <4102> of our <2257> father <3962> {Abraham} <0011>, which he had being <1722> yet uncircumcised <0203>.

Abraham ^ 58_HEB_07_05 And <2532> verily <3303> they that are of <1537> the sons <5207> of Levi <3017>, who <3588> receive <2983> (5723) the office of the priesthood <2405>, have <2192> (5719) a commandment <1785> to take tithes <0586> (5721) of the people <2992> according to <2596> the law <3551>, that is <5123> (5748), of their <0846> brethren <0080>, though <2539> they come <1831> (5761) out of <1537> the loins <3751> of {Abraham} <0011>:

Abraham ^ 43_JOH_08_40 But <1161> now <3568> ye seek <2212> (5719) to kill <0615> (5658) me <3165>, a man <0444> that <3739> hath told <2980> (5758) you <5213> the truth <0225>, which <3739> I have heard <0191> (5656) of <3844> God <2316>: this <5124> did <4160> (5656) not <3756> {Abraham} <0011>.

Abraham ^ 43_JOH_08_52 Then <3767> said <2036> (5627) the Jews <2453> unto him <0846>, Now <3568> we know <1097> (5758) that <3754> thou hast <2192> (5719) a devil <1140>. {Abraham} <0011> is dead <0599> (5627), and <2532> the prophets <4396>; and <2532> thou <4771> sayest <3004> (5719), If <1437> a man <5100> keep <5083> (5661) my <3450> saying <3056>, he shall <1089> <0> never <3364> <1519> <0165> taste <1089> (5695) of death <2288>.

Abraham ^ 43_JOH_08_53 Art <3361> <1488> (5748) thou <4771> greater than <3187> our <2257> father <3962> {Abraham} <0011>, which <3748> is dead <0599> (5627)? and <2532> the prophets <4396> are dead <0599> (5627): whom <5101> makest <4160> (5719) thou <4771> thyself <4572>?

Abraham ^ 43_JOH_08_56 Your <5216> father <3962> {Abraham} <0011> rejoiced <0021> (5662) to <2443> see <1492> (5632) my <1699> day <2250>: and <2532> he saw <1492> (5627) it, and <2532> was glad <5463> (5644).

Abraham ^ 43_JOH_08_57 Then <3767> said <2036> (5627) the Jews <2453> unto <4314> him <0846>, Thou art <2192> (5719) not yet <3768> fifty <4004> years old <2094>, and <2532> hast thou seen <3708> (5758) {Abraham} <0011>?

Abraham ^ 42_LUK_03_34 Which was the son of Jacob <2384>, which was the son of Isaac <2464>, which was the son of {Abraham} <0011>, which was the son of Thara <2291>, which was the son of Nachor <3493>,

Abraham ^ 42_LUK_13_16 And <1161> ought <1163> (5713) not <3756> this woman <5026>, being <5607> (5752) a daughter <2364> of {Abraham} <0011>, whom <3739> Satan <4567> hath bound <1210> (5656), lo <2400> (5628), these eighteen <1176> <2532> <3638> years <2094>, be loosed <3089> (5683) from <0575> this <5127> bond <1199> on the sabbath <4521> day <2250>?

Abraham ^ 42_LUK_19_09 And <1161> Jesus <2424> said <2036> (5627) unto <4314> him <0846>, <3754> This day <4594> is <1096> <0> salvation <4991> come <1096> (5633) to this <5129> house <3624>, forsomuch as <2530> he <0846> also <2532> is <2076> (5748) a son <5207> of {Abraham} <0011>.

Abraham ^ 40_MAT_01_01 The book <0976> of the generation <1078> of Jesus <2424> Christ <5547>, the son <5207> of David <1138>, the son <5207> of {Abraham} <0011>.

Abraham ^ 40_MAT_08_11 And <1161> I say <3004> (5719) unto you <5213>, That <3754> many <4183> shall come <2240> (5692) from <0575> the east <0395> and <2532> west <1424>, and <2532> shall sit down <0347> (5701) with <3326> {Abraham} <0011>, and <2532> Isaac <2464>, and <2532> Jacob <2384>, in <1722> the kingdom <0932> of heaven <3772>.

Abraham ^ 45_ROM_04_16 Therefore <1223> <5124> it is of <1537> faith <4102>, that <2443> it might be by <2596> grace <5485>; to the end <1519> the promise <1860> might be <1511> (5750) sure <0949> to all <3956> the seed <4690>; not <3756> to that only <3440> which is of <1537> the law <3551>, but <0235> to that also <2532> which is of <1537> the faith <4102> of {Abraham} <0011>; who <3739> is <2076> (5748) the father <3962> of us <2257> all <3956>,

Abraham ^ 45_ROM_09_07 Neither <3761>, because <3754> they are <1526> (5748) the seed <4690> of {Abraham} <0011>, are they all <3956> children <5043>: but <0235>, In <1722> Isaac <2464> shall <2564> <0> thy <4671> seed <4690> be called <2564> (5701).

Abraham ^ 42_LUK_16_30 And <1161> he said <2036> (5627), Nay <3780>, father <3962> {Abraham} <0011>: but <0235> if <1437> one <5100> went <4198> (5680) unto <4314> them <0846> from <0575> the dead <3498>, they will repent <3340> (5692).

Abraham ^ 41_MAR_12_26 And <1161> as touching <4012> the dead <3498>, that <3754> they rise <1453> (5743): have ye <0314> <0> not <3756> read <0314> (5627) in <1722> the book <0976> of Moses <3475>, how <5613> in <1909> the bush <0942> God <2316> spake <2036> (5627) unto him <0846>, saying <3004> (5723), I <1473> am the God <2316> of {Abraham} <0011>, and <2532> the God <2316> of Isaac <2464>, and <2532> the God <2316> of Jacob <2384>?

Abraham ^ 40_MAT_03_09 And <2532> think <1380> (5661) not <3361> to say <3004> (5721) within <1722> yourselves <1438>, We have <2192> (5719) Abraham <0011> to our father <3962>: for <1063> I say <3004> (5719) unto you <5213>, that <3754> God <2316> is able <1410> (5736) of <1537> these <5130> stones <3037> to raise up <1453> (5658) children <5043> unto {Abraham} <0011>.

Abraham ^ 40_MAT_01_17 So <3767> all <3956> the generations <1074> from <0575> {Abraham} <0011> to <2193> David <1138> are fourteen <1180> generations <1074>; and <2532> from <0575> David <1138> until <2193> the carrying away <3350> into Babylon <0897> are fourteen <1180> generations <1074>; and <2532> from <0575> the carrying away <3350> into Babylon <0897> unto <2193> Christ <5547> are fourteen <1180> generations <1074>.

Abraham ^ 42_LUK_16_25 But <1161> {Abraham} <0011> said <2036> (5627), Son <5043>, remember <3415> (5682) that <3754> thou <4771> in <1722> thy <4675> lifetime <2222> receivedst <0618> (5627) thy <4675> good things <0018>, and <2532> likewise <3668> Lazarus <2976> evil things <2556>: but <1161> now <3568> <3592> he is comforted <3870> (5743), and <1161> thou <4771> art tormented <3600> (5743).

Abraham ^ 43_JOH_08_39 They answered <0611> (5662) and <2532> said <2036> (5627) unto him <0846>, Abraham <0011> is <2076> (5748) our <2257> father <3962>. Jesus <2424> saith <3004> (5719) unto them <0846>, If <1487> ye were <2258> (5713) Abraham's <0011> children <5043>, ye would do <4160> (5707) <0302> the works <2041> of {Abraham} <0011>.

Abraham ^ 43_JOH_08_39 They answered <0611> (5662) and <2532> said <2036> (5627) unto him <0846>, {Abraham} <0011> is <2076> (5748) our <2257> father <3962>. Jesus <2424> saith <3004> (5719) unto them <0846>, If <1487> ye were <2258> (5713) Abraham's <0011> children <5043>, ye would do <4160> (5707) <0302> the works <2041> of Abraham <0011>.

Abraham ^ 42_LUK_01_73 The oath <3727> which <3739> he sware <3660> (5656) to <4314> our <2257> father <3962> {Abraham} <0011>,

Abraham ^ 42_LUK_03_08 Bring forth <4160> (5657) therefore <3767> fruits <2590> worthy <0514> of repentance <3341>, and <2532> begin <0756> (5672) not <3361> to say <3004> (5721) within <1722> yourselves <1438>, We have <2192> (5719) Abraham <0011> to our father <3962>: for <1063> I say <3004> (5719) unto you <5213>, That <3754> God <2316> is able <1410> (5736) of <1537> these <5130> stones <3037> to raise up <1453> (5658) children <5043> unto {Abraham} <0011>.

Abraham ^ 42_LUK_03_08 Bring forth <4160> (5657) therefore <3767> fruits <2590> worthy <0514> of repentance <3341>, and <2532> begin <0756> (5672) not <3361> to say <3004> (5721) within <1722> yourselves <1438>, We have <2192> (5719) {Abraham} <0011> to our father <3962>: for <1063> I say <3004> (5719) unto you <5213>, That <3754> God <2316> is able <1410> (5736) of <1537> these <5130> stones <3037> to raise up <1453> (5658) children <5043> unto Abraham <0011>.

Abraham ^ 42_LUK_13_28 There <1563> shall be <2071> (5704) weeping <2805> and <2532> gnashing <1030> of teeth <3599>, when <3752> ye shall see <3700> (5667) {Abraham} <0011>, and <2532> Isaac <2464>, and <2532> Jacob <2384>, and <2532> all <3956> the prophets <4396>, in <1722> the kingdom <0932> of God <2316>, and <1161> you <5209> yourselves thrust <1544> (5746) out <1854>.

Abraham ^ 42_LUK_16_29 {Abraham} <0011> saith <3004> (5719) unto him <0846>, They have <2192> (5719) Moses <3475> and <2532> the prophets <4396>; let them hear <0191> (5657) them <0846>.

Abraham ^ 42_LUK_16_24 And <2532> <0846> he cried <5455> (5660) and said <2036> (5627), Father <3962> {Abraham} <0011>, have mercy <1653> (5657) on me <3165>, and <2532> send <3992> (5657) Lazarus <2976>, that <2443> he may dip <0911> (5661) the tip <0206> of his <0846> finger <1147> in water <5204>, and <2532> cool <2711> (5661) my <3450> tongue <1100>; for <3754> I am tormented <3600> (5743) in <1722> this <5026> flame <5395>.

Abraham ^ 59_JAM_02_21 Was <1344> <0> not <3756> {Abraham} <0011> our <2257> father <3962> justified <1344> (5681) by <1537> works <2041>, when he had offered <0399> (5660) Isaac <2464> his <0846> son <5207> upon <1909> the altar <2379>?

Abraham ^ 40_MAT_01_02 {Abraham} <0011> begat <1080> (5656) Isaac <2464>; and <1161> Isaac <2464> begat <1080> (5656) Jacob <2384>; and <1161> Jacob <2384> begat <1080> (5656) Judas <2455> and <2532> his <0846> brethren <0080>;

Abraham ^ 42_LUK_16_23 And <2532> in <1722> hell <0086> he lift up <1869> (5660) his <0846> eyes <3788>, being <5225> (5723) in <1722> torments <0931>, and seeth <3708> (5719) {Abraham} <0011> afar <3113> off <0575>, and <2532> Lazarus <2976> in <1722> his <0846> bosom <2859>.

Abraham ^ 44_ACT_07_17 But <1161> when <2531> the time <5550> of the promise <1860> drew nigh <1448> (5707), which <3739> God <2316> had sworn <3660> (5656) to {Abraham} <0011>, the people <2992> grew <0837> (5656) and <2532> multiplied <4129> (5681) in <1722> Egypt <0125>,

Abraham ^ 44_ACT_07_32 Saying, I <1473> am the God <2316> of thy <4675> fathers <3962>, the God <2316> of {Abraham} <0011>, and <2532> the God <2316> of Isaac <2464>, and <2532> the God <2316> of Jacob <2384>. Then <1161> Moses <3475> trembled <1096> (5637) <1790>, and durst <5111> (5707) not <3756> behold <2657> (5658).

Abraham ^ 48_GAL_03_06 Even as <2531> {Abraham} <0011> believed <4100> (5656) God <2316>, and <2532> it was accounted <3049> (5681) to him <0846> for <1519> righteousness <1343>.

Abraham ^ 48_GAL_03_18 For <1063> if <1487> the inheritance <2817> be of <1537> the law <3551>, it is no more <3765> of <1537> promise <1860>: but <1161> God <2316> gave <5483> (5766) it to {Abraham} <0011> by <1223> promise <1860>.

Abraham ^ 48_GAL_04_22 For <1063> it is written <1125> (5769), that <3754> {Abraham} <0011> had <2192> (5627) two <1417> sons <5207>, the one <1520> by <1537> a bondmaid <3814>, <2532> the other <1520> by <1537> a freewoman <1658>.

Abraham ^ 48_GAL_03_16 Now <1161> to {Abraham} <0011> and <2532> his <0846> seed <4690> were <4483> <0> the promises <1860> made <4483> (5681). He saith <3004> (5719) not <3756>, And <2532> to seeds <4690>, as <5613> of <1909> many <4183>; but <0235> as <5613> of <1909> one <1520>, And <2532> to thy <4675> seed <4690>, which <3739> is <2076> (5748) Christ <5547>.

Abraham ^ 58_HEB_02_16 For <1063> verily <1222> he took <1949> <0> not <3756> on <1949> (5736) him the nature of angels <0032>; but <0235> he took on <1949> (5736) him the seed <4690> of {Abraham} <0011>.

Abraham ^ 58_HEB_07_02 To whom <3739> also <2532> {Abraham} <0011> gave <3307> (5656) a tenth part <1181> of <0575> all <3956>; first <4412> <3303> being by interpretation <2059> (5746) King <0935> of righteousness <1343>, and <1161> after that <1899> also <2532> King <0935> of Salem <4532>, which is <3603> (5748), King <0935> of peace <1515>;

Abraham ^ 58_HEB_07_04 Now <1161> consider <2334> (5719) how great <4080> this man <3778> was, unto whom <3739> even <2532> the patriarch <3966> {Abraham} <0011> gave <1325> (5656) the tenth <1181> of <1537> the spoils <0205>.

Abraham ^ 44_ACT_07_08 And <2532> he gave <1325> (5656) him <0846> the covenant <1242> of circumcision <4061>: and <2532> so <3779> {Abraham} begat <1080> (5656) Isaac <2464>, and <2532> circumcised <4059> (5627) him <0846> the eighth <3590> day <2250>; and <2532> Isaac <2464> begat Jacob <2384>; and <2532> Jacob <2384> begat the twelve <1427> patriarchs <3966>.

Abraham ^ 44_ACT_13_26 Men <0435> and brethren <0080>, children <5207> of the stock <1085> of {Abraham} <0011>, and <2532> whosoever among <1722> you <5213> feareth <5399> (5740) God <2316>, to you <5213> is <0649> <0> the word <3056> of this <5026> salvation <4991> sent <0649> (5648).

Abraham ^ 44_ACT_07_16 And <2532> were carried over <3346> (5681) into <1519> Sychem <4966>, and <2532> laid <5087> (5681) in <1722> the sepulchre <3418> that <3739> {Abraham} <0011> bought <5608> (5662) for a sum <5092> of money <0694> of <3844> the sons <5207> of Emmor <1697> the father <3588> of Sychem <4966>.

Abraham ^ 48_GAL_03_14 That <2443> the blessing <2129> of {Abraham} <0011> might come <1096> (5638) on <1519> the Gentiles <1484> through <1722> Jesus <2424> Christ <5547>; that <2443> we might receive <2983> (5632) the promise <1860> of the Spirit <4151> through <1223> faith <4102>.

Abraham ^ 44_ACT_07_02 And <1161> he said <5346> (5713), Men <0435>, brethren <0080>, and <2532> fathers <3962>, hearken <0191> (5657); The God <2316> of glory <1391> appeared <3700> (5681) unto our <2257> father <3962> {Abraham} <0011>, when he was <5607> (5752) in <1722> Mesopotamia <3318>, before <4250> <2228> he <0846> dwelt <2730> (5658) in <1722> Charran <5488>,

Abraham ^ 48_GAL_03_09 So then <5620> they which be of <1537> faith <4102> are blessed <2127> (5743) with <4862> faithful <4103> {Abraham} <0011>.

Abraham ^ 44_ACT_03_13 The God <2316> of {Abraham} <0011>, and <2532> of Isaac <2464>, and <2532> of Jacob <2384>, the God <2316> of our <2257> fathers <3962>, hath glorified <1392> (5656) his <0846> Son <3816> Jesus <2424>; whom <3739> ye <5210> delivered up <3860> (5656), and <2532> denied <0720> (5662) him <0846> in <2596> the presence <4383> of Pilate <4091>, when he was determined <2919> (5660) to let <0630> <0> him <1565> go <0630> (5721).

Abraham ^ 59_JAM_02_23 And <2532> the scripture <1124> was fulfilled <4137> (5681) which saith <3004> (5723), <1161> {Abraham} <0011> believed <4100> (5656) God <2316>, and <2532> it was imputed <3049> (5681) unto him <0846> for <1519> righteousness <1343>: and <2532> he was called <2564> (5681) the Friend <5384> of God <2316>.

Abraham ^ 58_HEB_11_17 By faith <4102> {Abraham} <0011>, when he was tried <3985> (5746), offered up <4374> (5754) Isaac <2464>: and <2532> he that had received <0324> (5666) the promises <1860> offered up <4374> (5707) his only begotten <3439> son,

Abraham ^ 44_ACT_03_25 Ye <5210> are <2075> (5748) the children <5207> of the prophets <4396>, and <2532> of the covenant <1242> which <3739> God <2316> made <1303> (5639) with <4314> our <2257> fathers <3962>, saying <3004> (5723) unto <4314> {Abraham} <0011>, And <2532> in thy <4675> seed <4690> shall <1757> <0> all <3956> the kindreds <3965> of the earth <1093> be blessed <1757> (5701).

Abraham ^ 58_HEB_06_13 For <1063> when God <2316> made promise <1861> (5666) to {Abraham} <0011>, because <1893> he could <2192> (5707) swear <3660> (5658) by <2596> no <3762> greater <3187>, he sware <3660> (5656) by <2596> himself <1438>,

Abraham ^ 58_HEB_07_01 For <1063> this <3778> Melchisedec <3198>, king <0935> of Salem <4532>, priest <2409> of the most high <5310> God <2316>, who <3588> met <4876> (5660) {Abraham} <0011> returning <5290> (5723) from <0575> the slaughter <2871> of the kings <0935>, and <2532> blessed <2127> (5660) him <0846>;

Abraham ^ 47_2CO_11_22 Are they <1526> (5748) Hebrews <1445>? so am I <2504>. Are they <1526> (5748) Israelites <2475>? so am I <2504>. Are they <1526> (5748) the seed <4690> of {Abraham} <0011>? so am I <2504>.

Abraham ^ 60_1PE_03_06 Even as <5613> Sara <4564> obeyed <5219> (5656) {Abraham} <0011>, calling <2564> (5723) him <0846> lord <2962>: whose <3739> daughters <5043> ye are <1096> (5675), as long as ye do well <0015> (5723), and <2532> are <5399> <0> not <3361> afraid <5399> (5740) with any <3367> amazement <4423>.

Abraham ^ 58_HEB_11_08 By faith <4102> {Abraham} <0011>, when he was called <2564> (5746) to go out <1831> (5629) into <1519> a place <5117> which <3739> he should after <3195> (5707) receive <2983> (5721) for <1519> an inheritance <2817>, obeyed <5219> (5656); and <2532> he went out <1831> (5627), not <3361> knowing <1987> (5740) whither <4226> he went <2064> (5736).

Abraham ^ 58_HEB_07_06 But <1161> he whose descent is <1075> <0> not <3361> counted <1075> (5746) from <1537> them <0846> received tithes <1183> (5758) of {Abraham} <0011>, and <2532> blessed <2127> (5758) him that had <2192> (5723) the promises <1860>.

Abraham ^ 58_HEB_07_09 And <2532> as <5613> I may so say <2031> <2036> (5629), Levi <3017> also <2532>, who <3588> receiveth <2983> (5723) tithes <1181>, payed tithes <1183> (5769) in <1223> {Abraham} <0011>.

Abraham ^ 48_GAL_03_08 And <1161> the scripture <1124>, foreseeing <4275> (5631) that <3754> God <2316> would justify <1344> (5719) the heathen <1484> through <1537> faith <4102>, preached before the gospel <4283> (5662) unto {Abraham} <0011>, saying, <3754> In <1722> thee <4671> shall <1757> <0> all <3956> nations <1484> be blessed <1757> (5701).

Abraham ^ 48_GAL_03_07 Know ye <1097> (5719) (5720) therefore <0686> that <3754> they which are of <1537> faith <4102>, the same <3778> are <1526> (5748) the children <5207> of {Abraham} <0011>.

Abraham's ^ 43_JOH_08_39 They answered <0611> (5662) and <2532> said <2036> (5627) unto him <0846>, Abraham <0011> is <2076> (5748) our <2257> father <3962>. Jesus <2424> saith <3004> (5719) unto them <0846>, If <1487> ye were <2258> (5713) {Abraham's} <0011> children <5043>, ye would do <4160> (5707) <0302> the works <2041> of Abraham <0011>.

Abraham's ^ 43_JOH_08_37 I know <1492> (5758) that <3754> ye are <2075> (5748) {Abraham's} <0011> seed <4690>; but <0235> ye seek <2212> (5719) to kill <0615> (5658) me <3165>, because <3754> my <1699> word <3056> hath <5562> <0> no <3756> place <5562> (5719) in <1722> you <5213>.

Abraham's ^ 42_LUK_16_22 And <1161> it came to pass <1096> (5633), that the beggar <4434> died <0599> (5629), and <2532> was carried <0667> (5683) by <5259> the angels <0032> into <1519> {Abraham's} <0011> bosom <2859>: the rich man <4145> also <1161> <2532> died <0599> (5627), and <2532> was buried <2290> (5648);

Abraham's ^ 43_JOH_08_33 They answered <0611> (5662) him <0846>, We be <2070> (5748) {Abraham's} <0011> seed <4690>, and <2532> were <1398> <0> never <4455> in bondage <1398> (5758) to any man <3762>: how <4459> sayest <3004> (5719) thou <4771>, <3754> Ye shall be made <1096> (5695) free <1658>?

Abraham's ^ 48_GAL_03_29 And <1161> if <1487> ye <5210> be Christ's <5547>, then <0686> are ye <2075> (5748) {Abraham's} <0011> seed <4690>, and <2532> heirs <2818> according <2596> to the promise <1860>.

ashamed ^ 60_1PE_03_16 Having <2192> (5723) a good <0018> conscience <4893>; that <2443>, whereas <1722> <3739> they speak evil <2635> (5725) of you <5216>, as <5613> of evildoers <2555>, they may be {ashamed} <2617> (5686) that falsely accuse <1908> (5723) your <5216> good <0018> conversation <0391> in <1722> Christ <5547>.

ashamed ^ 58_HEB_11_16 But <1161> now <3570> they desire <3713> (5734) a better <2909> country, that is <5123> (5748), an heavenly <2032>: wherefore <1352> God <2316> is <1870> <0> not <3756> {ashamed} <1870> (5736) <0846> to be called <1941> (5745) their <0846> God <2316>: for <1063> he hath prepared <2090> (5656) for them <0846> a city <4172>.

ashamed ^ 42_LUK_13_17 And <2532> when he <0846> had said <3004> (5723) these things <5023>, all <3956> his <0846> adversaries <0480> (5740) were {ashamed} <2617> (5712): and <2532> all <3956> the people <3793> rejoiced <5463> (5707) for <1909> all <3956> the glorious things <1741> that were done <1096> (5740) by <5259> him <0846>.

ashamed ^ 42_LUK_09_26 For <1063> whosoever <3739> <0302> shall be {ashamed} <1870> (5680) of me <3165> and <2532> of my <1699> words <3056>, of him <5126> shall <1870> <0> the Son <5207> of man <0444> be ashamed <1870> (5700), when <3752> he shall come <2064> (5632) in <1722> his own <0846> glory <1391>, and <2532> in his Father's <3962>, and <2532> of the holy <0040> angels <0032>.

ashamed ^ 62_1JO_02_28 And <2532> now <3568>, little children <5040>, abide <3306> (5720) in <1722> him <0846>; that <2443>, when <3752> he shall appear <5319> (5686), we may have <2192> (5725) confidence <3954>, and <2532> not <3361> be {ashamed} <0153> (5686) before <0575> him <0846> at <1722> his <0846> coming <3952>.

ashamed ^ 58_HEB_02_11 For <1063> both <5037> he that sanctifieth <0037> (5723) and <2532> they who are sanctified <0037> (5746) are all <3956> of <1537> one <1520>: for <1223> which <3739> cause <0156> he is <1870> <0> not <3756> {ashamed} <1870> (5736) to call <2564> (5721) them <0846> brethren <0080>,

ashamed ^ 47_2CO_07_14 For <3754> if I have boasted <2744> (5766) any thing <1536> to him <0846> of <5228> you <5216>, I am <2617> <0> not <3756> {ashamed} <2617> (5681); but <0235> as <5613> we spake <2980> (5656) all things <3956> to you <5213> in <1722> truth <0225>, even <2532> so <3779> our <2257> boasting <2746>, which <3588> I made before <1909> Titus <5103>, is found <1096> (5675) a truth <0225>.

ashamed ^ 42_LUK_09_26 For <1063> whosoever <3739> <0302> shall be ashamed <1870> (5680) of me <3165> and <2532> of my <1699> words <3056>, of him <5126> shall <1870> <0> the Son <5207> of man <0444> be {ashamed} <1870> (5700), when <3752> he shall come <2064> (5632) in <1722> his own <0846> glory <1391>, and <2532> in his Father's <3962>, and <2532> of the holy <0040> angels <0032>.

ashamed ^ 41_MAR_08_38 Whosoever <3739> <0302> therefore <1063> shall be {ashamed} <1870> (5680) of me <3165> and <2532> of my <1699> words <3056> in <1722> this <5026> adulterous <3428> and <2532> sinful <0268> generation <1074>; of him <0846> also <2532> shall <1870> <0> the Son <5207> of man <0444> be ashamed <1870> (5700), when <3752> he cometh <2064> (5632) in <1722> the glory <1391> of his <0846> Father <3962> with <3326> the holy <0040> angels <0032>.

ashamed ^ 55_2TI_01_16 The Lord <2962> give <1325> (5630) mercy <1656> unto the house <3624> of Onesiphorus <3683>; for <3754> he <0404> <0> oft <4178> refreshed <0404> (5656) me <3165>, and <2532> was <1870> <0> not <3756> {ashamed} <1870> (5681) of my <3450> chain <0254>:

ashamed ^ 55_2TI_02_15 Study <4704> (5657) to shew <3936> (5658) thyself <4572> approved <1384> unto God <2316>, a workman <2040> that needeth not to be {ashamed} <0422>, rightly dividing <3718> (5723) the word <3056> of truth <0225>.

ashamed ^ 50_PHP_01_20 According <2596> to my <3450> earnest expectation <0603> and <2532> my hope <1680>, that <3754> in <1722> nothing <3762> I shall be {ashamed} <0153> (5701), but <0235> that with <1722> all <3956> boldness <3954>, as <5613> always <3842>, so now <3568> also <2532> Christ <5547> shall be magnified <3170> (5701) in <1722> my <3450> body <4983>, whether <1535> it be by <1223> life <2222>, or <1535> by <1223> death <2288>.

ashamed ^ 55_2TI_01_12 For <1223> the which <3739> cause <0156> I <3958> <0> also <2532> suffer <3958> (5719) these things <5023>: nevertheless <0235> I am <1870> <0> not <3756> {ashamed} <1870> (5736): for <1063> I know <1492> (5758) whom <3739> I have believed <4100> (5758), and <2532> am persuaded <3982> (5769) that <3754> he is <2076> (5748) able <1415> to keep <5442> (5658) that which I <3450> have committed unto him <3866> against <1519> that <1565> day <2250>.

ashamed ^ 41_MAR_08_38 Whosoever <3739> <0302> therefore <1063> shall be ashamed <1870> (5680) of me <3165> and <2532> of my <1699> words <3056> in <1722> this <5026> adulterous <3428> and <2532> sinful <0268> generation <1074>; of him <0846> also <2532> shall <1870> <0> the Son <5207> of man <0444> be {ashamed} <1870> (5700), when <3752> he cometh <2064> (5632) in <1722> the glory <1391> of his <0846> Father <3962> with <3326> the holy <0040> angels <0032>.

ashamed ^ 45_ROM_01_16 For <1063> I am <1870> <0> not <3756> {ashamed} <1870> (5736) of the gospel <2098> of Christ <5547>: for <1063> it is <2076> (5748) the power <1411> of God <2316> unto <1519> salvation <4991> to every one <3956> that believeth <4100> (5723); to the Jew <2453> first <4412>, and <5037> also <2532> to the Greek <1672>.

ashamed ^ 47_2CO_09_04 Lest <3381> haply <4458> if <1437> they of Macedonia <3110> come <2064> (5632) with <4862> me <1698>, and <2532> find <2147> (5632) you <5209> unprepared <0532>, we <2249> (that <3363> <0> we say <3004> (5725) not <3363>, ye <5210>) should be {ashamed} <2617> (5686) in <1722> this same <5026> confident <5287> boasting <2746>.

ashamed ^ 47_2CO_10_08 For <1063> <2532> though <1437> <5037> I should boast <2744> (5667) somewhat <5100> more <4055> of <4012> our <2257> authority <1849>, which <3739> the Lord <2962> hath given <1325> (5656) us <2254> for <1519> edification <3619>, and <2532> not <3756> for <1519> your <5216> destruction <2506>, I should <0153> <0> not <3756> be {ashamed} <0153> (5701):

ashamed ^ 42_LUK_16_03 Then <1161> the steward <3623> said <2036> (5627) within <1722> himself <1438>, What <5101> shall I do <4160> (5661)? for <3754> my <3450> lord <2962> taketh away <0851> (5731) from <0575> me <1700> the stewardship <3622>: I cannot <3756> <2480> (5719) dig <4626> (5721); to beg <1871> (5721) I am {ashamed} <0153> (5727).

ashamed ^ 45_ROM_05_05 And <1161> hope <1680> maketh <2617> <0> not <3756> {ashamed} <2617> (5719); because <3754> the love <0026> of God <2316> is shed abroad <1632> (5769) in <1722> our <2257> hearts <2588> by <1223> the Holy <0040> Ghost <4151> which <3588> is given <1325> (5685) unto us <2254>.

ashamed ^ 45_ROM_06_21 What <5101> <3767> fruit <2590> had ye <2192> (5707) then <5119> in <1909> those things whereof <3739> ye are <1870> <0> now <3568> {ashamed} <1870> (5736)? for <1063> the end <5056> of those things <1565> is death <2288>.

ashamed ^ 45_ROM_09_33 As <2531> it is written <1125> (5769), Behold <2400> (5628), I lay <5087> (5719) in <1722> Sion <4622> a stumblingstone <3037> <4348> and <2532> rock <4073> of offence <4625>: and <2532> whosoever <3956> believeth <4100> (5723) on <1909> him <0846> shall <2617> <0> not <3756> be {ashamed} <2617> (5701).

ashamed ^ 45_ROM_10_11 For <1063> the scripture <1124> saith <3004> (5719), Whosoever <3956> believeth <4100> (5723) on <1909> him <0846> shall <2617> <0> not <3756> be {ashamed} <2617> (5701).

ashamed ^ 60_1PE_04_16 Yet <1161> if <1487> any man suffer as <5613> a Christian <5546>, let him <0153> <0> not <3361> be {ashamed} <0153> (5744); but <1161> let him glorify <1392> (5720) God <2316> on <1722> this <5129> behalf <3313>.

ashamed ^ 53_2TH_03_14 And <1161> if any man <1536> obey <5219> (5719) not <3756> our <2257> word <3056> by <1223> this epistle <1992>, note <4593> (5732) that <5126> man, and <2532> have <4874> <0> no <3361> company with <4874> (5732) him <0846>, that <2443> he may be {ashamed} <1788> (5652).

ashamed ^ 55_2TI_01_08 Be <1870> <0> not <3361> thou <1870> <0> therefore <3767> {ashamed} <1870> (5680) of the testimony <3142> of our <2257> Lord <2962>, nor <3366> of me <1691> his <0846> prisoner <1198>: but <0235> be thou partaker of the afflictions <4777> (5657) of the gospel <2098> according to <2596> the power <1411> of God <2316>;

ashamed ^ 56_TIT_02_08 Sound <5199> speech <3056>, that cannot be condemned <0176>; that <2443> he that is of <1537> the contrary part <1727> may be {ashamed} <1788> (5652), having <2192> (5723) no <3367> <0> evil <5337> thing <3367> to say <3004> (5721) of <4012> you <5216>.

bridechamber ^ 41_MAR_02_19 And <2532> Jesus <2424> said <2036> (5627) unto them <0846>, <3361> Can <1410> (5736) the children <5207> of the {bridechamber} <3567> fast <3522> (5721), while <1722> <3739> the bridegroom <3566> is <2076> (5748) with <3326> them <0846>? as long as <3745> <5550> they have <2192> (5719) the bridegroom <3566> with <3326> them <1438>, they cannot <3756> <1410> (5736) fast <3522> (5721).

bridechamber ^ 42_LUK_05_34 And <1161> he said <2036> (5627) unto <4314> them <0846>, <3361> Can ye <1410> (5736) make <4160> (5658) the children <5207> of the {bridechamber} <3567> fast <3522> (5721), while <3739> <1722> the bridegroom <3566> is <2076> (5748) with <3326> them <0846>?

bridechamber ^ 40_MAT_09_15 And <2532> Jesus <2424> said <2036> (5627) unto them <0846>, Can <3361> <1410> (5736) the children <5207> of the {bridechamber} <3567> mourn <3996> (5721), as long as <1909> <3745> the bridegroom <3566> is <2076> (5748) with <3326> them <0846>? but <1161> the days <2250> will come <2064> (5695), when <3752> the bridegroom <3566> shall be taken <0522> (5686) from <0575> them <0846>, and <2532> then <5119> shall they fast <3522> (5692).

chamber ^ 44_ACT_20_08 And <1161> there were <2258> (5713) many <2425> lights <2985> in <1722> the upper {chamber} <5253>, where <3757> they were <2258> (5713) gathered together <4863> (5772).

chamber ^ 44_ACT_09_37 And <1161> it came to pass <1096> (5633) in <1722> those <1565> days <2250>, that she was sick <0770> (5660), and died <0599> (5629): whom when <1161> they <0846> had washed <3068> (5660) <0846>, they laid <5087> (5656) her in <1722> an upper {chamber} <5253>.

chamber ^ 44_ACT_09_39 Then <1161> Peter <4074> arose <0450> (5631) and went with <4905> (5627) them <0846>. When he <3739> was come <3854> (5637), they brought him <0321> (5627) into <1519> the upper {chamber} <5253>: and <2532> all <3956> the widows <5503> stood by <3936> (5656) him <0846> weeping <2799> (5723), and <2532> shewing <1925> (5734) the coats <5509> and <2532> garments <2440> which <3745> Dorcas <1393> made <4160> (5707), while she was <5607> (5752) with <3326> them <0846>.

chambering ^ 45_ROM_13_13 Let us walk <4043> (5661) honestly <2156>, as <5613> in <1722> the day <2250>; not <3361> in rioting <2970> and <2532> drunkenness <3178>, not <3361> in {chambering} <2845> and <2532> wantonness <0766>, not <3361> in strife <2054> and <2532> envying <2205>.

chamberlain ^ 45_ROM_16_23 Gaius <1050> mine <3450> host <3581>, and <2532> of the whole <3650> church <1577>, saluteth <0782> (5736) you <5209>. Erastus <2037> the {chamberlain} <3623> of the city <4172> saluteth <0782> (5736) you <5209>, and <2532> Quartus <2890> a brother <0080>.

chamberlain ^ 44_ACT_12_20 And <1161> Herod <2264> was <2258> (5713) highly displeased <2371> (5723) with them of Tyre <5183> and <2532> Sidon <4606>: but <1161> they came <3918> (5713) with one accord <3661> to <4314> him <0846>, and <2532>, having made <3982> <0> Blastus <0986> the king's <0935> {chamberlain} <1909> <2846> their friend <3982> (5660), desired <0154> (5710) peace <1515>; because <1223> their <0846> country <5561> was nourished <5142> (5745) by <0575> the king's <0937> country.

chambers ^ 40_MAT_24_26 Wherefore <3767> if <1437> they shall say <2036> (5632) unto you <5213>, Behold <2400> (5628), he is <2076> (5748) in <1722> the desert <2048>; go <1831> <0> not <3361> forth <1831> (5632): behold <2400> (5628), he is in <1722> the secret {chambers} <5009>; believe <4100> (5661) it not <3361>.

guestchamber ^ 41_MAR_14_14 And <2532> wheresoever <3699> <1437> he shall go in <1525> (5632), say ye <2036> (5628) to the goodman of the house <3617>, <3754> The Master <1320> saith <3004> (5719), Where <4226> is <2076> (5748) the {guestchamber} <2646>, where <3699> I shall eat <5315> (5632) the passover <3957> with <3326> my <3450> disciples <3101>?

guestchamber ^ 42_LUK_22_11 And <2532> ye shall say <2046> (5692) unto the goodman <3617> of the house <3614>, The Master <1320> saith <3004> (5719) unto thee <4671>, Where <4226> is <2076> (5748) the {guestchamber} <2646>, where <3699> I shall eat <5315> (5632) the passover <3957> with <3326> my <3450> disciples <3101>?

Joatham ^ 40_MAT_01_09 And <1161> Ozias <3604> begat <1080> (5656) {Joatham} <2488>; and <1161> Joatham <2488> begat <1080> (5656) Achaz <0881>; and <1161> Achaz <0881> begat <1080> (5656) Ezekias <1478>;

Joatham ^ 40_MAT_01_09 And <1161> Ozias <3604> begat <1080> (5656) Joatham <2488>; and <1161> {Joatham} <2488> begat <1080> (5656) Achaz <0881>; and <1161> Achaz <0881> begat <1080> (5656) Ezekias <1478>;

shambles ^ 46_1CO_10_25 Whatsoever <3956> is sold <4453> (5746) in <1722> the {shambles} <3111>, that eat <2068> (5720), asking <0350> <0> no <3367> question <0350> (5723) for <1223> <0> conscience <4893> sake <1223>:

shame ^ 46_1CO_06_05 I speak <3004> (5719) to <4314> your <5213> {shame} <1791>. Is it so <3779>, that there <2076> (5748) is not <3756> a wise man <4680> among <1722> you <5213>? no, not <3761> one <1520> that <3739> shall be able <1410> (5695) to judge <1252> (5658) between <0303> <3319> his <0846> brethren <0080>?

shame ^ 46_1CO_11_06 For <1063> if <1487> the woman <1135> be <2619> <0> not <3756> covered <2619> (5743), let her <2751> <0> also <2532> be shorn <2751> (5669): but <1161> if <1487> it be a {shame} <0149> for a woman <1135> to be shorn <2751> (5670) or <2228> shaven <3587> (5745), let her be covered <2619> (5744).

shame ^ 46_1CO_11_14 Doth <2228> not even <3761> nature <5449> itself <0846> teach <1321> (5719) you <5209>, that <3754>, if <1437> <3303> a man <0435> have long hair <2863> (5725), it is <2076> (5748) a {shame} <0819> unto him <0846>?

shame ^ 46_1CO_11_22 What <1063>? have ye <2192> (5719) not <3378> houses <3614> to eat <2068> (5721) and <2532> to drink <4095> (5721) in <1519>? or <2228> despise ye <2706> (5719) the church <1577> of God <2316>, and <2532> {shame} <2617> (5719) them that have <2192> (5723) not <3361>? What <5101> shall I say <2036> (5632) to you <5213>? shall I praise <1867> (5661) you <5209> in <1722> this <5129>? I praise <1867> (5719) you not <3756>.

shame ^ 46_1CO_14_35 And <1161> if <1487> they will <2309> (5719) learn <3129> (5629) any thing <5100>, let them ask <1905> (5720) their <2398> husbands <0435> at <1722> home <3624>: for <1063> it is <2076> (5748) a {shame} <0149> for women <1135> to speak <2980> (5721) in <1722> the church <1577>.

shame ^ 46_1CO_15_34 Awake <1594> (5657) to righteousness <1346>, and <2532> sin <0264> (5720) not <3361>; for <1063> some <5100> have <2192> (5719) not the knowledge <0056> of God <2316>: I speak <3004> (5719) this to <4314> your <5213> {shame} <1791>.

shame ^ 46_1CO_04_14 I write <1125> (5719) not <3756> these things <5023> to {shame} <1788> (5723) you <5209>, but <0235> as <5613> my <3450> beloved <0027> sons <5043> I warn <3560> (5719) you.

shame ^ 44_ACT_05_41 And <3767> they departed <4198> (5711) <3303> from <0575> the presence <4383> of the council <4892>, rejoicing <5463> (5723) that <3754> they were counted worthy <2661> (5681) to suffer {shame} <0818> (5683) for <5228> his <0846> name <3686>.

shame ^ 49_EPH_05_12 For <1063> it is <2076> (5748) a {shame} <0149> even <2532> to speak <3004> (5721) of those things <2931> <0> which are done <1096> (5740) of <5259> them <0846> in secret <2931>.

shame ^ 58_HEB_06_06 If <2532> they shall fall away <3895> (5631), to renew them <0340> (5721) again <3825> unto <1519> repentance <3341>; seeing they crucify <0388> <0> to themselves <1438> the Son <5207> of God <2316> afresh <0388> (5723), and <2532> put him to an open {shame} <3856> (5723).

shame ^ 58_HEB_12_02 Looking <0872> (5723) unto <1519> Jesus <2424> the author <0747> and <2532> finisher <5051> of our faith <4102>; who <3739> for <0473> the joy <5479> that was set before <4295> (5740) him <0846> endured <5278> (5656) the cross <4716>, despising <2706> (5660) the {shame} <0152>, and <5037> is set down <2523> (5656) at <1722> the right hand <1188> of the throne <2362> of God <2316>.

shame ^ 65_JDE_01_13 Raging <0066> waves <2949> of the sea <2281>, foaming out <1890> (5723) their own <1438> {shame} <0152>; wandering <4107> stars <0792>, to whom <3739> is reserved <5083> (5769) the blackness <2217> of darkness <4655> for <1519> ever <0165>.

shame ^ 42_LUK_14_09 And <2532> he that bade <2564> (5660) thee <4571> and <2532> him <0846> come <2064> (5631) and say <2046> (5692) to thee <4671>, Give <1325> (5628) this man <5129> place <5117>; and <2532> <5119> thou begin <0756> (5672) with <3326> {shame} <0152> to take <2722> (5721) the lowest <2078> room <5117>.

shame ^ 50_PHP_03_19 Whose <3739> end <5056> is destruction <0684>, whose <3739> God <2316> is their belly <2836>, and <2532> whose glory <1391> is in <1722> their <0846> {shame} <0152>, who <3588> mind <5426> (5723) earthly things <1919>.)

shame ^ 66_REV_16_15 Behold <2400> (5628), I come <2064> (5736) as <5613> a thief <2812>. Blessed <3107> is he that watcheth <1127> (5723), and <2532> keepeth <5083> (5723) his <0846> garments <2440>, lest <3363> he walk <4043> (5725) naked <1131>, and <2532> they see <0991> (5725) his <0846> {shame} <0808>.

shame ^ 66_REV_03_18 I counsel <4823> (5719) thee <4671> to buy <0059> (5658) of <3844> me <1700> gold <5553> tried <4448> (5772) in <1537> the fire <4442>, that <2443> thou mayest be rich <4147> (5661); and <2532> white <3022> raiment <2440>, that <2443> thou mayest be clothed <4016> (5643), and <2532> that the {shame} <0152> of thy <4675> nakedness <1132> do <5319> <0> not <3361> appear <5319> (5686); and <2532> anoint <1472> (5657) thine <4675> eyes <3788> with eyesalve <2854>, that <2443> thou mayest see <0991> (5725).

shamefacedness ^ 54_1TI_02_09 In like manner <5615> also <2532>, that women <1135> adorn <2885> (5721) themselves <1438> in <1722> modest <2887> apparel <2689>, with <3326> {shamefacedness} <0127> and <2532> sobriety <4997>; not <3361> with <1722> broided hair <4117>, or <2228> gold <5557>, or <2228> pearls <3135>, or <2228> costly <4185> array <2441>;

shamefully ^ 41_MAR_12_04 And <2532> again <3825> he sent <0649> (5656) unto <4314> them <0846> another <0243> servant <1401>; and at him <2548> they cast stones <3036> (5660), and wounded him in the head <2775> (5656), and <2532> sent him away <0649> (5656) {shamefully} handled <0821> (5772).

shamefully ^ 42_LUK_20_11 And <2532> again <4369> (5639) he sent <3992> (5658) another <2087> servant <1401>: and <1161> they beat <1194> (5660) him also <2548>, and <2532> entreated him {shamefully} <0818> (5660), and sent him away <1821> (5656) empty <2756>.

shamefully ^ 52_1TH_02_02 But <0235> even <2532> after that we had suffered before <4310> (5631), and <2532> were {shamefully} entreated <5195> (5685), as <2531> ye know <1492> (5758), at <1722> Philippi <5375>, we were bold <3955> (5662) in <1722> our <2257> God <2316> to speak <2980> (5658) unto <4314> you <5209> the gospel <2098> of God <2316> with <1722> much <4183> contention <0073>.

Thamar ^ 40_MAT_01_03 And <1161> Judas <2455> begat <1080> (5656) Phares <5329> and <2532> Zara <2196> of <1537> {Thamar} <2283>; and <1161> Phares <5329> begat <1080> (5656) Esrom <2074>; and <1161> Esrom <2074> begat <1080> (5656) Aram <0689>;